Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1903: eye for eye

Yi Tianyun’s problems made them unclear, but some people stood up and answered.

"There are more locals." A temporary town owner replied without hesitation.

“How many times is it?” Yi Tianyun asked again.

"Thirty times more than us, even a hundred times..." the temporary city owner replied.

There are really too many local practitioners, and the number of lower-level practitioners is not likely to be many because they only choose elites. Because they are all elites, they can keep their heels.

"Well, if we madly kill them, what choices will they make?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"Reverse, resistance?" The temporary city owner replied.

After answering, I suddenly stopped, not only because he was stunned, but also by other practitioners. For a time, they immediately reacted, what Yi Tianyun wanted to explain.

"Yes, it is resistance." Yi Tianyun held his chin and looked at them indifferently: "The number is much more than ours. Once it is rebelled, it is quite terrible. They are not resisting now, mainly fearing me. There are those who are afraid of our star master level. If they are rushed, they will fight against it."

"When the number of the other party is large, if you can't pay attention to it, you will go to other forces. Then you will die with us. Even if we win, the result will be extremely fierce. Or, finally, say no. We must lose..."

Yi Tianyun gently clicked, they immediately woke up, beaten a spirit, and felt terrible. They have been blinded by anger, and have not thought about this problem for a while, just want to retaliate against the ancestral ancestors.

Think carefully, some things are not that simple. If you only want to die, this is simple. You can rush to kill a few people and finally die in the other hand. There is no problem.

But once the entire celestial ancestral land is destroyed, it is too exaggerated. As many as it is, it is not only extremely difficult to kill. Once it rebounds, it is absolutely unimaginable.

"I know what you think, but many of them have not enslaved anything. I don't think you are right, but the best way to retaliate against them is not to let them go with you." "Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "To assimilate them all is the best revenge."

Many of the temporary city owners have wiped themselves out of cold sweat. When they think of it, they really feel a little bit of fear.

However, there are also a lot of people who are holding a mortal heart. The depth of the eyes is still full of hate. Everyone's situation is different, and their own selfishness is even rare.

To put it bluntly, it is to sacrifice everyone and not to sacrifice your loved ones.

"I know that some of them are unlikely to quell anger, so they will also give you the power to kill! When you are a slave, who will provoke you, or do something to you, even if you go to revenge!" Yi Tianyun said with a cold smile: " Not to mention that it is difficult for you to swallow this breath, even I will not swallow this tone, I will support you to do so. If you do something wrong, you should be responsible for it!"

When the words came out, they shot a killing in front of them, and more surprises.

I thought that Yi Tianyun would forcibly suppress their ideas and prevent them from moving this idea. Now it seems that they still think too little.

"Thank you, adults!"

They kneel down one by one, their eyes are red, and some of them shouted.

"They killed my friend, I really can't stand this breath! I just need to kill those enemies, and I will never hurt innocent!"

"They killed my buddies and insulted my priests! In this tone, I am revenge even if I am dead! I have no relationship with slaves before, I can't take revenge, now I am gone, I want revenge!"

"I am also thinking like this, not angering all the practitioners, but some hatred, must report!"

Their eyes are full of anger, not really the indiscriminate killing of the innocent, but the desire to avenge their enemies who give themselves their hurt.

Look at their situation, if Yi Tianyun does not agree with them, afraid that behind it will slip away to kill those enemies. Some hatred must be reported, even if it is against the world, it will go to revenge.

This is not to mention them, Yi Tianyun will do this.

"I naturally know this, so I will let you go and solve it, backed by us! Let them know, what is blood debt compensation!" Yi Tianyun looked at them with enthusiasm and said: "These words can also be Applicable to other companions. One thing to remember is that enmity can be reported, but never kill innocent!"

"Too much indiscriminate killing, then what is the difference between us and the top of the celestial ancestors?"

Although Yi Tianyun is not a good person, but it is not a bad person who is not evil. Many things must be reversed, and must not be too much.

Everyone nodded. This is true. If it is too indiscriminate to kill innocent, what is the difference between it and the ancestral ancestral land?

By the time they become the masters here, the local practitioners have been crushed, and the second "Yi Tianyun" may appear at that time, and they will be sanctioned.

Peaceful coexistence is the best choice.

"Although I suggest peaceful coexistence, if there is some resistance, then don't be soft." Yi Tianyun said in a cold tone: "When it is tough, you can't be soft!"

Yi Tianyun’s policy is very obvious, let them nod and nod and know what to do.

In a few words, not only did they wake them up, but they also smashed them. Many things are not as good as they are, and their hatred must be reported. After reporting, they are naturally very loyal to him.

He has no cronies here, but he can only cultivate his cronies slowly, but the things here are just beginning, and there are still many things to be done. But all this has only just begun.

So big celestial ancestral land, there are a lot of things to manage. The lower-level practitioners who were originally slaves suddenly turned over as masters, and the loopholes in them must be many.

However, he is ready to respond, how to stabilize the situation here, there must be no mistakes.

"If they stayed here, it would be fine..." Yi Tianyun sighed deeply. What he believed most was naturally his relatives, and those who were capable, but they were still in the lower bound.

He couldn't break the big line and bring them out. However, even if it really broke the big squad brought out, because the repair is too low, I want them to participate in direct management, which is afraid that it is not very convincing.

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