Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2144: strong power

After planning, Yi Tianyun immediately acted. Each one thought that they would go out and kill the behemoths, so as to attract the giant armor bears. The real situation is only known to Yi Tianyun.

Immediately, they quickly went out from the gate of the temple. Under the control of Yi Tianyun, they opened a gap easily, and then they all rushed out.

Outside are a group of giant beasts, of which there are many stars. They are deliberately blocked outside the gate, so as not to be escaped by Yi Tianyun.

Now they came out, and all of them roared, and they rushed over here. They have never experienced the horror of Yi Tianyun, and naturally they will not be afraid of them.

"Help me trap them, everything will let me kill them." Yi Tianyun Shen Sheng: "Of course, if you want to kill the behemoth, try to kill some repairs as low. If you are above the level of Star Jun, just give it to me to solve it."

They don't know what Yi Tianyun means, but they can only do it.

With the star energy value that is needed now, only the star energy value provided by Star Jun will be a little more. The rest of the star energy value is really too little.

Of course, the less meat is also meat, but it is only for them to help them stop, not letting them play a game, it is not too kind.

The Ghanaian patriarchs quickly dispersed around and sealed the roads around them. After repairing a low hand, I succumbed to a large piece. At the level above the star, they all reached out and took them back.

Yi Tianyun said that the star is over to him to solve, it is natural to shoot them, not let them escape from here, or not kill them.

At this time, countless knives swept over here and shred them all into countless pieces! Under one knife, several stars, including a large number of star masters, are given two paragraphs!

Yi Tianyun once again displayed his violent knives, killing the past with all the way, and the behemoths everywhere were killed and the film was left, which made people feel scared.

In this crazy killing, the star energy value has risen steadily, making Yi Tianyun happy. The behemoths are different, so that he can have a lot of stars worth every single knife.

Soon, many behemoths in this area have been emptied. Some of the behemoths who want to come over and support them in the distance are scared to go back and forth, and dare to stay close.

"Almost a little!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes were cold, and he quickly flew around and saw a giant beast slashing. Among them, the star sacred beasts are pitiful, and most of the star sacred beasts enter the temple with the giant armor to demolish the house.

Therefore, if he wants to kill these stars, he must be close to the giant bear.

This made him have to kill some of the low beasts and continue to accumulate star energy, otherwise it would not be enough.


At this time, a roar, coming from the underground, followed by a huge figure flew up from below, and appeared in front of their eyes in the blink of an eye.

Their pupils shrink, and it is the giant bear! Sure enough, they attracted the giant armor bear. After killing the giant beast outside, the giant armor bear will definitely come out. Otherwise, everyone will be killed. It is still hitting the wall below, which is obviously impossible.

"The giant armor bear was attracted to us. We hurry back!" They plan to quickly go back to the temple. If they are outside, they are afraid that they will be chased by the giant bear. This is not a wise choice.

They quickly hid back into the temple, but Yi Tianyun continued to stay outside.

"You hide in it first, and give it to me outside." Yi Tianyun stretched his hand and closed the door.

The Ghanaian patriarchs did not react, and they were kept in the temple. They did not know what happened.

"Big, adults!?"

They were all stunned, and they never thought that this would happen. They all thought that Yi Tianyun would go back with him. Who knows that Yi Tianyun directly put them in the inside, but he is facing the giant bear alone.

A group of people facing the giant armor bears may not be able to deal with them, let alone Yi Tianyun alone.

But they came up with it, but they couldn’t come out, and the doors were closed. They are not the masters of the temple, they are firmly trapped inside, and there is no way to come out.

"What happened, adults don't come in?"

"This, is this adult planning to face the giant bear alone?"

"It should be like this, can adults deal with giant bears?"

They were all stunned and rushed to investigate the situation outside. There is no way to detect it outside, but it can detect the outside situation. The two are not the same.

After they found out, they immediately took a look at the outside situation.

At this time, the giant armor bear had already been killed in front of Yi Tianyun, and the mouth spoke and said: "Kill me many people, die!"

The giant body of the giant armor, fast and sly, instantly killed in front of Yi Tianyun, swung the giant palm and took it, trying to flatten Yi Tianyun.

This stunned god, Yi Tianyun is really the first time I saw it. With brute force alone, I can easily break the void and shatter all the power.

Even if it is what the words are, I am afraid that I can be beaten by a palm!

Yi Tianyun had already prepared for it and quickly evaded it to the side, but his speed was not as fast as that of the giant armor.

When the Ghanaian patriarchs saw them, they all mentioned the eyes of the blind: "I am finished, I have to be hit!"

It’s not a trivial matter to be hit with such a shock.

Yi Tianyun can't hide, can only withstand the storm of this palm.


With the sound of a burst of air compression, Yi Tianyun was not photographed as a blood fog, but was slammed into a slap. Yi Tianyun, who was shot, has a thick dragon scale, and the strength of the six-color emperor dragon is completely attached to the body, forming a thick defense.

Despite this, but still suffered a minor injury, the body's dragon scales were smashed, and the arm was almost abolished.

However, behind him, the Green Devil came to him, and he quickly treated him for a wound. After a little effort, his injury was restored.

"It’s really amazing that the power of the big star is a great behemoth..."

Yi Tianyun was not surprised. He used this force to fly fast to the side, and then quickly pulled the knife to the star-studded beast on the side.

A knife crossed, and a star zombie was easily harvested!


When they saw that Yi Tianyun had nothing to do, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. When he saw Yi Tianyun continue to harvest the behemoths, he was greatly surprised.

"The adults are really amazing, so there is nothing to do, and they can continue to harvest the behemoth. Is he trying to kill all the stars and behemoths?"

"Maybe, can he stick to it? The giant bear can easily catch up and will be attacked again..."

They are still very worried.

(End of this chapter)

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