Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2145: Inspire potential!

After Yi Tianyun borrowed the force to fly out, he carried out a harvest. In a blink of an eye, there were several star monsters and star monsters killed by him. A large number of stars could easily be earned.

"The locusts are not dead yet!"

The giant armor bears that Yi Tianyun was not mad at himself, and he was very angry. It had full confidence and could kill Yi Tianyun. Who knows that after being shot, not only has not been photographed to death, but also can continue to harvest its men, how can not be angry.

In the next second, it twisted the huge body again and chased it up to Yi Tianyun. The huge size, with the speed of unequal, directly rushed up, terrible speed, crushing all the stars, even if compared with the big star of the practitioners, I am afraid that there are great advantages.

The greatest advantage of the beasts is strength, speed, and defense. They don't have any martial arts, and they don't have any exercises. They simply use the power of the body to storm.

God did not give them a very high intelligence, but gave them amazing body!

However, each has its own advantages. The physical fitness of the practitioners is not as abnormal as they are, but they have all kinds of moves, as well as weapons blessings. Even in the face of giant beasts, they can still have a battle.

It can be repaired as a gap, it is not so easy to fill things. For example, Yi Tianyun is completely in the situation of slinging. It is once again in front of Yi Tianyun, and it is also the paw of the bear.

The power of this time is stronger than before. Before the giant armor bear thought that he was attacking, he could kill Yi Tianyun. In its view, the star-level cultivator is not a palm of the hand. This palm can easily destroy the earth, and the general star can not resist.

This is in line with the powerful star king beasts, facing the attack of the Ghanaian patriarchs, and it is impossible to resist a move.

The giant armor bears a little bit, that is, Yi Tianyun is not an ordinary practitioner. He has a pure six-color emperor dragon blood, not so easy to be killed.

There was no exception this time. Yi Tianyun left the palm of his hand. He was shot and quickly healed, and then cleaned the behemoths around him again.

Only this time his injury was more serious, his hands were bloody, and even his body was hurt and collapsed, almost collapsed! The palm of a giant bear is really powerful and shocking.

The level of resistance of Yi Tianyun is equally shocking, and the Ghanaian patriarchs are stunned. If you change them, this palm must be seriously injured! It’s good to be able to escape, let alone continue to harvest those behemoths.

"The adults just want to clean up all the beasts, so that you can leave this giant bear?"

"In this case, it seems that the situation is not ideal, there are so many behemoths. The giant armor bears will soon be killed, and there is no way to kill them..."

"The behemoths are not killing, even if they kill a batch, there are many other beasts to fill in. They have too many resources and are very strong."

"Damn, we want to go out and kill these monsters with the adults!"

They can only stay in the temple to watch, and watched Yi Tianyun being hit again and again, making them feel very painful. Originally they were the descendants of God, and they should be responsible for guarding them, and they would kill the behemoth with Yi Tianyun.

But they can only watch now, can't do it.

Yi Tianyun is indeed like a shackled, repeated again and again, but he is not dead, holding on to death. Every time there is a strong resilience to help him recover his body.

This makes the giant armor bear angry, and it seems to be a small bug in it, even if it is attacked by itself, it will not die!


Yi Tianyun was once again shot and flew out. When he was shot and flew out, he quickly healed himself. Followed by him again, the knife fell, and a group of giant beasts died in his hands.

"Ha ha ha, finally enough..."

After killing the behemoth, Yi Tianyun jumped and laughed like a madman.

But this is like a state of madness. Suddenly, a **** light descends from the sky, and the space above is blocked by the words, and a huge hole is opened. Countless stars fell from the air and fell on Yi Tianyun's body. The beautiful music was played and spread throughout the giant beast!

"This, is this?"

They are so excited to see this scene, they are really familiar. When they break through to the Stars, this happens. It’s just that the scale is not as big as this time. The sky above is full of stars, as if all the stars are coming out and celebrating for him.

With the infusion of the gods, the power in the body of Yi Tianyun has risen madly, almost doubled, and the earth around it trembled.

"Hurry to break through!"

The giant armor was shocked and angry. It did not expect the practitioner to dare to break through in front of him. This is a great insult to it.

The giant armor quickly rushed up and swung the giant palm and slammed it. This time it was a double-handed attack. The whole body's strength condensed on the double palms, and the surrounding voids were squashed, and they would burst at any time.

As long as it is hit by the clip, it will be made into a meatloaf!

Yi Tianyun did not hide, holding the long moon blue dragon knife and watching it coldly, not afraid of this attack.

At the time of the breakthrough, there is no invincible protective cover. If it is interrupted during the period, or if it is killed, it still makes no sense. Since coming at this stage, there is no protection. As long as the other party is strong enough, it can easily kill the opponent.

"Wang Ba Gu, the adults have not completely broken through the success, the giant armor bear will come over!"

"Oh, the breakthrough is not right. If you can go back to the temple, it will be fine. After all, if you break through, you will have to adapt to it."

"Wait a minute, I think adults have been fighting outside, it is possible to squeeze out their potential and force themselves to break through!"

"This is really true, otherwise the adults will not say that they always want to kill the behemoths, and they want to forcibly break through. Now facing the giant bears, they are pushing their potential to the extreme, and the breakthrough of life and death!"

"It turned out to be like this. I almost forgot it! But now that the purpose has been reached, adults should hide in immediately!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge knife smashed the void, and the thick palm of the waist slid to the sky. With a scream, a giant palm of the giant armor is cut into two pieces!

When the other one came over, it was held by Yi Tianyun with the arbor of the Long Moon Qinglong knife, so that it would not be allowed to advance half a point, hard to hold the palm, and easily get rid of one hand!

The picture was so shocking that they almost snapped their tongues and scared them back a few steps.


They couldn't help but smash it out and they were really scared. That is the giant armor bear, so the thick defense, so is the hand broken, what is this power?

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