Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2106: Six stars shining anger!

Yi Tianyun was suppressed by the treasure, and it was impossible to change it. In the past, his treasures were numerous, and now it is different. The new environment brings the disadvantage that there are too few powerful treasures.

If you give him more time, his treasures will definitely kill people! For example, his current star-level treasures can kill people. He has a lot of star and star respects. Their star ring does not dare to say how many treasures, and several star-level treasures are no problem.

As a result, his star-level treasures have at least dozens, or even hundreds, of which there are many top-level treasures. There are no more star-level treasures, and there is no point here. After all, the other party uses the Star River treasure, and the star-level treasure is a display.

This can be countered by not using quantity.

"On your strength, I want to suppress me, and then practice for tens of thousands of years!" Mu Yangyu rushed all the way, under the blessing of three treasures, his power began to surpass Yi Tianyun.

What he said is that the big star respects, the big star respects the use of the Star River treasures, but it complements each other and gives all the power out. Under the outbreak, Yi Tianyun's hard dragon scales will be broken.

In a twinkling of an eye, he had a lot of wounds on his body, and some of the dragon scales were broken open to reveal the bones inside.

Yi Tianyun is not good, Mu Yangzhen is not as good as where to go, the two are crazy to kill, Mu Yang is also a lot of claw marks. Now I can see who can persist for a long time. According to the current situation, it is obvious that Mu Yangyu is more dominant.

Seeing this scene, Shi Xueyun said their hearts in the eyes of the blind. I thought that I could always have an advantage. Now it seems that I have been back pressured. Is everything going to end?

"Hey, he can definitely win! He has always been able to beat his opponent, no matter who the opponent is!" Yi Sixue comforted his mother next to him.

"Yeah, he will definitely win... If it is defeated, I will go with him." Shi Xueyun smiled as if he was talking about something that was irrelevant.

Yi Tianyun is not in this world. What does it mean to live?

"Mother, what are you talking about, don't you want to stay with your baby?" Yi Sixue clasped his mother's hand.

"Snow, I will definitely stay with you, but really go to that step, do you think he will let us go?" Shi Xueyun patted her little hand and smiled: "Children, let's evacuate first." , let me keep it here."

"No, the baby is going to be here! I believe, you can definitely win!" Yi Sixue shook his head and didn't think his father would be defeated. "If it is really defeated, our family will go to another world." There is no difference in life."

Yi Sixue’s eyes are full of determination, and it is impossible to drive her away.

Supporting Yi Tianyun, now I feel very worried, my heart is stuck in the eyes of the blind, but the heart is constantly shouting, I hope Yi Tianyun can win!

"Cultivating tens of thousands of years? I don't have to practice for tens of thousands of years, now I can suppress you!"

Behind Yi Tianyun, a green demon star emerged. The enormous vitality was continuously drawn from all directions, and his injury recovered instantly. Compared to the healing ability, Yi Tianyun definitely has to lead Muyang to a big cut!

"What strength do you have? It seems to be the power of another kind of star law. You, will you exert the power of two kinds of stars?" Mu Yangyu was shocked. He thought that he could continue to suppress this way, and finally Yitian The cloud will be hurt by yourself.

Who knows that with a blink of an eye, the injury has completely recovered. How can this be played? According to this situation, Yi Tianyun can quickly heal the wound, and finally lose the fear of Mu Yang.

"Everybody, help me!"

Yi Tianyun did not pay attention to him, hot iron, to suppress, it is necessary to thoroughly suppress, put the opponent to breathe!

At this time, the patriarchs appeared nearby, and they all shouted loudly, releasing their own stars, and gathered a star power on their heads.

"Let Xing Jun come to besiege me, are you an idiot?" Mu Yangxi saw the Ji clan when they supported him, and they laughed and thought that this behavior was so ridiculous.

Perhaps he can't easily suppress Yi Tianyun, but crushing the star, there is still no pressure.

Yi Tianyun still did not answer him. Immediately, he opened his mouth and slammed the star power of the patriarchs. They took a lot of their star power, and then the star power of the two stars. Stack it all over him.

This allowed him to star for thirty-eight squares, and then sprinted to the forty-first party's star power, and once again pulled up a large section.

His current star law reaches three levels, naturally able to devour the star power of three people. It is undoubtedly the best way to give yourself a boost.

After reaching forty-one square stars, the power of the stars on the top of Yi Tianyun is more conspicuous. The power of the original stars is like being wrapped in a layer of fog, and now it is very clearly presented to everyone.

After reaching forty-one square stars, Yi Tianyun’s combat power has been greatly improved! Especially starting from the fortieth star force, he began to present a superposition of five times power!

"This power can continue to be swallowed up, and the unique star law is so bad?"

Mu Yang's disdainful smile froze, and he did not expect Yi Tianyun's unique star law, but also so bad. When he saw that Yi Tianyun was a unique star law, it was indeed a bit sloppy, but it was just a slap.

In his opinion, nothing can't be crushed. The cultivation of his great star, the unique method of the stars, is still crushed.

It seems that everything is not that simple now. What is really going to be crushed is not Yi Tianyun, but him!

"Six Stars Shining Fury!"

Yi Tianyun roared, and the six colors of his body were released, and turned into a six-color beam of light. This is the ultimate move to reach the forty squares of force, in order to display it!

"Give me the power!"

In the face of this force, Mu Yangshao stunnedly exerted his words and thoughts and wanted to block the power of Yi Tianyun. However, he found that his own words and deeds seemed to have no effect on Yi Tianyun.

This means that the power of Yi Tianyun has exceeded the scope of his words. Under normal circumstances, if you use the words and deeds, you can be restricted by some powers.

Before he was too arrogant, he did not show his way to Yi Tianyun. The strong are all such virtues, that is, they don't want to waste too much effort.


Can break through all the power of the move, easily penetrate the attack of Mu Yangyu, and finally hit him directly, and blast him to the ground. For a time, shaking the mountain, as if the entire barren dragon star, all vibrate.

(End of this chapter)

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