Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1893: Surrounded

The speculations of many elders in the ancestral ancestors are naturally not overlapping. What are the gods and ancestors, these are more talks. The gods and ancestors can be said to be lying and being shackled. They are afraid that they do not know that they have been misunderstood.

On the helper, Yi Tianyun does not have any helper. If he says helper, it is the killing of the gods. With a few players who slaughtered the gods, they carried out crazy transmissions.

Under the rapid transfer back and forth, it is natural to quickly eliminate the effects of enemy cities. For example, Ding Yucheng is actually on the other side of the city. The Star City is located between Ding Yucheng and Luoyun City, for the elders of the celestial ancestral land.

If you go to Yuncheng first, then go to Dingshuo City, the distance is quite far away, certainly not so easy to pass.

Yi Tianyun is directly fixed in the Star City, after the fall of the city, then to destroy Ding Yucheng. From the near to the far, there is a transmission of God stone to help, the speed is still amazing.

In particular, he does not need to bring too much force, just need to kill the past, let the members of the killing the gods suppress the major city owners, or protect the law for him. It is enough for Yi Tianyun to continually liberate the slave seal. In every city, there are some powerful slaves.

As long as they are freed, the city becomes vulnerable immediately and can be easily broken!

In the end, the ability to capture the city so quickly, the share of slaves accounted for a large number. To blame can only blame, the celestial ancestral land is too trusting the slave imprint. In fact, the slave imprint is really worthy of credibility, and it is difficult to break it, especially in the case of so many.

Can lift one, and thousands of people are waiting to be lifted. After all the lifting, I don’t know the Year of the Monkey.

Now there is a wonderful existence, Yi Tianyun has been lifted, and even the entire city can be covered. This is the benefit of breaking through to the Master of Stars, and there is no need to break through to the mid-term repairs. It is enough to cover the entire city in the early stage.

Master Star's repairs are so powerful, millions of miles can be easily covered, and even cover it!

It's not easy to defeat these cities with ease, and at the same time get a large number of practitioners. Perhaps they can't talk about absolute loyalty, but the purpose is the same, that is, to overthrow the celestial ancestral land!

There are very few of them, and the heart is still in a state of being able to live a day, and has not chosen to resist the ancestral ancestral land. They are used to slavery and will not resist.

This is always a minority, and most of them have anger that cannot be extinguished. Therefore, they all choose to follow Yi Tianyun in a battle, and die to the end, they must destroy this great ancestral land!

For this reason, Yi Tianyun’s support is extremely high. If it is not that their anger is not extinguished, it is really difficult to screw up. It is not easy to solve it by relying on a small group of people.

"No matter which power, the focus now is to get rid of the kid. I don't want the celestial star to come back when I found out that the matter has not been solved. If he personally solves it, the consequences will be very serious." The elders looked at them coldly.

"Yes, yes! This must be done!"

They nodded quickly and did not dare to be sloppy.

Immediately they turned and left, went to kill Yi Tianyun. The elders of the demon are also not idle, but turned to a secret room, where there is a messaging point, and it is also an emergency notification point.

He came to this communication point, took out a token and pressed it up, and began to communicate.

After a while, he frowned. "It’s strange that he can’t contact the celestial star, isn’t the scope of the contact too far?”

After he tried a few more times, he gave up trying.

"It seems that there is no way to contact, and I can only rely on myself." Demon Yuan elders are dignified: "If they still can't, they can only mobilize that power..."

The elders of the demon Yuan turned and left, followed the other elders and left, and went to the area where Yi Tianyun was.

This incident caused all the elders to be dispatched. It must be said that Yi Tianyun’s move really made them feel scared and could only solve it at a very fast speed. It should be said that they can't be slow at all, and they continue to slow down. I don't know how many cities have fallen.

Before Yi Tianyun killed so many practitioners, they did not take it very seriously. They all felt that they were sent out by one or two strong people. Now they feel that they are wrong, let alone one or two, and have to send all out.

Yi Tianyun is also rapidly expanding, and one city quickly falls. He also kills many city owners. They are all slamming, and no extra force is needed.

"Almost, there should be all the strong guys out there..."

What Yi Tianyun wants is this kind of effect. I thought that I could attract a lot of elders. Who knows that he overestimates his situation. The other party is not particularly concerned about him.

It must be different now, if it is not in the heart, it is that they are looking for death!

“This city is a bit interesting...”

When Yi Tianyun came to one of the cities, he paused outside and looked at the city with a smile.

"Tianyun adults, what's wrong?" A group of strong people behind them, I do not know why Yi Tianyun suddenly stopped, let them feel puzzled.

"You are waiting for me here. Someone wants to entertain me." Yi Tianyun flew past and just approached the city.

Suddenly, the high seal was erected around, not only to cover the whole city, but even the large open space outside was covered by it.

"I know this guy, I will definitely come to Yucheng? There are so many slaves in Yucheng, I will definitely come over!" Fan Yuan, the elders flew out, looked at Yi Tianyun coldly, sneered: "This will He stepped into our blockade, and even though there was a unique star law, there was no way to escape!"

"It doesn't mean that we have been setting up for so long. I thought it was very smart, but it was really ridiculous to come over from the net." Uncle Yufan flew out with a smile, and he was confident in all of this.

"The little boy of the gods, I don't know how you can get rid of the slave imprint, but everything is here! Wait until you solve it, and then solve your ancestors!"

Another elder stood up again, and one of their elders gathered here, waiting for Yi Tianyun to come over. As long as you continue to capture the city, you will definitely come here.

There was no problem with all the layouts, and Yi Tianyun really came in.

“The gods and ancestors?” Yi Tianyun shook his head and said: “I don’t know what God’s ancestors are.”

"Don't argue, you must be the ancestors! No matter how you lie, it doesn't make sense!" said the sailor Elder, coldly said: "Wait, you have to pay the price!"

Yi Tianyun shook his head. It seems that this group of idiots is a person who thinks he is a godland.

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