Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1907: Wuxingshanxia

Wuxing Mountain is actually a mountain of five kinds of attributes, and the mountains of different attributes surround it to form a special world. In the rumor, the size of this special area is equal to the size of several ancestral areas.

There are a lot of magical medicines in it, some of which are extremely precious. A magical medicine allows them to be cultivated from the stars, and rushes to the master of the stars in one breath, even the star is repaired!

After the absorption, the level of power of the stars can be raised. This kind of medicine is even more crazy.

Therefore, more and more practitioners are constantly coming here. Although it is said that it is half of the site of the ancestral land of the gods, they really do not dare to fully intervene. If it is really to intervene, the gods and ancestors will be leveled.

Therefore, all practitioners can come, and whoever gets the medicine is his own skill. Or, if you get the magic medicine, can you leave smoothly, that is another matter.

There are a lot of sultry and hot hands here, and I don’t pay attention to it. I am afraid that it will be on the spot!

Outside the Wuxing Mountain area, there are a large number of forces to stay outside, waiting for the door to open. However, these are all relatively general and do not dare to go in.

If you are a strong man, you will go in early. The opening of the Five Elements Mountain is not to say that it is officially opened. It is always open, but there are many fogs and many dangers. It is not so easy to enter.

If you don't have a star master or above, you can die if you break into it. Even the master of the star is repaired, and you will die if you break into it!

With the opening time, the fog and the danger gradually become less, and the Star Master level can enter in advance at will. If the repair is relatively low, it will be kept outside for a while, and will wait until the Wuxing Mountain is opened.

Therefore, those who stayed outside were repaired as the masters of the Star Master, not a high level of cultivation. However, it is a practitioner who gathers many forces, whether it is the ancestral level or a large family, it is gathered here.

The ancestral level is similar to the celestial ancestral land, but not some big families are weak, and the areas they may occupy are not as extensive as the ancestral level. However, its strength is not bad, and the number of Star Masters is certainly quite a lot.

It’s just a star-level, afraid that it’s gone, or it’s been seen on the ancestors, but it’s just behind it, and it’s naturally impossible to become a ancestral land.

To put it bluntly, it can be called the ancestral land, all of them are sitting in the star level. Even if it is no longer good, there have been stars!

Xingjun is the standard for measuring an ancestral land. After all, Xingjun is the strongest here, and the number of star masters is not as good as a star.

As for those who do not have a star, still occupying their ancestral land, they must have an amazing heritage, or a variety of large arrays under the stars. Therefore, if a star is hit, it can be dealt with.

In this case, naturally, you can hold your own territory. It is only if there is no Star Jun for a long time, the result will inevitably fall.

When many practitioners were discussing something, a carriage slowly approached here, slightly attracting everyone's attention.

"Hey, that guy is really funny, driving a broken car over here."

"Oh, it's really. So the simple carriage, it's also a good idea to come over, not just which force. And the groom, it looks so ordinary, I don't know where to find it."

"As for the goods, I dare to come to Wuxingshan to try my luck. It seems that everyone really dares to come."

Some of the tongues are faster, and I immediately talked about the appearance of this carriage. I feel that the broken carriage is so good. There is a carriage here, which is thousands of times more luxurious than the one that appeared. Even if it is the dragon horse in front, I don’t know how much.

Such a shabby match, let them sneer.

Some of them stood up and intercepted in front of this simple carriage.

"You stop me. This is not the place where you can come. Wherever you go, go there and don't go inside! It's really awkward. It's really lost when you go in with these people."

Several strong men came over and looked at the simple carriage with a very disgusted expression, and reached out and waved, indicating that the horse had to leave.

They just don't look good, and it seems that the inferior practitioners enter the Five Elements Mountain, which is an insult to them.

The world is big, everyone has it. This kind of looking at others is not pleasing to the eye, not a minority.

On the side, many practitioners looked at the expression of gloating, looking over here and wanting to see a good show.

As a horseman's Han Long, he dresses very casually and looks like a bad old man of sixty or seventy years old. In fact, Han Long was originally an elder who became a latecomer. I thought I couldn't continue to break through. Who knows that I slowly climbed up and eventually became a master of stars!

It is reasonable to say that life expectancy is increased so much that it is possible to change the appearance at will. It’s just that he didn’t do it, but chose to stay the same, plus how to dress up, it seems to be a bad old man.

These repairs are low-level existence. How can you see that their true identity is a master of stars?

When Han Long was about to shoot the roadblockers, suddenly a sound was inserted between them.

"You Bataan family, it is too arrogant. Is this the Five Elements Mountain your home?"

This woman will stand up and feel very dissatisfied with them. This woman looks good and looks carefully. It is really very eye-catching and has a bit of scent. She did not deliberately make herself extremely beautiful. When she was trained to achieve the above-mentioned masters, she could change her appearance.

It seems that she has not changed her appearance, that is, to maintain the most primitive state.

"Hey, the Qing Xue girl of the Qingdan family, you are really busy enough, but also take care of this kind of thing?" Bamo frowned and looked over, feeling very uncomfortable.

"I just can't understand that your family is rampant. People just have to look at it. Is it necessary to be so embarrassed?"

"Snow is not a mess!" A woman next to her pulled her over and didn't want her to take care of this matter. After all, other people's affairs have nothing to do with them.

Others were frowning at the same door, and they felt a little dissatisfied with this snowy mess. Originally, it was a mess, and I was still free to take care of other people’s affairs. Was it a trouble?

"Haha, see no, your own teachers and sisters let you not worry about it, do you know?" Bamo sneered: "If you want to do something, let's talk about it, idiot!"

"You!" Qing Xue was so angry that his face was red and white. She usually couldn't get used to these things, but she knew that she was being picked up.

But this is the fact that she can still be repaired, and she has a pre-repair of the Star Master. In this family, the right to speak is not very big. To put it bluntly, it is good to manage yourself, and there is still the ability to manage others.

Yi Tianyun in the carriage, looked at this side, revealing a smile: "It seems that every world has such a sense of justice..."

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