Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2105: Treasures

Mu Yangyu was once again engulfed by Yi Tianyun's assault, and the sky was shrouded in flames, turning into a deep red, shocking everyone. All the practitioners in this area can see the sky covered by flames.

Perhaps there is no ground shaking, but they obviously feel a flame from the top of the head, making them feel very hot.

"I'm going to kill you!"

In the flame above, there is a voice that penetrates the heart. Immediately, Mu Yangyu broke through the flame and killed it. His body was burnt a large piece, but his face did not become burnt, but it looked a bit pale. It is obvious that he was hit and hit a certain trauma.

Injured by a star, this shame completely angered his anger, the huge stars and the rising of the law, a huge golden dragon greeted the sky, bursting into the sky, tearing the flame to kill.

Such a violent attack is only a little traumatic to him, and the big star is really strong.

At the same time, the appearance of the 30-square star force above him is really the real power of the big star. When the explosion broke out, the whole world shook for him!

"Devouring the stars!"

At this moment, Yi Tianyun has already prepared for it. The giant mouth is swallowed and swallowed, and the star power above Muyang Yang is swallowed up by the five stars! Let the power of Muyang’s star power suddenly fall to twenty-five square stars.

As for Yi Tianyun's star power, from thirty-three square stars, one breath is raised to thirty-eight square stars! Once again, the audience will be crowned.

This is the star power of the big star. After swallowing it, it can be superimposed perfectly, not weakened. Under the blessing of this power, he became very shining, and the power of the stars above seemed to be born for him.

Cover all the way down and let his huge body be full of power!

"Give me the suppression!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes were cold and cold, and the huge body was heavy and pressed forward. The strongest force was pressed against Muyang. Not only the suppression of power, but also the suppression of ethnic blood!

In the face of this power, Mu Yangzhen was a bit timid in his heart. This is the fear from the blood, and there is no power to resist at any time.


At the time of blasphemy, the attack has been suppressed and he is directly sent to the ground. Mu Yang, who became a golden dragon, was so slammed down and fell heavily on the ground.


The huge mushroom cloud blew open, and Mu Yang’s life and death did not know.

"Is it successful?" Shi Xueyun, their eyes wide open, seeing such a terrible move, should you be able to solve the problem of Mu Yang?

From the beginning, Yi Tianyun suppressed Muyang. Mu Yang Qilian did not have the power to resist, he has been suppressed, this is still the power of the big star respect?

Such a strong Mu Yang, but even a move can not stop.

This allows them to generate an idea that Yi Tianyun can win!

"What strength is this, you can suppress my blood!" Mu Yangyu popped out of the deep pit, and his injury quickly recovered. It seems that there is no serious problem, but the pale face is difficult to cover up.

He did not think of the power of Yi Tianyun, but also caused suppression of his blood. He is a six-level star law, or a high blood of the golden dragon. In front of Yi Tianyun, it is suppressed to have a feeling of being hard to resist.

He quickly put the stars in the law, but in this way, his power will be greatly reduced. Without the blessing of the stars, the power can only be half of the usual. After all, there is no burst of the stars, and there is no way to control the star power.

Originally Mu Muzhen was swallowed up by the five-party star force, or there are twenty-five square stars. After conversion, there are at least dozens of times of power superposition, and now all are gone, it is terrible.

A practitioner who does not have a star law, is also called a big star? It’s not as good as the late star.

"You can't manage this!"

Yi Tianyun angrily continued to suppress down, originally wanted to fight a game, now it seems that it is not needed. In the case of the opponent's blood is absolutely suppressed, even the stars and the law do not dare to use, once the use of the stars, then he has no power to resist.

"Give me a death!" Mu Yang screamed, he would not admit defeat, he is a big star, facing a Yi Tianyun who is far worse than his own, how can he admit defeat.

Under the wrath, his power is fully opened again, and at the same time, the body's blood power is stimulated, and his strength is greatly enhanced.


The two of them were under the bang, and it was a draw for a time! It is worthy of the honor of the big star, even if there is no star law, it is also the level of the dead camel than Ma Da, still able to fight with Yi Tianyun a few tricks.

The basic strength is there, whether it is the flesh or the energy level in the body, it is better than Yi Tianyun. If Yi Tianyun used his own power and added a layer, he couldn’t deal with Mu Yang.

This is a cruel reality, even if he has the power of layers of superposition, it is not very capable of fighting. Perhaps it is invincible in the same order, but now it is not the same level, but the leap-level battle.

In the case of leapfrog fighting, it is undoubtedly quite difficult. In particular, Mu Yang, who speaks the law, is more difficult to deal with. Fortunately, the opponent is the blood of the dragon, and the king of the six-color emperor dragon is given to the death of the king, and there is no way to play.

If it can be played out, Yi Tianyun is really suppressed. This is the power to cultivate the gap, not easy to fill. Can not easily fill, Yi Tianyun will die!

"Come back!" Yi Tianyun's huge body around, suddenly appeared a star-level sword, this is the weapon that Tianyouyuan gave to himself, under his control, with the huge figure down and down.

How can Mu Yang, who is a big star respect, worse than a treasure?

Reaching out for a stroke, three consecutive pieces of the Star River treasure emerged, and a layer of aura was superimposed on the body, and the strength was greatly improved. Compared to the treasures, Mu Yangyu will certainly not lose, but was previously beaten, and for a time did not think that he still has treasures to attack.


Muyang smashed into the air, and the huge gods rushed over to Yi Tianyun, and the sky shook. Yi Tianyun could feel the top of his head and was crushed by a force. He wanted to shock him.

At the same time, there is a fierce sword, clenched in the hand, and stabbed up to Yi Tianyun's dragon claws. The sword has not arrived, and the sword that comes through it is enough to break the defense of Yi Tianyun and hurt him!

The last one is to protect the armor of your body and provide excellent protection.

However, it is a wealthy rich man who can have the existence of an energy yuan baby. How can it be a treasure? A few words of wealth and wealth, completely branded on him.

Yi Tianyun is killing a big star, but it is a sinister star, it is the state of the soul, where is there any treasure? As for those stars, most of them are without the treasures of the Xinghe class. It can only be said that the star of the desolation star is too poor!

Muyang is definitely not a desert dragon, it is estimated to come from the Red Moon Star.

(End of this chapter)

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