Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2090: opportunity

Yi Tianyun and the star-ring Da Xing are besieged. In addition to the star-studded star, Yi Tianyun is not very nervous.

He has many means to escape. The most classic nature is the state of suspended animation. It seems to be blasted, but it can be revived after a while. When the madman star responded, he had already managed to escape.

As for the Stars and Stars, he can't save it for the time being. After all, the stars and stars are restricted, and they cannot escape from this rule. Unless her repairs are restored to the original state, they cannot break through this rule.

If the repair is low, it will be restricted by the rules. If it is repaired to be almost or stronger, the effect of the expression will be more general. Therefore, in the view of low-educated practitioners, this heart is the ability to fight against the sky, and anything can be limited.

As far as the repair is concerned, there are few restrictions that can be limited.

It’s just that he now looks like he doesn’t need to do this for the time being.

"Stars ring, you really hide here, I thought you had already fled. It seems that my words and deeds are not wasted." The mad moon star fell down and shouted her real name, "a few After ten years, you can really hide. Hey, go back with me, continue to do this, don't blame me, you are welcome!"

"Heavenly madness, can't you let me put a horse? Read the old feelings and let me go. I said that I have taken care of you." Stars stared at him.

"No, the elders let me come over and grab you, which means that the deadline has arrived. You are having enough outside, it is time to go back, don't stay outside, it will not help your future. You break through as a big star. Respect for so many years, there is no progress, this is the difference you are outside!"

The madman star shook his head and shouted his words. His words were full of disappointment. Perhaps they were full of worship for her, but now they are full of disappointment.

"I don't want to stay in the family all the time. I will go crazy there when I stay there. Even if there is no breakthrough outside, I don't want to go back." Stars ringed his head and said: "Hey, you don't have to say anything." Just do not find me."

"Stars ring, you think too much. I can't let you go, I want to correct your mistakes! Everything is your fault, not a family mistake, the family's purpose is correct, your thoughts are It’s a mistake!”

The star ring shook his head, and it seemed that there was no point in trying to persuade himself. The thought of the sky madness has been ingrained, not what she can control.

"It seems that I can't change your mind." Stars looked at him and said, "Then I don't ask you to do anything now. I am willing to go back with you, but please let him go. He has nothing to do with us."

"What is his relationship with you, and he wants to protect him like this?" Sky madly looked up and down Yi Tianyun sharply. Before he was too lazy to look at Yi Tianyun, now he noticed that when he transferred to him, Officially looked up.

"It doesn't matter, it's a friend. This thing has nothing to do with him. Can you let him go? Just let him go, I will go back with you." Tianxinghuan said.

"It's ridiculous. Don't you let him go, can you escape?"

"It's really hard to get up, even if you can catch me, you have to pay a price. Or, try?" The star is cold and cold, and the beauty is full of coldness.

It’s a slap in the sky, and he really can’t deny it. The Star Ring is not desperate, it is also seen in the same family, it is not desperate.

If you give people a hurry, it is really possible to desperately, even if he can catch it, it will cost a certain price. The task he came over was originally to bring the stars back, not to kill her, not to kill unrelated people.

He was too lazy to move unless someone intercepted him with a star.

"Well, let him go, and thank you for it. It seems that he wants to leave with you. If it is not for him to leave with you, it is really not so fast to find you." Month laughed, seeing Yi Tianyun's situation, is to take a star to go with a ring.

If it wasn’t for Yi Tianyun to take her away, I couldn’t find a star ring if I couldn’t say it for a while.

"Oh, don't talk nonsense, let this barrier go and let him go!" The star is cold and cold, and there is nothing to say about him.

"Well, I will unlock the barrier, and unravel it anyway. You can't escape." Heavenly Mania has full confidence and can catch the Star Ring.

As long as he came to the side, he could not escape his arrest.

Immediately after he waved his hand, he evacuated the barrier and let the air be empty. The Star Ring did not escape, not that she kept her promise, but she couldn’t escape. Can escape, she must choose to escape, not stupidly caught here.

Since I chose to leave the family, I am definitely not willing to go back.

"You go back, I can't help anything... If he asks, you can't find me." The star is bleak and can only choose this answer.

After all, I can't help, just pretend that I can't find myself, maybe I can still miss a trace.

"You mean that you can fight together? Can you rush out of this shield that blocks you?" Yi Tianyun quickly voiced and did not leave.

"It's okay to rush out of this shield, but what's the point, isn't it going to be caught back?" The star is puzzled.

Their repairs are too far apart, and under the chase of the sky madness, there is no possibility of running away. I can't say it, just a little angry, I will kill Yi Tianyun.

"That's it, then you will break the shield and kill it!" Yi Tianyun Shen Sheng.

"What are you talking about, if you want to go, you will go quickly, otherwise you will not be able to escape when I regret it." When the sky madness saw that they did not move, they thought that they would definitely talk about something.

The star ring took a deep look at Yi Tianyun, and did not return to Yi Tianyun's words. The next second, her palm was released, and a dazzling aura was released, instantly covering her body.

In the blink of an eye, her body is golden yellow, and a very strong energy is sprayed out. It is almost instantaneous, and it has the power to return to the big star. Perhaps this is the energy stored in the treasure, and now it can be erupted out.

After the outbreak, the Star Ring grabbed Yi Tianyun and rushed out of the shroud.


The shroud was directly crushed and shattered without much hindrance. The method of saying words is very powerful, but in the face of the full-strength star ring, it can't block half points.

However, after she passed through, the golden light on her body immediately dimmed, and it seemed that the energy that broke out was almost lost. Sure enough, it is not your own strength, it is impossible to last.

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