Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1897: Three patron saints

"Guardian God?"

Yi Tianyun's gaze, he knows that the ancestral ancestral land is definitely more than this ability, it must have a foundation of existence, otherwise how could it exist for so long.

Along with the bang, the ground began to crack a huge gap, and a dark hand climbed up from below. The breath of death gushed out from the cracks in the ground and spread out like it came from the depths of hell.

Immediately, a strong person who was sealed in the depths of the ground climbed out from the depths of the earth. They are the patron saints of the celestial ancestors, saying that the ugly point is a group of losers, and they are sealed in the ground.

Once it appears, it’s basically no half life. They can't appear too many times, and if they appear several times in a row, it really needs to be turned into dust. Or once it appears, if it breaks out its full force, it will surely perish!

These patron saints are breakthrough failures, causing their bodies to present a state of inhumanity, ghosts and ghosts. The body is full of the breath of death, and even the repairs are reduced to the late master of the Star.

They should want to break from the star to the higher level, and fail. This is similar to the previous robbery. There is also a failure. Once it fails, the reservation is better and it can survive.

In the case of energy storage, the previous power can still be saved. It is only as time goes by, the power will gradually weaken, and the repair will continue to decline, eventually falling to the master of the star.

In the end, it is a group of people who will die, and they will continue to suffer. In this life, I am afraid that it is difficult to be born again. Unless there is a more powerful person who comes back to help, it seems impossible now.

Despite this, they were all mastered at the level of the Star Jun, but now they are all reduced to the later level of the Master of Stars. Although the cultivation is reduced, the realm is still there, and the powerful realm of power is not a display.

"Who is going to commit my ancestors!"

A guardian **** climbed up from the ground, and the number was small, only three. On behalf of the celestial ancestors, there have been three stars, who knows that the results have failed.

Their appearance, the dead air is pervading around. They are naturally not buried in this area, but they have just moved to this side in an instant, and they can easily transfer with their ability.

After the appearance, the horrible death was shrouded in the surrounding area, and some practitioners who had no time to escape were quickly drained from their vitality when they were contaminated by these dead air.

When he escaped slowly, he was immediately drawn into a corpse and stumbled to the ground and could not move. Death is not dead, that is, there is a dead body, if someone comes to rescue, still can live.

They only extract vitality, not soul, so they don't need to worry about dying. If it is not saved for a long time, it will cause permanent trauma to them.

"Yes, it is the patron saint, who is Lingyun Xingjun, the patron saint long ago..."

"The one is Ning Xu Xingjun, the legendary very powerful patron saint, with the celestial ancestral land to fight the Quartet..."

"There is another one who is Yulong Xingjun, who seems to have a dragon's bloodline. It is very powerful. In the face of several stars, you can easily leave!"

When they see these patrons, they can recognize who they are. They are all very famous Star Junqiangs in the history of the celestial ancestors. As long as they are not very young, they can easily recognize them.

I didn't expect them to climb out of the ground all at once. It seems that Yi Tianyun is enough to threaten the existence of the celestial ancestral land.

"With them, they can definitely kill the kid!"

"Yes! It is sure to kill him, let him stay for so long, the patron saint must avenge us!"

"Killing him, letting God know what our ancestral ancestors are, is not so irritating!"

They are like chicken blood, screaming and finally seeing hope. The elders of the demon are so strong that they are defeated. If the celestial stars do not appear, then they are really defeated.

"The three patrons, he was sent by the gods and ancestors, the genius with the unique star law, destroying many of our city owners, but also has the ability to break the slave imprint, destroying the balance of our celestial ancestral land, hope three The patron saint, kill it!" The demon elders came to respectfully visit the three patrons, both in strength and status, higher than him.

"The unique star law..."

The three of them looked at Yi Tianyun and stared at them. Their eyes were full of sly eyes, but the entrainment was inside, and more was killing! Especially when I heard the ability to break the mark of slavery, the killing of the eyes was rising.

The seal of slavery is the foundation of their ancestral ancestral land. If this is destroyed, the impact will be great, and even the ancestral lands will be destroyed.

"It’s still sent by the gods and ancestors. It seems that this **** has always been with us. It’s really unexpected to send a presence that can break the slave’s imprinting ability.” Yu Long Xingjun’s dark eyes In the middle, there is a shimmering glow, and they don’t know how many lives they swallow, so they can survive and survive.

The process must be extremely cruel, otherwise it is impossible to live for so long.

"Breaking the seal of slaves..." Ling Yunxing Junyin laughed: "Don't dare to move our slave imprint, what does not move, but it is our slave imprint!"

Lingyun Xingjun’s laughter is full of killing. They can live for so long, many of them rely on slaves! Continue to **** the slaves sent up and give them life.

"No matter who it is, as long as it invades our celestial ancestral land, it will die!" Ning Xuxing sternly.

The three of them flew to Yi Tianyun, and they were filled with death. Even if they were themselves, they were drained by them. Some even have to pay tribute to them, they have to escape, do not flee here to die!

"As long as the three of you are old and want to let me die?" Yi Tianyun looked at them and dismissed: "If you are still in the state of your life, maybe I will still be afraid of three points, but it is because you are not alone. The appearance of ghosts and ghosts is no different from what I saw on the side."

Yi Tianyun pointed to the flesh-and-blood areas on the side, and his face was light.

"Ha ha ha, it is ridiculous! I think that you have a unique star law, is it really invincible?" Ling Yunxing Jun sneered: "We will let you know, what is called someone outside, there are mountains outside the mountains! I’ve seen too many geniuses like you, I’ve seen too many things, I think I have something to do, and my tail is on the sky. I don’t know that it’s really powerful, not only for cultivation, but also for the realm! Perfect realm, with the stars and the law , is the most powerful."

"Star Jun level is the existence that you can never reach!"

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