Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1899: Give up!

Powerful power, let everyone witness again, what is called real invincible! What realm is like empty talk in front of Yi Tianyun, still a dragon claw goes down, everything is gone.

However, Lingyun Xingjun was not burned by a claw, but was burned to death. Anyway, the results are all the same, but there is no big problem.

"You two, still talking about something, still not coming up to death!" Yi Tianyun looked at them and sneered: "Destroy the patron saint of your celestial ancestral land, I do not know what can be sent strong Come over! How much will come, how much will I kill, and completely remove all the strongmen of your ancestral ancestors, all the ancestors will wipe out the light!"

"You dare to kill Lingyun Xingjun, I want you to die!" Ning Xu Xingjun's temper is famous for his temper, especially when he sees his companion dying, the anger burst out completely, and the atmosphere is rising, the star area The violent tiger star descended down, letting him instantly become a huge incomparable storm cloud tiger, with a dense black pattern on his body, like a **** tiger crawling from hell!

The light of the eyes of the two scarlets burst out, and the next second went to the Yi Tianyun side, and opened the mouth to bite into the throat of the five-color emperor dragon, and the attack must be a kill!

The power of violent violent rushing from behind the storm clouds, the power of violent, let the close cultivators feel that they are somewhat irrational.

"District worms, but also dare to arrogant!"

Yi Tianyun rushed up, and the giant claws directly slammed the Ning Xu Xingjun, who was thrown up, to the ground. The huge body slammed into the palace and a pile of palaces was crushed into ruins.

At the same time, the head of Ning Xu Xingjun, the head of this storm cloud tiger, was crushed by his palm.

The head was crushed, and Ning Xu Xingjun naturally reverted to its original shape, quickly shrinking into the original form, and stepping back a few steps backwards. His face was pale and bloodless. There was no blood at all, but now it is even paler, and the dead body is even heavier.

The heavier the dead, the more close to death, and once the dead air is all around the body, it is completely dead.

"This feeling of oppression, how strong it is, is like facing a real star Jun..." Ning Xu Xingjun was smashed his head and suddenly let him calm down, and did not dare to have a bit of arrogance.

I have erupted the strongest force, but I lost it to Yi Tianyun. How can I play this?

Especially when they were incarnate as the unique stars, they were all taken aback. Such a high-level star law is a very high degree of fit, something they did not think of.

This will finally know that the elders of the demon have called them all out. This amazing power, it is really difficult to deal with the three of them.

"Oh, the life is quite big, so you are all escaped." Yi Tianyun looked down at him: "However, if you escape, what is the use? Just look at your state, even if you escape, you are not far from death." It is."

Yi Tianyun’s words are not chaotic. Ning Xu Xingjun is very hurt. They belong to the dying person. Once they are seriously injured, even if they absorb the vitality, they will not help.

It’s okay to play a little before, but if you can get hurt, you can’t fill it. Originally they were still alive, it was a matter of inability. Relying on the vitality of the slave, the most is hanging this life.

Now it is impossible to continue to die, and escape is just waiting for death.

"Damn!" Ning Xu Xingjun screamed, the intestines were remorse, did not expect to come out, the price is to die!

He has been pinning on the incumbent Tianji Xingjun, and hopes that after the breakthrough of the Tianji Xingjun, he will give them a life. Now it is not necessary to wait for the celestial star to break through, and he is almost finished.

"His strength is so strong, why don't you say it!" Yulong Xingjun on the side of his face was iron-blue, and his two companions were dead, one and a half disabled, which was a heavy loss.

"I, I have already said..." The elders of the demon emperor succumbed to death, knowing that Yi Tianyun was very strong and only summoned them.

Who knows that after summoning, they see their well-behaved expressions, he really believes!

"Roll!" Yulong Xingjun slaps the palm of the hand and gives the demon elder to the flying. Originally, the elders of the demon can escape, but they dare not evade and can only greet this slap. Was drawn in front of everyone.

Yulong Xingjun quickly came to Ning Xu Xingjun and quickly said: "Ning Xu Xingjun, you are afraid that you can't hold it anymore. This kid is not good. It seems that we can only break out of our full force. Otherwise, there is no way to suppress him!"

"Why is there a strong power in the unique star law? This is really weird!" Ning Xu Xingjun still felt incredible, but said that he madly released all the power in the body, and the whole body was covered with dead body. .

Not only him, but also Yulong Xingjun released all the power, and the dead air immediately surrounded the surface of the body.

This means that they are about to break out of full force, which is equivalent to releasing all vitality. All of them release all life, and naturally they can let their power burst into a stronger level.

Just do this, no matter whether Yi Tianyun is dead or alive, they all have to die, and they must die!

After seeing the power of Yi Tianyun, they immediately took the initiative and broke out. Otherwise, they could not win this game.


Both the Storm Cloud Tiger and the Royal Dragon Star have shone with the strongest light. The original star of the five-color Emperor Dragon can suppress their star power.

Now in the vagueness, there is a tendency to go ahead!

This is the power of full force explosion, plus the superposition of the realm of the stars, the new effect can be achieved.

Yu Longxing Jun cold channel: "I did not expect that it will become such a degree, it is our mistake. But everything is over, and under our full force, you will die! Of course, we can be buried with you, It is also your honor."

Ning Xu Xingjun next to him did not speak, his eyes flashed coldly, and his strength continued to increase. Before being trampled on his head, his heart must be full of anger. His temper was violent, and he was smashed by a younger generation. His mood was definitely terrible.

It’s different now, everything is going out, and he will usher in the peak moment.

"When you go down to hell, you will regret what you have done!" Ning Xuxing Jun coldly said: "For the prosperity of the celestial ancestral land, we are willing to give up everything!"

"You are willing to give up everything, I don't want to give up everything with you, and I won't be buried with you." Yi Tianyun said: "It's just a disgusting burial with you. I said it, unless you are the peak. Repair it, otherwise it will be nothing to me!"

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