Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1929: In-depth

Yi Tianyun continues to go deep into the Wuxing Mountain, aiming at the nine-turning stars and grasses. If you can find the nine-turning stars, you can't help you to upgrade your own stars!

"The unique star law, this is not the highest level, this nine-turned star grass has an effect?" Qing Xue was puzzled by the side.

She knows that the nine-turned star grass, but the nine-turning star grass is not very high for the grade, such as the four or five stars, the use of this will have a great chance to upgrade the level.

As for the six-level star method, there is no effect after taking it. This is really unrecorded. As for the unique star law, there are not many precedents.

After all, some people do this and they won’t talk around. Sometimes it's a little low-key and good for yourself.

"Not necessarily, I feel that I am still far away." Yi Tianyun shook his head and felt the five-color emperor dragon in the body. He felt that the five-color emperor dragon was still far away to perfect, even if the current fit is very high, it is very different. far.

The degree of fit is the fit, and this perfection is not the same thing. He feels that the five-color emperor dragon is still a lot worse, that is, it is a semi-finished body, and even half-finished bodies are insufficient.

This is his own feeling, so when he learned that there is such a special nine-turning star grass in the Five Elements Mountain, he planned to go in and explore.

"It means that it can be even higher..." Qing Xue was very surprised by the small mouth, a little beyond her common sense.

Han Long’s eyes are condensed, and his eyes are full of yearning. He also wants to turn the stars and grasses. The most painful thing he has now is that the level of the stars is too low. If there is a nine-turned star grass, it will be different.

However, he knows his own ability. The nine-turning stars and grasses belong to the depths of the Five Elements Mountain. Without strong cultivation, it is basically difficult to go deep, let alone picking. Being able to go in with Yi Tianyun and see the situation inside is already a lucky one.

Moreover, the nine-turning stars and grasses do not necessarily improve the level. It is certain that there is improvement, and it is not necessary to upgrade the level. Especially the higher the level, the lower the chance of prompting.

"This is just my speculation. There is no record in the literature. There are too few news in this regard. There may be records in the jade **** ancestral land." Yi Tianyun looked at the eyes: "I feel, break through the star, the stars The law is a big focus. Why is it so difficult for Stars to break through, fearing that it is the law of its own stars, and it is not up to standard!"

He has no information in this regard, but from the point of view, he guessed it.

"There is still this..."

They shook their heads. This is just a matter of thinking about it. Basically, it is hopeless. Breaking through the stars is hopeless, let alone star respect.

As for Qing Xue, I don’t think much about it. She thinks that it is good to break through to the Star Master. After all, if she breaks through the Star Master, she will be able to open a sect. It is a big peak.

Immediately they continue to move forward. There are not many detours here, and there is a road to the deepest. There is a skill here, you go inside, you don’t have the ability to get out of the way, there are not too many curved roads.

This time they did not take a carriage, the more they went inside, the more they should pay attention to the situation around them. If you ride a carriage again, you don’t know how to die.

Yi Tianyun has confidence in his own strength and does not mean absolutely invincible.

After the in-depth, the fog around it is getting thicker and thicker. Don't say how far the naked eye can see. Even if you use God to know anything, you can't probe too deep.

"There is no such thing as a star, it is not very good to grasp the situation..." Yi Tianyun frowned and looked at Han Long and said: "You will go to other areas to explore and see what opportunities you have. I will Going alone, if you both enter, it’s not good to grasp the situation."

Han Long, they nod, although a little disappointed, but they can not let Yi Tianyun distracted to protect themselves, when it is easy to accident.

"Adult, then let's go out first."

Han Long and Qing Xue turned away and there was Han Long helping to lead the way. Unless they met a powerful master of the stars, they would basically not encounter any danger.

But there must be no one who doesn't have long eyes, dare to provoke them. Unless it is the strong man of the Jade God ancestor, who would dare to find a follower trouble with a star.

After they left, Yi Tianyun went intently inside, and the fog outside basically dissipated and could see everything. The fog inside is not scattered all the year round. If you go in, you will be more vigilant.

The outside world said that even the stars have fallen, so don't think that Xingjun can go sideways here. If you neglect it, don't say it is going sideways, afraid that it will lie down here.

After Yi Tianyun stepped in, the only thing he could see was the road under his feet. A road here is very obvious. As long as it is not chaotic, it will not go out.

However, according to this originally arranged road, I am sure to go to the area with nine turns of stars and grass. This may not be the case, but if you don’t follow this path, you will be lost in the fog.

When he walked inside according to this passage, suddenly a cold light rushed up, almost instantly close to his head. There is no omen, and it has already been killed. Everything is too sudden!

This is like appearing beside the head out of thin air, and it is unprepared.

However, Yi Tianyun, who has already raised his attention to the limit, has long noticed that he quickly reached out and rushed forward, relying on his fists to fight against the bang, without fear.


The flash of the air was shattered by a punch, and immediately the half of the body slammed and fell to the ground.

Yi Tianyun looked down and found that he was dying of a hunting dragon leopard, claiming that the dragon could easily kill the hunting dragon leopard. The speed of horror can instantly rush to the enemy, and if the opponent does not react, tear the head into pieces!

Just facing Yi Tianyun, the level is still a little bit worse.

"The repair of a hunting dragon leopard has the mid-to-late level of the master star. It is no wonder that the repairs here are too low, and they can't come in..." Yi Tianyun looked at the body and did not let Han Long come in. It was the right choice. .

If you are too distracted, you will not be able to be in the same place. His cultivation is not weak. It is reasonable to say that even if the head is crushed, the soul will not die.

But these dragons and leopards come up, how can you not tear the soul, it is possible to directly swallow the soul!

Yi Tianyun raised his mind and continued to go deep inside. He kept this passage and went inside. After killing several hunting dragons, finally passing through this layer of fog, it is an empty place.

Just in front of a group of people fighting, seems to be grabbing something!

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