Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1902: deal with

Yi Tianyun did not stop, but continued to carry them all the way to Dengfeng, to destroy the major cities of the ancestral ancestral lands, and to liberate all slaves.

Since there are no strong opponents, they are basically roller compact and there is no pressure. It’s easy to capture a city without any difficulty.

"Hey, the situation here is not the same?"

When Yi Tianyun just came to one of the cities with Dengfeng, he found that there were no guards here, and even some practitioners were **** and could not resist.

When they came in, a group of people flew from the front, just now, they said respectfully: "I have seen adults! This has been captured by us, please take over here!"

"Pharmaceutical God?"

Yi Tianyun looked up and down the middle-aged man, and found that he was the drug god!

He has never seen the drug **** himself, but he has seen the statue from the temple of medicine, so he will recognize it immediately.

"Do you know me?" A glimpse of the drug god, a little doubt.

"Dengfeng told me about you." Yi Tianyun looked at him and smiled: "I didn't expect you to organize yourself and choose to resist together and suppress the city."

"This title, I didn't dare to accept it. I used to call it the drug god. I can't count anything here." The medicine **** shook his head and shook his head. "Don't say this, we took the city owner and they left, and immediately chose to resist." Take power, in order to let the adults save some effort, do not need to be so troublesome."

The medicine **** smiled a bit, recalling the previous things, but it was really a bit of remembrance, but if he was so shouted, it was really a bit of a sigh.

Yi Tianyun nodded, and the city owners in most cities have been killed by him. The elders of the demon commemorate all the city owners to come, otherwise there will not be so many strong people coming.

It means that he was there before, killing a lot of city owners, and a bunch of deacons, naturally making it empty. Without the existence of these commands, they are naturally able to choose to fight back.

"Very good, then you have worked hard, I will unlock the slave mark for you."

Yi Tianyun quickly summoned the law of the five-color emperor dragon and untied the slave seal for everyone. After unlocking the seal of the slaves, they were all surprised, and finally got rid of this **** slave mark.

“The city here is managed by you.” Yi Tianyun directly appoints the drug **** as a manager, and each city needs a manager, otherwise it is easy to mess.

So many practitioners in the lower bounds, no leader is very easy to mess.

"Thank you for being an adult, you must be in charge of this city!"

The drug **** is grateful for the fist, he is very familiar with the city, let him manage is the best thing. Choosing resistance is also his idea. When you stand down, you can resist immediately and resist.

Yi Tianyun nodded and said nothing. Seeing the drug **** has nothing to do, basically it is peace of mind.

How to say it is all out of your hometown, it is best to be alive, and to give him management here, it is very reassuring.

Immediately he continued to carry a group of practitioners to other cities. There are many cities in the ancestral ancestral land. In the case of not being able to find the celestial star, only a city can be occupied.

Moreover, even if you kill the Tianji Xingjun, you still need to take over the city to take over, otherwise it will be a big mess! There are so many lower-level practitioners here, if they are not well managed, they will be chaotic.

He can't always kill these elders, just ignore anything? It is to control the entire celestial ancestral land as a springboard for this world!

He didn't know how terrible the world was, at least before he went to explore, he took control of the area. With resources in hand, everything is safe.

However, now Tianji Xingjun has not been eliminated, and there is no peace of mind.

Since no one is blocking, it is basically easy to control these main cities. It does not take too long, and all the main cities are occupied. The occupation was occupied, but the slavery was not fully liberated.

After all, in addition to these main cities, there are many slaves, all of whom are owned by some families or by some private individuals. This is not something that Yi Tianyun can control. He can't liberate one by one.

If a batch goes to liberation, I don’t know how long it will take. The best way is still to kill the celestial star.

"Reporting adults, Luoyuncheng is in good condition, and many people are more stable and will not choose to resist."

"Reporting adults, the situation in Tiancheng is equally stable, and the state of the people is also good. There is no rebellion at present."

"Reporting adults..."

In the main hall, Yi Tianyun sat in the top position, like a monarch, listening to them to report the situation one by one. These are all temporary tenants, and they are not weak, they all have the master of the star, and even the master of the star.

Without some strength, those practitioners will not obey at all.

"Adults, why should we be so polite to them? At that time they were not polite to us, even if they didn't do anything to us, they always let us suffer from white eyes and all kinds of insults!" One of them couldn't help but stand up and said in a row. "In my opinion, they should be reduced to slaves and serve us!"

"Yes! I think so too, to appease them what it means. I want to be attacked by them, they are insulted by them, and they can't do anything. Now I feel sick when I see them!"

One of them stood up and there was a second and a third station. The different voices were different from those of the city owners. They just want to let those guys taste the taste of being a slave!

The anger in the depths of their eyes will not be so easily destroyed. Some hate to kill the city, and one does not leave the land to kill them all.

The city owners looked at Yi Tianyun, and the order they received was to appease the people, and they must not do anything to those people. Although they complain about their grievances, they can only choose to implement them. They must not only stabilize the status of local practitioners, but also stabilize their own status.

I have to say that both sides are extremely difficult to do. Especially on the other side, hate the celestial ancestors, and hope that all of them will be destroyed. If it were not for the majesty of Yi Tianyun, they really wanted to kill the special kill.

Yi Tianyun looked at them faintly, and immediately asked: "The distribution of practitioners in the ancestral ancestral land is more local, or more from the lower bound. Who answered me this question?"

He did not answer their questions directly, but instead asked them a question.

In fact, this problem, he has long known that it will happen, has been enslaved, how can it easily calm this anger?

So after the end, it is time to deal with this.

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