Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1906: Inciting


This is not what the groom said, but the practitioners around him are shocked, and they are all scared by the words from the carriage.

This is the elite disciple of the gods and ancestors. If they are killed, they are equal to provoke the gods. In this case, isn't it equal to being surrounded by powerful enemies?

If there are a few elders in the vicinity, they will only come over and experience it. It is naturally the level of the elders, that is, the master level.

At these level of the star division, it is just a turn in the peripheral environment, where it will go deep inside. In the depths of the Wuxing Mountain, it is not possible for them to enter, fearing that it will not die for a long time, they will die inside.

"Yes, adults!"

The groom didn't hesitate. He lifted his palm and took it to Yuliu Gongzi. The shot was extremely hot.

"You, you can't do this to me, I am the core of the gods..."


Yuliu Gongzi was so smashed by a palm, turned into a **** fog, and died can no longer die. Say killing and killing, no mercy. He only listened to Yi Tianyun, as long as Yi Tianyun said killing, it is killing, no big deal.

This kind of so-called genius, Yi Tianyun does not know how much to kill. There are quite a few such disciples in the ancestral ancestral land. What kind of genius disciple is not killed by his slap in the end.

Yi Tianyun did not know how many days of ancestors had killed the core disciples. Anyway, they were in front of themselves, that is, they waved and killed, and one did not stay. On the other hand, the core disciples of the ancestral ancestors are not much different from the core disciples of the ancestral ancestors.

The comprehensive strength of the two forces is similar, otherwise they will not stand deadlocked for so long.

"Adult." The groom came to the carriage.

"Well, keep going." Yi Tianyun said faintly.

Everything went on as usual, without being delayed, and even turning around and leaving. If you change to other practitioners, you are afraid that you will turn around and go on. If you continue to move forward, you will surely encounter the practitioners of the gods. At that time, it is not so simple to solve.

"Yu Liu Gongzi is dead..." Xiao Shimei stunned and covered her mouth, watching the body of Yuliu Gongzi, the son who was very admired before, but now it has turned into a soft mud, and she can no longer die.

The younger brother next to him had a touch of pleasure in the depths of his eyes. A genius who was better than himself was killed. This is naturally a very pleasant thing. He also pretends to be a comforting expression, patted the shoulders of Xiao Shimei: "It’s a pity that a genius, but the mysterious man just now, I don’t know what it is, no matter what it is, I’m afraid it’s dead. Ding Zudi, it is not a simple matter, even if a master is a master of star, it is useless, but there is more than one master of the star!"

He looked at the direction of Yi Tianyun's departure, shook his head, and the depth of his eyes was still full of pleasure. He can't wait for these people to die as much as possible. He can't get it, or it's super, it's all dead!

This matter quickly spread around, like a bomb, blasting among many practitioners. The message was completely spread. A mysterious man, whose groom was a master of the star, killed the core disciple Yu Liugong of the gods.

The news spread very quickly and immediately spread to the elders of the gods.

“Yu Liu is dead?” Ding Yu’s elder frowning and asked: “What happened, who is so bold, dare to kill our disciples?”

Ding Yu’s elders are not angry with Yu Liu’s death. Yu Liu’s talent is good, but he’s dead when he dies. Although he is wasting resources, he can still accept it. Who is angry with him, dare to kill the core disciples of the gods!

This is equivalent to a heavy slap in the face, hitting the face of the gods. Knowing that this is a half-area of ​​the gods and ancestors, I dare to make trouble here, obviously it is not to give the gods the land.

"Not very clear, I only heard that there is a master of the star as a groom. It seems that the head is not small?" Next to the eyes of the elders of Yu Ding, there was a bit of playful attention, but he also felt a little angry.

How can I be happy when I start on my own site?

"Master Star as a groom is really a great skill!" Ding Yu elders snorted: "I don't know which power is the lesser of the Lord, come here to find the treasures of the Five Elements Mountain. It seems that we have a long time Didn't do it, really thought we were not a bit angry?"

"Yes, it is a dragon that is a snake. No matter what, it must be in front of us!" Elder Yu Ding agreed to nod. "It looks like they should come over here. When they see it, It was solved together."

The elders of Yuding looked at a group of strong people behind them, so they raised their heads slightly and gestured.

"Yes, Elder Ding Ding!" They all exude a strong atmosphere, each with the master of the Star.

In their view, what a master of the district is. Not to mention a master of stars, even if they are two star masters, they are not afraid! They are here, there are more than a dozen star masters.

However, it is not used to deal with Yi Tianyun, just to come to the Five Elements Mountain.

At the same time, on that avenue, the carriage was still driving forward without slowness.

Yi Tianyun was sitting in the carriage and looking at the situation outside, no hurry.

He looked outside and took a look at the front. As a coachman, he was a member of the previous killing of the gods, called Han Long. When Yi Tianyun chose to come out, Han Long’s first registration said that he would go out with him and wanted to work for Yi Tianyun.

As a groom, he is not at all aggrieved and even happy.

Yi Tianyun did not say anything more. Since Han Long followed, he would follow him.

This trip is very simple, that is to find the celestial star, and kill! In this way, the celestial ancestral land will be completely liberated, otherwise it will bring great harm when it is killed.

Yi Tianyun's idea is actually simpler, that is to completely break the aftermath, this is always true.

After inquiring about the good news, through the internal search for information, I finally decided that Tianji Xingjun came to the Five Elements Mountain. Or to say, staying in the Wuxing Mountain, seems to be guarding a magical medicine!

This medicinal medicine helps him to break through to higher-level things. Naturally, he is not willing to leave, so that the celestial ancestral land is destroyed, and he has not returned.

Upon hearing this news, he naturally came to the Wuxing Mountain side. It’s just that Wuxing Mountain didn’t really open the door, so there’s no need to kill the past so much, and slowly drive past and get there, and that’s almost the beginning.

"Wu Xingshan, God medicine..." Yi Tianyun blinked in the eyes, this thing for him, also has great help!

He may only need a breakthrough in the value of the star, but with the help of these medicines, it can also be improved.

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