Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2107: Kill!

The whole world was shaken up, and everyone was unable to open their eyes with this explosion.

"Good strength, Tianyun Emperor is too powerful, this time should be able to destroy the opponent?"

"It's ok, so a strong offensive will definitely kill him!"

When many practitioners saw the situation of Yi Tianyun, they were very much expecting Mu Yang to be killed, and everything was over.

After the explosion completely disappeared, it was a bottomless pit. Mu Yangyu lay there, like a dead dog, and all the body was bombarded without a piece of good meat.

The limbs were all bombarded by Yi Tianyun's attack, and there was a torso left, which looked terrible. He didn't die, he struggled and wanted to recover his body.

But he had no chance, Yi Tianyun quickly fell to his side, stepping on his torso, cold and cold: "Do you think I still need to wait for millions of years?"

"Yes, there is the ability to let me use the stars and the law!" Mu Yangyan's eyes are full of anger, almost to spew out.

"It’s ridiculous, this stupid thing you said is the export, you have the ability to wait for me to break through to the big star, then play with me again!" Yi Tianyun sneered: "Everyone has their own advantages, let I give up my advantage to fight with you, idiot? Do not say that you wait for me to break into the big star, you reduce the repair to the star to come and try with me?"

This kind of stupidity, there are only some mental retardation, can be said to be exported. It would have been an advantage, but also let yourself lose the advantage to fight, is this not an idiot?

Mu Yang’s remarks were made by Yi Tianyun’s words.

Without waiting for him to think more, Yi Tianyun reached out and grabbed Mu Yang's head to carry out a super soul search. The memory of the great star, he never let go, it can be equal to an amazing wealth.

After a search, Yi Tianyun showed a few complex eyes. I didn't expect this guy to have a relationship with the family of Tianyouyuan?

To be precise, the family in which Mu Yangshuo is located is an alliance with the family of Tianyouyuan. This is really a coincidence, the family of Tianyouyuan is stubborn and decadent. The family that is in alliance with the family of Tianyouyuan is estimated to be half a catty and eighty-two. They are all rotten generations.

"It's a bit interesting. I didn't expect this relationship." Yi Tianyun nodded thoughtfully.

"You, you can find all my memories..." Mu Yangyu was shocked. It should be said that anyone who is going to be changed will be stunned. If there is no obstacle, he will be stunned. How can he not be shocked?

In particular, he is still a big star, and there is no resistance at all. It is not normal at all.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense with you, go on and reflect on it. If you cultivate to this level, is it like living on a dog? You have to learn to be low-key, don't be so arrogant." Yi Tianyun looked down on him. "Sometimes repairing is not the key to determining all the outcomes, understand?"

Yi Tianyun lifted his foot and stepped on his head, scared Mu Yangyu hurriedly shouted: "You dare to kill me, your power will surely perish! In the family, I will definitely send someone to come to me. When the time is investigated, Your power must be destroyed!"

"How much, how much will I kill!" Yi Tianyun did not have a little bit of mercy, but also did not fear the danger brought by the back.

In fact, he let go of Muyang, and the results will not change, and will also attract strong enemies. With Mu Yang’s temper, how could he let Yi Tianyun go? There is a type of hatred, and it is still a big star.

Is the dignity of the great star respect so easy to compromise? If he let go, it is to return the tiger to the mountain. If you kill Muyang, you can still drag it for a while, don't kill him, then tomorrow will be ruined!

After that, he stepped on it.

"No!! I will give you all the treasures, I can make a vow, absolutely not pursued..."

What he said was meaningless. Yi Tianyun’s feet were heavily stepped on. Mu Yang’s head was completely shattered, but he did not die, and the soul floated out of his head.

Following the grasp of the soul by Yi Tianyun, Mu Yang’s soul struggled and struggled, but he could not escape from his hands.

"You intend to let me go? I promise you, I will never pursue you, but will give you a lot of treasures!" Mu Yangyu hurriedly said, for fear of being smashed by Yi Tianyun.

"Sorry, I haven't planned to let you go from the beginning, especially when I know that you are killing my friends." Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold, he can't see a little bit of emotion, and with a blood force, it is the soul. Blood!

The power of the soul is released, and the soul of Mu Yang's soul is controlled. At the same time, he begins to wash away his consciousness and intends to make it.

The soul of the soul can do this effect, as long as it is the soul, you can make it. Maybe you can't make a big star, but you can't do it with a low level. The biggest advantage is that after being made into a cockroach, there is still a realm of big stars, and it is a memory of a big star!

In this way, it is also a top-notch embarrassment to be able to display amazing learning.

When Mu Yangzhen wiped out his own consciousness, he also made a scream of screaming, which is the most painful process. The consciousness is erased a little bit, and the feeling is naturally uncomfortable.

The most terrible thing is the kind of fear, a little bit of engulfing Mu Yang. He really felt that he was dying, how can he shout without horror.

But no matter how he shouts, it doesn't make sense. No one will come to help him. It can only be the last words.

"I want to curse you, even if I die, I will always be pestering you..." Mu Yangyu kept groaning until consciousness disappeared.

"It’s really a lot of cursing me with you, but I don’t see one that can entangle me.” Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "More, I can earn more stars."

"Star energy value, what is that?" Mu Yang stunned, do not quite understand what Yi Tianyun said.

Immediately, he was destroyed, and there was no consciousness left. Only a small group of soul energy was left. This group of soul energy is incredible, but the basic soul of the great star must not be broken.

He quickly gathered it and heard a pleasant voice in his ear.

"Hey, succeeded in killing Muyang, gaining 1 billion points of star value, killing a thousand points. Get crescent sword (Xinghe class), crescent armor (Xinghe class), jade brand (super rare)!"

Jade God Card: A jade card that can open a perfect secret passage. It can rumor that it can lead to the area where the giant beast lives.

“Is there such a thing?” Yi Tianyun’s eyes brightened, and he could also lead to the area where the giant beast lived, and had a fight with the Zijin key.

This time, he will be able to go to two places. There is no time limit for the jade brand.

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