Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1898: Slag!

Lingyun Xingjun reached out and shook his hand, and there was a huge shadow behind him. If you look closely, you find that it is actually a thundercloud. When the dense lightning falls from the void, when you lie on the ground, the hard ground is thrown out one by one. The giant pit is coming.

After careful comparison, I found out that the star law of Lingyun Xingjun broke out, and the grade did not say it. There were five levels. The focus is on comparing the Star Master level with a special change.

That is the star field in the sky, with a thundercloud, constantly shining energy down, for an energy blessing!

The biggest difference between the star master and the master star is that it can really ignite the power in the star area. Before it was purely relying on its own power to break out. Now it is the power of the stars above, really a monarch!

The monarch is able to divide his own territory, so it is called the star!

Compared with the star in the lower bound, it can be said that it is a different day, and the two can not be compared.


The thundercloud star in the fifth-level star area constantly falls to the thunder and overlaps with Lingyun Xingjun, just like the thunder. There is no star level in the repair, but the realm is still there.

Therefore, he can also mobilize the star power of the Star Jun, which is why he said that he could not surpass it. Even if they are quite right, they can be placed there.

Star Master can't provoke that power, that is the biggest gap!

In fact, the gap is indeed great. Lingyun Xingjun is compared with the demon big elders, and the repair is quite equal. However, from the current situation of summoning the power of the stars, the comparison of comprehensive combat power is simply a dozen times the gap.

If Lingyun Xingjun’s cultivation is still at the level of Xingjun, it is conceivable how powerful the power will be.

"See it, this is the gap of power!" Lingyun Xingjun stepped over to Yi Tianyun's volley, and the air seemed to have an invisible step, let him step by step.

Every step, there are countless mines falling down, and then bombarded in the surrounding area, where they touch, they will be smashed into powder, and the annihilation disappears into the world.

Some did not escape quickly and were directly crushed into pieces. This Lingyun Xingjun did not care if there were any people below, but he came all the way and wanted to bring invisible pressure to Yi Tianyun.

Dengfeng, their faces changed, and saw this horrible **** of thunder, and this amazing momentum, so that they could not help but back a few steps.

"This is the patron saint of the ancestral ancestors, can he deal with adults?"

Their scalp is numb, and they have always heard that there are patron saints in the ancestral ancestors. It is easy to beat the existence of a group of strong people in rumors. Master Star is in their hands, and I don’t know how much to die.

Even if Yi Tianyun is very strong, he is still at the level of the master of the star. In the face of the level of the star, it is still too far apart.

"It should be no problem!" said this on the mouth of the seal, but there is still a bit of awkwardness in the heart.

The three patrons, who sent them casually, were very difficult to deal with. This is the momentum, far more than the power expressed by Yi Tianyun.

There is a gap between the two, not from one day to another.

Therefore, their morale has dropped, and there is no chance to help outside. The previous momentum was like a broken bamboo, but now it is completely embarrassing, I feel that I am so small.

At first they thought that they could break through the entire celestial ancestral home in one breath, and now it seems that their heritage is still too bad.

To this end, Dengfeng’s words are spoken. They still don’t believe it. They can only say that they have some concerns. Assuming that Yi Tianyun is dead, what do they do? Without Yi Tianyun helping to dispel the slave mark, they could not continue fighting.

I can only live a life of escape, but fortunately, the slave imprint is gone, the escape can escape, and the revenge is afraid to come slowly.

The morale here is low, and the city is boiling. Even if Lingyun Xingjun kills himself, his enthusiasm does not decrease. After all, for them, as long as they can repel Yi Tianyun, it is a good thing!

Next to the two stars, it was a bit unpleasant. Ning Xu Xingjun turned his head and looked at the elders of the demon. He was very dissatisfied: "You are too big to do, just send a patron saint, why do you want us all? Are you awakened? Even if the power of the unique star law is good, let us all come out, it is too much to see him."

The demon elder is very embarrassed, and the fist is respectful: "This moment of urgency, this situation is caused, I am very sorry! But afterwards, I will send people to a slave with more vitality, and will definitely be able to supplement the patron saint. Consumption!"

"Well, you have this heart. We have been able to feel your loyalty over the years. After this incident, I remember to investigate the situation of the gods and ancestral lands. I have always had a very bad relationship with the gods and ancestors. Time should be a good account." Ning Xu Xingjun sneered, I feel that some things, can not continue to drag down.

During their discussion, suddenly there was a "bang" on the side, and the huge shadow of the five-color emperor dragon was suppressed. With a strong vibration, there was a deep pit on the ground. What thundercloud star above, directly becomes dull and dull, as if it was extinguished.

When the giant claws of the five-color emperor dragon were lifted, Lingyun Xingjun had been squashed, but the physical death was even heavier. Death is not dead, but it seems to be basically equal to half.

"I don't know what is the difference in power?" Yi Tianyun looked down at everything with the eyes of the world.

Looking down at the Lingyun Xingjun who was soft on the ground, it looked almost exhausted. What is the five-level star law, what is the star state, not worth mentioning in front of him!

It is undeniable that Lingyun Xingjun is very strong. When combined with the realm of Xingjun, the power is greatly improved. Unfortunately, under the superposition of the crazy mode and the unique star law, everything is an ant!

"You, your strength..."

Lingyun Xingjun twitched his body. When he wanted to move the bullets up, Yi Tianyun rolled down the fire and burned the Lingyun Xingjun into a fly ash. The flame that was just to the sun was enough to restrain these dead air and let him burn in an instant.

The patron saint of the generation, but he was burned to death by alive, and even the resistance could not resist, he was killed and killed.

Immediately, he looked up and glanced at him. The practitioners below were dumbfounded. They still wanted to see the patron saint crushing Yi Tianyun, but now it is easily suppressed by Yi Tianyun!

Ning Xu Xingjun, they are even more sloppy, they have just been distracted for a little while, their partners will die? Even if Lingyun Xingjun is not exhausting his efforts, it will not be so easily suppressed.

But the facts are in front of you. In front of the five-color emperor dragon, the patron saint is a scum!

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