Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1943: Say breakthroughs and break through!

"Try it, your ability can be flat compared to your tone!"

The golden wind star screamed coldly, turned into a mountain of mountains and pressed down, and surrounded by a hurricane blade, the square within tens of thousands of miles was not born! This is still the case when the power is deliberately suppressed. If it is all released, there are millions of miles, even tens of millions of miles.

Compressing power to a certain range, the effect is the best, not the bigger the better.

The pressure brought by the huge star law has made the practitioners in the distance feel extremely depressed. They have to retreat tens of thousands of miles and dare not rely too close. Although the scope is now such, God knows what will happen to the next moment.

"Reassured, you will see it soon."

Yi Tianyun also flew in the sky, stepping up step by step, as if walking on the invisible ladder, layer by layer. In the face of the mountain above the sky, there is no pressure at all, but the face is full of smiles.

After he stepped on several steps in a row, he slammed into the void, and immediately showed the shadow of the five-color emperor dragon in the void, opened his mouth and slammed it forward, and hardly put the other side’s star power. To swallow a small half - the three-way star force, it was swallowed up.

This time, the domineering Golden Wind Star Jun was suddenly weakened. To know the beginning of the six-party star force, the multiple will increase. Nowadays, the three-way star power has been smashed, representing the power of eight times weakening!


The domineering Golden Wind Star was shocked by this scene. He has never seen this ability to fight against the sky, but also to give away the star power of the other side?

Even the other stars have looked at them, and when they breathe, they suddenly wonder if they are blind. I have seen the power of suppressing each other, but I have never seen even the other side of the star power being smashed!

"This, this is the power of the unique star law?"

They breathe a meal, obviously the power of the unique stars, at least they have not seen before.

This is not over yet. The star power that shines above Yi Tianyun is rapidly expanding. It is also the same as the Octagonal Force. After swallowing up the three squares, it will be directly upgraded to the Ten Stars!


The starry phase of the five-color emperor dragon seems to be injected with more vitality and becomes very dazzling. The power of the Ten Stars has made it more active and more aggressive.

It is reasonable to say that the Octagonal force absorbs the three-way star force, which should be the eleven-square power, but the later strength is more difficult. Although it is also a threefold increase in power, the more it goes up, the harder it is to upgrade, so it is not a simple superposition of power.

"Ten, ten square stars..."

Everyone sighed and looked stunned when they saw the stars shrouded. This means that the increased power will increase a lot.

Weaken the opponent and strengthen ourselves. Who can compare this ability?

"It's a bit of a skill, but it's here!"

Jinfeng Xingjun was not afraid, and his hands turned quickly. There was a huge hammer in his hand. The golden hammer was engraved with a golden star pattern, like a giant star.

And this is the star-level weapon, the weapon that can bring its own strength to the ultimate effect! The weapon is in hand, the power is climbing, and the golden domineering ring is released.

He clasped the golden hammer and smashed down to Yi Tianyun. The void shattered and destroyed the earth!

Yi Tianyun is heading up, but he can only be empty-handed. He has no star-level weapons. Star-level weapons are extremely precious, and even the average star can't be obtained. They use relatively low-level treasures.

Only a star like the ancestral land of the Jade God can get such a high weapon. Enhance your own strength, at least a dozen times the effect, or even higher!

Although the star power is weakened, the blessing of weapons is still not weak. It is no wonder that the star of the Jade God is invincible. Whether it is its own talent or from the perspective of major treasures, it is invincible.

As for the other ancestral homes, they have all been searched, how can there be advanced weapons?


In an instant, the heavens and the earth are discolored, and everything turns into a golden glitter.

Yi Tianyun's five-color emperor dragon virtual shadow, have been suppressed. Under the power of violent, I have to say that even if it is a unique star law, there is no way to compete.

With a burst of explosion, Yi Tianyun was smashed again and took the ground out of the huge pit. The whole person seems awkward, and the body is bruised and bruised. It must be said that the power of this hammer is really against the sky.

Xiao is the blood force of the five-color emperor dragon blessing, which makes him become extremely defensive, and can't resist this power.

"Even if it is a unique star law, even if you devour the other party's star power, the repair is still too far apart!" When the leisure fairy saw this scene, he began to laugh again.

I was scared by the ability of Yi Tianyun to devour the starry sky. Now I find that it is not enough to fill the corresponding gap. The difference is still poor.

The rest of the practitioners are relieved, although they do not have a good impression of the ancestral land of the gods, but if there is an unknown existence, it is not a good thing.

"Is this your strongest strength? It's still too weak..." Yi Tianyun staggered from the pit and stood up, it looked so fragile.

"It’s dead, it’s still hard! You can take down my trick, this is not a small thing, but everything is here. When you go below, remember to think about it, the next generation is a low-key! You can have arrogance, but you must have The ability to match!" Goldwind Star once again swayed the giant hammer, like a fallen golden meteorite.

The Yueyue fairy exclaimed and wanted to rescue, but could not intervene. Don't talk about the rescue, there is no chance to get close.

Her cultivation is too low, and she may still be strong outside. In the face of the battle of the Star Jun, it is really necessary to stand by.

"I said that you are too weak, that is too weak... If I am a master in the early stage, I can make it like this. If you go further, do you think you can go where?" Yi Tianyun said indifferently.

"Speaking lightly, then you will show me up, idiots!" Jin Fengxingjun's offensive is not diminished, continue to squat, his eyes are full of disdain: "You have nothing more than a playful mouth, the rest is nothing!" ”

"Yes, then I will give you a look..."

Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed, the strength of the body instantly increased, and the repair was to move forward quickly. It was actually a mid-term repair of the Star Jun, saying that the breakthrough would break through, and there was no difficulty at all.


The powerful power of Xingjun rises into the sky, and everyone can feel that Yi Tianyun has broken through. From the early stage of Xingjun to the mid-term of the Xingjun, it is a brand new realm!

It’s hard to break through to the level of Xingjun. I didn’t expect Yi Tianyun to really say that breakthrough, break through!

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