Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2142: Giant bear

Yi Tianyun could feel the temple shaking violently. He knew that something must have happened below, and it was still very chaotic. But he can't end there, how to support himself to break into the four-level star law!

Moreover, in this temple, there is only them, no one else. Therefore, even if the temple is broken and destroyed, there is no big loss. It is the focus of people to live.

He is now breaking through, and only when the breakthrough becomes a real power can he resist these behemoths. If he stops breaking now, although he can solve some things, it is always a temporary solution, not a permanent solution.

When he breaks into the big star, it is a permanent solution. Even if you can't kill the giant beast, you can at least fight against the giant beast, and you won't be trapped here.

"You must hold on... I am almost there." Yi Tianyun increased the impact of this side, and a small part, he was able to successfully break through.

When he concentrates on breaking through, the following is also focused on dealing with the behemoth.

The guard statue that can be sent out, like a paper paste, was easily crushed by the great star. Basically, it’s a step to flatten one, even if you can’t completely destroy the guard statues and can’t afford them, there’s still no problem.

"This big star statue is really against the sky, so the hard guard statues are easily flattened. If the material is better, it is really directly trampled into the end..."

When they looked at the following situation, their faces were gloomy, and they dared to continue to send guard statues. How much is sent out, how much is being flattened. If some of the feet are not flattened, they will be stepped on several feet until they can't move.

Fortunately, the guard statue is still not completely rotted, just need to get it back and fix it, and you can continue to use it. But they don't have the ability in this area. At most, they are recycled. When they have enough capacity, they can be repaired.

After these repairs, they are all guard statues of the late star level, and the power is quite amazing. If they are a little higher, then these guard statues can even reach the level of the big star!

Of course, this kind of statue of the big star statue does not really have the power of the big star. With the words and expressions of the great stars, they can't be used, but they have the most common big star power, and the power is still amazing.

"Stop temporarily, don't send it out, there are not many guard statues on our side." The Ghanaese chief sighed.

They all nodded and agreed. The guardian statue was not released. Without the guarding of the statue, the behemoths began to slam up again and hit the temple again and again. The big star statue of the behemoth, also with a piece of impact, every impact, you can see a crack on the wall.

The terrible impact, it seems that it doesn't take many times to completely break the wall. Sure enough, after the destruction of the temple, the internal situation is relatively easy to be broken.

"After the power is completed, the light blade will be displayed again!"

The Tianhu patriarch once again used the light blade to make a large array. As the floor flickered, countless light blades reappeared. For a time, the entire house was filled with these light-blade blades. The place where it went was immediately flesh-and-blood, even if it was a star-level monster, it was cut and wounded by this light blade, and some were cut into A few pieces - but they are not dead!

As long as they do not completely destroy their souls, they will, like the practitioners, be able to quickly restore their bodies. Loss is there, but at least not like the previous star, it can be fatal.


The most amazing thing is that the big star statue of the behemoth, it bears the most light blade attack, the body flesh and blood is blurred, but it has not been cut into several segments, it seems that the wound is a little deeper, and the rest of the things are not at all.

This is the defensive power of the Great Stars, and it is so powerful that it can't be hurt. In exchange for the ordinary star, under the slamming of so many light blades, even if you don't die, you will be injured.

But this big star statue of the behemoth has nothing to do, just a little bit of injury, enough to prove how terrible the big star statue.

Nowadays, the big star statue is not only a thing, but it is completely irritated. With the roar, the wound on the big star statue quickly healed, and then slammed into the wall. Under the slamming of two or three, the wall was knocked out of the dense crack, which seemed to be fragile. .


Sure enough, and then continue to slam, the wall can no longer withstand such a sharp impact, directly collapsed.

"A terrible power!"

They were all shocked, so the strong light blade not only did not kill the great star, but also angered its power. Under a collision, another layer of walls was broken.

"Nothing, I can hold it again. There are a lot of walls in the temple. We can continue to use the big array inside to kill the big star." They believe that they can kill the big star. So many big battles, can't you kill it?


At the time of their discussion, there was a shock in the ground. They looked at it a little and their face changed suddenly. The wall in the second room was only hit once and there was a pile of cracks.

It’s not that the defense on the wall has weakened, but the big star, the behemoth, is completely angry, and wants to smash it here!

"Fast, start a big burst!"

They started the big battle again, accompanied by a burst of light flashing. This time, countless light arrows burst out and the giant beasts continued to go out. Soon many behemoths were screened, and many behemoths were penetrated, and countless blood holes appeared.

The effect is still very obvious, but there is no scar on the surface of the big star statue, but it is hard to block!

"This, this guy seems to have a thick armor, it seems to be a giant armor, with a thick giant armor, can withstand a lot of damage. Ordinary attacks, no effect on it!" They were scared When it comes, so many intensive arrows, but there is no effect at all.

This scares them, how can such a thick armor play? So the powerful bow and arrow, but the thorns are not as good as the points, at most, it is a little bit of rubbing the skin, a little bit of blood.

This guy is really a siege, maybe it has no attack against the sky, but it has a defense against the sky, can withstand most damage, and destroy the other side of the city wall!

"I am finished, how can this be kept?" They were stupid, and they wanted to use the big array to kill the big star, and now it seems that the effect is minimal. If you can't do a single blow, then continue to do so, the temple will only be completely knocked over!

At this time, a figure walked in slowly from outside the gate and said in a low voice: "I am back..."

The visitor is not someone else, it is Yi Tianyun!

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