Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1944: Step on (explosion, seventh!)

It is really a breakthrough that breaks through and breaks the golden wind star, just like drinking water.

If the audience is shocked, it is Jianfeng Xingjun. They witnessed Yi Tianyun breaking through to the level of Xingjun, and they just broke through to Xingjun’s retreat. This is just a long time, and Yi Tianyun can break through to the mid-term of Xingjun.

It was just like drinking water, and it was easy to break through and let them all be shocked.

"This, this is how long it took, it broke through..." Jianfeng Xingjun, they know the truth, will be so shocked.

What others don't know, I thought that Yi Tianyun had been suppressing for a long time, and now it is officially broken into the mid-term repair of Xingjun. I don’t know if the distance breaks into the pre-repair of Xingjun, but it’s only a few months, and it’s easy to break through to the middle.

In a few months, it will break through to the medium term, and if you change to other stars, it will not necessarily break through a level for hundreds of thousands of years. This makes them feel timid, what kind of talent, what kind of ability, can this be done?

After the breakthrough, the power of the stars above Yi Tianyun soared again, from the ten-square star force to the twelve-square star force. Representing the original Eight Stars, when it broke through to the mid-star, it raised the two levels again.

This does not include the improvement of its own basic strength. Under the double superposition, the power reaches an unprecedented realm!

Following the bombardment of two forces, accompanied by a more exaggerated power burst than before, the slightly closer practitioners were sent out. It is lightly injured, but it is difficult to move on the ground.

They are already far enough away. When they collided, they still flew them out.

Power is far from what they can resist.

"Who's winning?"

A little farther away, without the impact of this attack, it is the eyes fixed on the battle area, want to see who won in the end.

Soon the explosion dissipated, seeing Yi Tianyun standing in the void, Jin Fengxing was shot on the ground, the golden hammer in his hand was flew out, it looked very embarrassing.

However, the body does not suffer any harm. After all, there is a gold force, and the defense is still very strong. But this has already meant that he lost, even the weapons have been bombed, equal to lose!

After all, Yi Tianyun has no weapons, so he can win this game, which means he is even more anti-day!

"No, no, Jin Fengxing lost?"

They were shocked, even if they broke through from the early stage of Xingjun to the middle of Xingjun, there is still a gap between them. After breaking through the mid-star period, it is like a chicken blood, showing an amazing explosion.

These outbreaks scared them all, and I have never seen such a big outbreak.

This is the effect of the basic improvement, with the crazy mode, everything is not a problem. In particular, the star power has improved. Under the superposition of the two, even if it is the Golden Wind Star, it can still be suppressed.

But this is good, at least to prove that the gap is not very big, otherwise it is not as simple as falling to the ground, but directly blown by a punch.

"Gold, Jinfengxingjun lost..." The leisurely fairy sat down on the ground and squatted directly on the ground.

She thought that Yi Tianyun lost, who knows is really anti-super.

"He didn't lie, but it was really strong..." Fan Yuexian surprised his mouth and remembered the words of Yi Tianyun before. It didn't seem to lie, but really had this ability.

From the very beginning, within the expected range, everything is under his control!

The rest of the practitioners are equally shocked, what arrogance? People have arrogant capital and have the power to challenge the ancestral land of the gods!

"This time, do you think my words are wrong?" Yi Tianyun said indifferently: "If my cultivation is a further breakthrough, I will reach the late stage of Xingjun. I think that if you are physically strong, you will be slap in the face." ""

The golden wind star that fell to the ground was dull, and he was equally stupid. He was so steady that he could win this game. Who knows or loses, and still loses completely.

The weapon was shot and the flesh could not stop the opponent's attack. As for the repair, let alone, a high one, lost to Yi Tianyun. This sense of difference made him fall into a state of confusion.

It has always been high, and it is above all else, and no one can compare with himself. Now it is like being poured by a basin of cold water, so that he is awake - strong in his own strong hands, a mountain is higher than a mountain!

"I don't accept it!"

The golden wind star screamed, and reached out to the void, the golden hammer in the distance trembled, and then quickly flew to him. He is not convinced, but also wants to continue to fight with Yi Tianyun, even if it is dead, it must be the last.


The huge golden hammer was stepped on by Yi Tianyun, and he was finally caught in the ground by a foot, which was difficult to move. He will not let Golden Wind Star get the golden hammer, the power of this game can not be weak.

Although there is a golden hammer, it can still suppress him, but without a golden hammer, it will undoubtedly be a lot easier.

"It is time to end, destroy the jade **** ancestral land, start with you!"

After controlling the golden hammer, Yi Tianyun quickly turned into a five-color emperor dragon deity, and swooped down to Jinfeng Xingjun. Turning into the deity, the power is even more powerful!

Quickly rushed to the side of the Golden Wind Star, and with a wave of claws, he tore the star of the Golden Wind Star to tear it into pieces. There is no star law, can withstand the tear of the unique star law, including the gold wind star.

After shredding, continue to press down here.

The eyes of Golden Wind Star are filled with the shadow of the five-color emperor dragon, everything is so desperate. All his strength seemed so futile in front of Yi Tianyun, and he looked so desperate.


The violent attack was madly photographed, and the golden wind star was constantly attacked. The first trick was not to shoot him to death, but the numerous attacks were taken in succession. Even if the golden wind star was strong, it would be made into a meatloaf.

In the end, under the violent offensive, this war ushered in the end.

Jin Feng Xingjun completely lost the breath, Yi Tianyun recovered itself, and exhaled.

"This guy is really hard enough to attack so many times before he dies. It really has to improve the damage." Yi Tianyun shook his head and searched for all the treasures of the Golden Wind Star.

After the search was completed, he looked up and looked around. A group of people were scared to go back a few steps, especially the Jianfeng Xingjun was a big step back.

They almost provoked Yi Tianyun before, and if they were stared, they would be finished.

Golden Wind Star has been killed, who else can stop him? Unless it is the other two stars of the Jade God ancestor, no one can stop him!

"Yu Shenzu, really have to be leveled?"

Someone muttered to himself, everything seems to be really possible!

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