Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1892: Frightened

Under the understanding, Yi Tianyun generally knows the detailed distribution, especially the situation of the killing of the gods.

There are a lot of killings of the gods, and there are nearly a hundred! This means that there are nearly a hundred star masters. I have to say that this is a very strong team. It’s just ironic, it’s still composed of lower-level practitioners.

The power of this team, in the entire ancestral ancestral land, is a existence that cannot be ignored. Even stronger than the average team! It can be said that in the ancestral ancestral land, that is the existence of one of the best.

It is especially embarrassing here, especially after knowing the truth.

This news, Yi Tianyun did not block, but allowed to spread. Moreover, he can't stop the spread of the news, unless the entire Star City is sealed, otherwise the news will definitely spread.

Local practitioners have something similar to communication, and they can communicate the past and let the outside world know the situation. Yi Tianyun, they can be known so quickly, their communication has a lot of credit.

After the news came out, it was a shock to all areas of the celestial ancestral land. They did not expect the most powerful massacre of the gods, but they were composed of lower-level practitioners. This is something they can't imagine, and it will be composed of lower-level practitioners!

This is not the point, the biggest focus is Yi Tianyun, a practitioner of the unique star law. Even with the ability to break the mark of slavery, even the slave seal of the gods was destroyed!

After the news came back, it was the place that really caused the celestial ancestors to vibrate. Especially the internal high-level, even more shocked, they suddenly panic.

They have never been so flustered, including the demon elders.

"What is going on, he can break the seal of slaves!?" The elders of the demon have always been stunned. Even if several elders died, he did not care. This kind of thing made him really shocked.

He almost bounced off his chair and was full of shock.

"Yes, yes, according to the news, this son can break the slave seal. All the slaves in the mine were destroyed by him, including the sentigmentation of the gods, all of which were destroyed by the slaves... ”

The elders who sue in the following are full of shocks, and it is really impossible to imagine that this will be the result. Everything is too sudden, too unexpected, and there will be such existence.

"The key is why he broke the slave mark, and we provoked him anything!" The elders of the demon are extremely angry, let him think about it, and did not expect any big problems.

He searched carefully about what forces he had recently provoked. When you think about it, there is only one dead enemy. This mortal enemy is the ancestral home!

"Is it really sent by the gods and ancestors?" The elders below said weakly.

"What is God's ancestral land... No matter which power is sent, this matter has already jeopardized the foundation of our celestial ancestral land!" Demon Yuan elders sighed: "I will contact Tianji Xingjun now, let the celestial pole Star Jun is back!"

"As for you, all out! Be sure to kill this guy, never leave a little power!"

The voice of the elders of the demon is cold to the extreme, and this scourge must not be preserved. They can imagine that, in the case of continuing to let Yi Tianyun act, what will happen to the celestial ancestors!

"Yes!" All the elders shouted in unison, and their eyes were full of fierce killings.

Yi Tianyun changed from the existence of a much-loved existence to the existence of all wanted! Now even the Tianji Xingjun is in charge, and the result must be extremely serious.

This star is a star, but he is a star. In the lower bound, there is also the name of the star. But the gap between the two is not a level, and even the mud and mud are not counted.

This is like the truth of the Emperor, and is called the Emperor in the lower world. It doesn't match at all here! The same is true of the Star Jun, also known as the Star Jun, the meaning is completely different.

Some repairs are called the same, but here is a new definition! In the end, those titles that are cultivated are nothing more than self-definition of the lower-level practitioners, and they have the meaning of chaos, thinking that they are the strongest.

Especially the emperor! The lower boundary of the district, also dare to call the emperor?

When the practitioners in the ancestral land knew this situation, they felt extremely disdainful, and they all reported the idea of ​​"so garbage, and dare to call the emperor?"

It is not a general existence to call the emperor here. Lian Xingjun himself does not dare to call the emperor.

The emperor is a more powerful being.


At this time, the guards rushed in from the outside, and all the eyes gathered on him, like a needle.

He quickly squatted on the ground and bowed his head and said: "Feng, Feng Tiancheng fell, all slaves were liberated, and the city owner was killed..."

"so fast!?"

Many elders were taken aback. They had just received the news not long before the other party had an action? If there is action, then it will fall soon, and it will be too fast.

"Feng Tiancheng has more than half of the slaves. If it is liberated, it will indeed fall into the fastest..." Some elders immediately knew why they fell so quickly. Everything is because there are too many slaves!

"It seems that they are now targeting the most slaves. They are going to liberate there. The next area should be Luoyuncheng. There are also many slaves there..."

"Report, newspaper!!"

Another guard was rushing out from the outside and shouting at the ground and shouting: "The city of Luoyun has fallen and the city owner has been killed!"


They are stunned again. Isn’t this just about destroying Fengtiancheng? How come it’s the turn of Yuncheng? Is the distance between the two a bit far?

This is not over yet, but a guard rushed in and shouted: "Ding Yucheng, you fell!! The city owner was killed..."

This will work hard, so fall quickly, is it a bit too fast?

"What is going on here, these cities are even connected, but the distance between them is relatively far, why is it so fast?"

Many elders are shocked, and a guess comes from their hearts - Yi Tianyun is not alone, certainly a strong helper! It is only the case of the liberation of the slave seal. It is reasonable to say that only Yi Tianyun can solve it.

"Is there anyone else who can lift the imprint of slavery?"

Many elders feel creepy, fearing that there is only this possibility. If not, how could it be so fast to solve slaves in other cities?

"It should be, it must be the thing that God's ancestors did!" The other elders were angry, but more and more flustered. "This thing, if you don't hurry, our ancestors are afraid..."

They have never thought of things, fearing that they will be realized - the celestial ancestors will perish!

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