Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1930: I am not speaking.

Reflected in the eyes of Yi Tianyun, a group of practitioners are robbing a spar. The spar was clenched in the hands of a woman who clasped the spar and kept looming around, avoiding the siege of the rest of the masters.

Star Masters will still appear here, as long as they get together and then come in, they can still come in. Therefore, the group of cultivators who compete for spar in front of them are all masters of the star.

However, they are not ordinary star masters. They are all in the late stage of the master of the star, and their own strength is not weak. In line with their non-low-level star law, even if it is not as good as the Star Jun, at least the overall strength is much stronger than most Star Masters.

These star masters are naturally masters of the ancestral level, otherwise they will not have such high quality.

"The fun of the moon, let me hand over the spar, you can't escape!" The star master, who is headed, laughs and screams, and the group is surrounded by the moon-like fairy, making it difficult to escape.

"Leave the crystal spar, leave you a life! If you don't stay, it is equal to our jade **** ancestors!"

"The fun of the moon, we are the people of Tianfan ancestors, we did not immediately start, really think we will not use strong?"

The number of masters of this batch of stars is as many as eleven, the number is still quite large, and the powerful force is enough to plow any family. As for the ancestral level, they can all have a battle!

Some of them are equal to the half-step star level, otherwise they naturally dare not come in and mix.

"Jade God ancestral land?" Yi Tianyun on the side of the eyes condensed, did not expect this batch of star masters, actually the people of the ancestral land of the gods.

People who want to say the land of Yu Shenzu will come over, and sure enough, they are coming now. Star Jun did not come, but they all sent some elite star masters.

This is a kind of temper for them. Xingjun of the Yushen ancestral land, there is not much interest in this. For other ancestral places, you need to send a star to come in. The ancestral land of the gods is to let the masters come over and let them hone themselves.

Although there is no good feeling for the ancestral land of Jade God, he will not immediately act to kill everyone. The opposite is to look at the fun of the moon and see what she is.

"Hey, you are a group of robbers!" Fan Yuexian cold voice: "When you have more people, you think you will win? Your jade gods have always been like this, and always want to collect our Tianfan ancestors as Affiliated, tell you that there are no doors!"

"Hey, the moon and the fairy give you a few face, do you really think that we don't dare to do it?" headed by Master Les, staring up and down at her cold voice: "Would you like to have a good relationship with your Tianfu ancestors?" We have already started, a group of stinky girls, who do they think they are? As long as we adults give orders, your Tianfan ancestors will be leveled off immediately!"

"Come on! We are not afraid of any forces. We are arrogant and want to annex us. We are good to us. We are not trying to force marriage. If we are not women, you have already set us up." Will you be polite with us?" Fan Yue Fairy sneered: "I advise you to die this heart, we will never become your affiliates! We really become your affiliates, we are with those What is the difference between the women in the Spring Garden?"

The Spring Garden is actually a kind of welcoming restaurant. The woman inside is willing to obey the order in order to please the guests.

"Is it quite flat?" Luis looked at her with his bleak eyes. He smiled and said: "I think you are really different from the Spring Garden! Since you have said this, We are welcome, grab her and let her know our heroes! Hahaha!"

When they all laughed, they quickly surrounded them. This time they are no longer polite, but with various means, they continue to attack the fun of the prosperous moon, and the attacks are very sloppy, and they all go to the major privacy areas.

"Shameless!" The prosperous fairy is red and continually waved to resist.

Can rely on her alone, where can resist so many star masters. She cultivated herself, that is, the late level of the master of the star, and faced with so many practitioners at once, naturally, there is no way to deal with it.

"Do not worry, I will make you very happy..." Luisy laughed and continued to attack. The attack was not the one that went to death. It was always based on teasing.

In their view, the fun of the moon can not escape, how can it escape under the encirclement of so many people? So play slowly, there is no need to worry.

"If I die, I won't let you succeed!" Fanyue fairy clings to the crystal spar, and at the same time, his strength is slightly strengthened: "If this is the case, then I will crush this spar, you don't want to!" ”

The crystal spar is not broken, and it can be crushed by the repair of the prosperous fairy.

"If you crush it, then we will not only insult you, but will also give you the light, and drag it to the outside to show the crowd!" Luis said wickedly: "In any case, the crystal spar, can still be here I found it, not only you!"

The face of the moon is a white, this situation is very disgusting, really want to be, then her reputation must be broken.

"Don't think about self-destruction, with our ability, you can completely control you before you blew it up. Even if you blew yourself, it will make it easier for us to catch you." Luis’s sly expression, fundamentally Don't worry about the prosperous fairy choose to blew.

Self-explosion takes a certain amount of time, and the resistance will be weakened. After all, the power is condensed in the body, and it is released to talk about self-destruction.

"Reassured, I will not blew myself, I will die to the last moment!" Fan Yuexian's eyes are cold, at any moment when she is ready to die, she will not ask for mercy, nor will she commit suicide. She only wants to die before she dies. Bring this group of animals to hell.

At this time a figure is close to their battle zone and immediately attracts their attention.

"There was someone coming in... I can't tell him that we just heard our conversation, this person can't stay!"

They treat the moon-like fairy like this. If they pass it out, they will definitely be disgusted by the Tianfan ancestors. Especially the status of the Fanyue Fairy is not low. It is very likely that Tianfanzu will be furious!

When the moon fairy saw the coming, the eyes lit up and hurriedly shouted: "This son, hurry to escape, they want to kill you! After you flee, please be sure to let me be a fairy god." Kill the thing, pass it outside, please!"

She can only use this method, I hope Yi Tianyun can help himself! She can't repay her, but in order to let Tianfanzu know the details, she can only do this.

"Sorry, I am not talking." Yi Tianyun slowly came over and did not mean to escape.

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