Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1908: a good

For this Qingxue station, for the case of Yi Tianyun, even Han Long showed a smile, it is not easy to appear such a person.

In this world, many people are as spectators, and the basics of a sense of justice die very quickly. The repair is too low, and dare to stand up and help speak. Isn't this what it is to find death?

It’s not a mistake to make a mistake. If you don't pay attention, you will get a lot of power, and you don't know how to die.

Qing Xue was one of them, and was immediately dragged back by the brothers and sisters next to him. His eyes were full of blame. They feel that their younger sisters just want to find trouble for the family. Originally, it is enough to be chaotic, and arbitrarily provoke power, fearing that it will be difficult to move here.

"Little sister, calm down, there is no benefit to help them. A bad old man, there is no one in it, anyway, no matter who it is, then a simple broken car, can there be any big man?" Next to the blue moon frowned, himself This little sister is good everywhere, and is particularly strong in the sense of justice.

Usually it is strong, after all, with their family, some ordinary forces, still not afraid. But now it's different, just a family force, not to say more than them, at least the type of flat.

Too small a force, basically do not dare to come. Wuxing Mountain is not so mixed, so I don’t pay attention to my own disciples who are not many, fearing that they will all be killed here.

"But..." Qing Xue Shen said: "The Nabatan family has always been like this, and often can't go with our family."

"That is what I said, but I still have to calm down. There are so many forces here, be careful to be profited by others." Qingyue bitterly persuaded her, and changed to other same door, she did not so patiently persuade, she was already fined and sent off. Confined.

Bamo on the side of the Bataan family saw that there was nothing to say here. It was a smug smile and continued to go to Han Long.

"This time, I see who can help you!" Bamo looked at Han Long sneer: "Last time, either get out of the eyes of this uncle, or die!"

Han Long continued to drive the Longma and drove inside the Wuxing Mountain, completely ignoring their existence.

Seeing that Han Long continued to drive the carriage over, and did not stop at all, Bamo was furious and waved to the side and angered: "I didn't hear what I said!"

This palm shot, even if the groom was not killed, at least the front dragon horse will be flattened.

There are quite a few practitioners who have turned their heads to the side, do not want to see the situation here, and some do not understand the situation here, but they also have no strength to discourage.

As for the fact that Qing Xue was dragged by Qingyue, there was no way to go. He could only turn his head and look to the side, and could not bear to see the next result.


Han Long gently spit out, a burst of shocks broke out, and Bamo and others gave the earthquake to fly out. It was just an imposing manner. They sent them out to the earthquake and were seriously injured and dying!

Han Long did not deliberately keep his hands, but deliberately left a sigh of relief, let them know who they provoked. This is just a small family. How can Han Long be afraid?

Of course, all of this is authorized by Yi Tianyun. If it is not Yi Tianyun let him do it, he will not do it.

Suddenly there was a burst of explosion, so that everyone turned around and found that it was Bamo. They fell to the ground and were seriously injured. This situation made them all shocked. Bamo was not high, but they all had a mid-term revision of the star division, but they were slammed by a groom and they were shaken out and seven holes bleed!

This means that the groom's cultivation is extremely high, and it is still very strong.

"Yes, it is the master level!"

Some people immediately sensed the energy fluctuations in them, and some of them sensed the breath of the masters of the stars, and naturally they were immediately detected.

This time they are even more shocked, a groom is actually a master of the star, it looks very inconspicuous, but it is the master level! This makes them reminiscent of what kind of existence in the carriage?

Even if it is not a master of stars, the status will certainly not be low. It is impossible to say that it is a big family, or a young master of the big forces.

Qing Xue, they all looked at it, and did not expect a great reversal.

Other ethnic groups of the Bataan family quickly came up and picked up Bamo and others, and found that they were already dying. Unless there was a god, they could not save.

"You, you are too worried!" The people of the Bataan family looked at them angrily. Bamo and others were their excellent disciples. They all cost a lot of money to cultivate, and they couldn’t live without seeing it. It was a waste of one. Heap resources.

"Hey? It's ridiculous! Don't look at the idiots of your family. What have you done to us? If we don't cultivate it, we will be killed." Han Long sneered: "If you don't accept it, even if you come Looking for old slaves to take revenge! The old slaves all went on, but by then, it was not so simple."

Han Long snorted, and the masters of the Star Masters were released to give them endless pressure. Let them look white, the strength of the Bataan family is not bad, but the master of the star is less, only a few, not many.

It is obviously not cost-effective to be provoked by a group of idiots. Known by the elders in the family, you will definitely be killed! The grooms are masters of the stars, and God knows what forces are provoked?

As soon as they heard it, they immediately shut up and no longer dared to speak.

"God, this unremarkable old man is actually a master of the stars, it is incredible..." They were shocked by the blue moon, and they were shocked.

Qing Xue was shocked. She wanted to help them before. It seems that she is naive now.

The carriage continued to drive towards the Wuxing Mountain. When passing by them, Yi Tianyun’s voice came from the carriage: "This girl, I will give you a choice now, or I will go in with me now, I will give you a make-up; Either after you get in, if you come across me, you will be given a good job, if you can meet it."

Qing Xue stunned and pointed to himself wondering: "Is this talking about me?"

"Yes, it is you." Yi Tianyun's voice came again.

Qing Xue stunned, I do not know how to choose as well. It is undeniable that the other party must be very strong, but it is not sure of identity. Is it not good to follow the past casually?

She just hesitated a little, and nodded: "I am willing to go in with you now!"

She didn't think much, she still chose to follow up. Everyone is eager to become stronger, and she is no exception.

"Then come in." Yi Tianyun's voice came again.

Qingxue nodded, but went to the carriage. Han Long gently opened the curtain and smiled and gestured for her to enter.

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