Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2143: plan

Yi Tianyun finally raised the Star Law to the fourth level. He had to say that he couldn't upgrade to the fourth level. When he had to find the Wanhuanghua, it was really dangerous.

Now, I am able to reach the four levels of the Star Law, which means that he only needs enough star energy value to break through the cultivation of the Great Star!

What he is most worried about is the breakthrough limit. As long as there is no breakthrough limit, the star value is very good. Especially so many behemoths here, he is worried that there is no star energy value?

In particular, he has already gained a lot of stars, and he only needs to kill some of the behemoths. He can successfully break through to the stars. After so long, I finally broke through to the great star, and it was really a bit of excitement.

For him, this time is a bit long. For other practitioners, this is really too fast. What kind of Tianyouyuan, I do not know how many thousands of years to go through this level. Who can know the hard work?

"Adult, are you retreating?" They looked at Yi Tianyun up and down, obviously feeling a different atmosphere from Yi Tianyun, but it was not clear what it felt, at least from the repair, did not feel What changes.

What he promoted was only the level of the stars, not his own cultivation, so it was not so obvious.

"Yes, I have successfully cleared the customs. What is the situation now?" Yi Tianyun came to them.

"Being incompetent, we can't stop the attack of the behemoth..." They looked awkward and couldn't lift their heads. They thought they could use this temple to deal with the behemoth. Who knows that the effect is very weak now.

"Don't be nervous, let me see the situation." Yi Tianyun calmed down and came to the console, holding the long moon blue dragon knife and immediately perceiving the whole temple.

After a while, he nodded slightly. "Well, the situation is really bad. The big star statue of the great beast has taken over and destroyed many areas of the temple. The big array is not very good for it." Not only is its defense too strong, but the most important thing is that the state of the temple is not the peak state. If it is the peak state, this guy has long been unloaded."

"Yes! If the temple is at its peak, can they still be arrogant? We have already killed them for a while!" The patriarchs looked angry and saw that these behemoths were built on their ancestors. The temple was destroyed, and they felt blocked, but there was no way.

If you give them time to repair the temple, can you let them come?

For now, there is no time to fix them, and they are not enough. Only a lot of energy can be provided to the temple, and there are many temples in the temple. It has not been repaired for too long, resulting in a worse situation. If it is fixed, the number of attacks in the temple will increase a lot.

For example, before the light blade is used, it is no longer necessary to perform it once, and it needs to be stored for a period of time before it can be used again. Instead, it will be carried out several times in a row and will only proceed to the stage of power storage.

"Don't worry, let me go for a while." Yi Tianyun pulled out the long moon blue dragon knife, and at the same time reached out and dropped a drop of blood on the console into the inserted mouth.

Followed by the console, the dazzling light, representing him as the master of the Temple of the Blue Tiger. If he does not do this, if he pulls out the Long Moon Green Dragon Knife, he will not be able to use the temple.

Only by becoming a master, it is very convenient to use the big array in the temple anytime and anywhere. The most important thing is to be able to explore the situation at will, know all the conditions in the temple, and make plans to respond.

"Adult, do you want to go down and deal with them personally?" They were immediately scared. Doesn't that mean death?

If they are all star-level monsters, they will not say anything. Before Yi Tianyun really killed a large number of stars and monsters. But now there is a giant armor underneath, but that is the existence of the big star respect level, whoever goes down is who can't stop it.

"Yes, is there anyone who will solve them for me?" Yi Tianyun smiled.

"No, it's a giant armor, such a powerful big array, you can't deal with it. If you go down, even if you have a long-term green dragon knife, you can't break this thick protection!" They also persuaded them.

"Yeah, we can use the big array to continue to consume them and force them to quit! Even if it is a giant bear, I don't believe it can keep going!" Tianhu patriarchs also persuaded them, they don't want Yi Tianyun Go to die.

Now they can't deal with it, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future.

"In the current state, even if they are forced to retreat, the temple is estimated to be more than half of the temple. A good temple, after repair, can be used as a perfect base for the tribe, to prevent all attacks. If you let it go, then the temple will be abolished, and it will be more difficult to fix it." Yi Tianyun said.

"The words are like this, but now there is no way... Adults, even if your strength is not weak, but the giant armor is really too strong!" Tianhu patriarchs still did not give up persuasion, talent is the most important, the temple There is no way to destroy it, and they can’t stop it.

"You will look at it, and I will let you out when I am. When you attack, you are not letting me kill them, but let you stop them for me." Yi Tianyun said.

"What do you mean?" They are all a glimpse. I don't know what Yi Tianyun said.

"What we are going to deal with now is not the giant bear, but the giant beast outside, that is, the star and the star-level behemoth. You help me stop them so that I can kill them all!" In the depths of the sky, Tianyun’s eyes swept through a killing.

"It turned out to be like this!" The Tianhu patriarch shot a thigh and surprised: "This is called disguised rescue. We are killing the behemoths outside, and we don't believe that the giant bear will not run out. It is impossible to see it." Are you killed by your own hands?"

Yi Tianyun had a glimpse, and had to say that the idea of ​​the Tianhu patriarch was really good, but he did not think so. He just wants to harvest a wave of star energy, but he can still improve his repairs.

"Almost like this..." Yi Tianyun did not have too much explanation. Since he thought so, he followed the meaning of the Tianhu patriarch.

"That's good, this plan can be, we can implement it now!" The Ghanaian chief nodded and said: "We have a lot of pockets here, and now we can go out and annihilate them!"

They are all angry and angry. They have been watching here that the temple has been destroyed, but they are afraid to go on. Now, I can go out and kill!

(End of this chapter)

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