Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2091: Escape

The shield was easily broken, and the power of the star's ring quickly fell sharply, and it suddenly fell by half. It's no wonder that you can only break through the shield and not run away.

Such an outbreak, at most, can only be a few tricks with the sky madness. Of course, she may have other hidden moves, but she certainly can't persist for too long. No wonder she will choose to compromise.

Now rushing out of the shield, the power immediately reduced a lot.

"Sure enough, I still want to struggle to escape, I want to escape from my hands, it is impossible!" Sky mad sneer, quickly open the big hand, want to continue to trap them, my heart is angry.

Kindly untied the shield, let Yi Tianyun leave, who knows whether to choose to resist, how can not let him feel angry.

At this time, Yi Tianyun dragged the star ring, holding the **** stone in his hand.

"Give me a message!"

"call out!"

With a flash of light, they immediately disappeared in place. The attack of the sky madness immediately rushed into the air, and almost both of them were trapped again. The speed of Yi Tianyun was faster and quickly disappeared with the star ring.

"What situation, disappeared?" The sky madly stunned, and immediately mad, and quickly went around to find their figure.

No matter how he finds it, it doesn't make sense to know how many millions of things are put out. I couldn't find the figure of Yi Tianyun and the Tianxing ring at all. I didn't know where to disappear. Everything disappeared, like disappearing in this world.

"How could it disappear, just disappeared under my eyes?" The sky is mad, and in his heart he feels that he has absolute control. It is impossible for them to escape from the palm of their hands.

But this happened. Yi Tianyun and the Tianxing Ring disappeared in the same place. I don’t know where to go.

"The energy fluctuations just now seem to be not moving. Is it the magical escape effect?" The sky madness constantly analyzes the situation and wants to see what the real situation is.

No matter how he analyzes, how to feel the energy fluctuations, try to explore Yi Tianyun where they fled, did not find a little bit of clues. There is no sense at all, so he really wants to go crazy.

It’s hard to find the Star Ring, but now it’s slipping away in your hands, which is really maddening. The key is still not found a little bit of clues, which makes him even more mad, never had this powerless feeling.

Under normal circumstances, the other side can escape, no matter how you use it, you can find a little more and more clues. Along this clue, you can find the direction of their escape, so tracking is undoubtedly the most convenient and fast.

But now there is no effect at all, it is the first time in his history that he has hit the wall.

"There is no trace, how is it done... Damn, where did you look for it this time?" The sky madly angered and attacked all around, and his surroundings were immediately shaken by his attack. Under the mad attack, the ground has been bombarded with countless huge holes.

When the cultivators around them felt the situation here, they were all scared and they thought that the world was destroyed.

At the same time, Yi Tianyun and the Tianxing Ring appeared in another area, and that was the six-yuan domain.

It's easy to get back to the six-yuan domain. After returning to the ridiculous star, it is hard to find them. Unless they deliberately expose themselves, they will not be discovered.

"Where are we here?" The star circle looked around for a circle, and the whole person was stunned. He could escape under the eyes of the sky, and this fact is not small.

At the beginning, she still had a mentality of fighting. She also didn't want to go back to the family, so she could only fight. She didn't know what Yi Tianyun would do, but she failed, and it wouldn't be a big deal.

As for the safety of Yi Tianyun, she can still be preserved.

"Desert Dragon Star." Yi Tianyun said simply.

Originally, he did not want to use the transmission **** stone, fearing to scare the star ring. It is still used now, and everything is forced to help. Of course, there would be no way for him to use it. After all, the starry ring was trapped by the words of the sky madness, and the **** stone could not be brought out.

"Desert Dragon Star, have we come to the Star of the Desolation?" The Star Ring was stunned, showing a shocked expression. She really did not expect to come here so quickly, something she had never thought of.

In an instant, I came to the barren dragon star. What is this anti-sky treasure.

"Yes, we came to the barren dragon star. As long as we didn't deliberately die, I believe that the mad month will not be expected. We have already come to the barren dragon star." Yi Tianyun laughed, he can foresee The crazy expression of the sky madness is definitely crazy.

Unfortunately, he can't see it on the spot. He likes to see the expression of these strong people going crazy. It is really pleasant.

"What treasure are you, can you bring to the barren dragon star in an instant, afraid that it is not a small price?" Tianxinghuan asked.

"Yes, if it is not a last resort, I really don't want to use it. You see, it's broken..." Yi Tianyun took out the broken transfer stone, just used to the limit, it was broken into countless pieces. It is a little powdered.

Stars ring looked at the powder, and some guilty: "This is definitely your magic weapon to escape, but it is used on me. If you go directly, you will definitely not need this thing."

Seeing the expression in the starry ring, Yi Tianyun couldn't help but smile. Although it is not good to deceive people, it is better to keep the secret.

"It doesn't matter, you can save you out. So, you will stay here safely." Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "Although in the current situation, you can't help Tianyou Yuan predecessors. But if you look at the Tianyou Yuan predecessors, is it still ok?"

"No, I can't help him now..." The Star Ring quickly shook his head.

"You can't think like this. Since Tianyou Yuan's predecessors are willing to come to you for help, it is definitely not very much for you. I don't know what to do, I want to tell you." Yi Tianyun encouraged a sentence. People have been rescued, and they are not willing to go, it is too pit.

"This..." The star is moving, she has not found the whereabouts of Tianyouyuan. It is hard to know now, so she really wants to see it.

After struggling for a while, the star of the star circled a little bit: "Well, then I will go to see my brother, even if I am out, I will!"

Looking at the expression of the star ring, Yi Tianyun sighed in the heart, it seems that the relationship between their brothers and sisters is still good, otherwise it will not be so attitude. It should be said that at the beginning, I still lived in one piece at a time, but only a little thing happened on the way to the family, let them fall apart.

(End of this chapter)

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