Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2148: guess

The charm of the beast, let Yi Tianyun sink into the bottom of his heart, the big star is not a joke, especially in the self-reform, has become a practitioner state. It seems that there is a powerful body of a behemoth, and it also has the practice of the practitioner.

This reminds him of the dragons and the Phoenix, which are basically defined as the Yaozu. The behemoth is a behemoth, not a demon, nor a practitioner. It belongs to a relatively primitive beast.

It is impossible to say that they are poor, not evolved, and not as good as the dragons. This is a kind of choice evolution of race. They feel that it is enough to completely evolve their body and strength. It is not necessary to combine the abilities of practitioners.

Say they are low-level, that's not to be. Now it is transformed into a cultivator state, which seems to self-face, denying the previous state, in fact, they are to find a new form.

It seems that the state of the practitioner is not like the state of the practitioner. Under the search of the eye of exploration, the combination of the two is quite perfect and has the corresponding ability.

It seems that before choosing to evolve into a cultivator state, it is mainly to give up a certain physical state, and finally can only choose to give up. Now that I am afraid that I will find a way to come, I will choose this evolution.

It is difficult for the practitioners to catch up with the defensive power of the giant beast. However, they can absorb their blood and so on, they can greatly strengthen their bodies, and through the gods and the like.

This will make your body become more powerful, and even some beyond the body of the behemoth! Of course, this is not a transcendence at all levels, but it can be transcended at a certain level of cultivation. As the cultivation is promoted, the body of the beast will become more and more abnormal.

The practitioners can still surpass the behemoths, and the price they have to pay is extremely amazing. Not every practitioner can have a lot of resources to improve oneself. Therefore, in general, the body of the behemoth is several times more than the practitioners who have been cultivated at the same level, and even more than ten times more defense and strength.

Even if it is a comparison of the perfect combination of the Yaozu, it must be several times stronger! This is the effect that has always been adhered to by itself, and it can continuously improve its ability.

Therefore, the behemoth will not appear so terrible, after all, the behemoth can not use any treasures, and there is no practice. The practitioner can make up for this by killing each other.

The time he came to this world was not long, but he still knows a lot about the news of the behemoth. It’s different now, this charm beast in front of you, some subversive of Yi Tianyun’s cognition. Completely different from the record, with a new evolutionary attitude!

It can be said that the true perfect state of the combination of the two is the type of charm beast.

The Ghanaian patriarchs smelled a very unusual atmosphere and were extremely dangerous. They looked up and down the charm beast, and did not want to go to the behemoth, just a little confused, Yi Tianyun killed her many men, when did it?

Even if the charm beast said the giant armor, they did not associate with the behemoth. The giant beast has not appeared in this state for a long time, and there is no such trend of evolution in this respect.

"Just because you want to kill is me, not them!" Yi Tianyun Shen Sheng said: "If I escape, I can still run away. If you go out with me, I would like to play with you. ”

"Would you be stupid when I was? I am not a giant bear, nor a low-level monster." The charm beast walked step by step, and the eyes shone with a faint glow: "I want Come over and surrender to me..."

A circle of light was released, and the eyes of the Ghanaian patriarchs became slightly blurred, apparently being charmed.

"Wake me up!"

Yi Tianyun slammed his feet and a force spread around, letting the Ghanaian patriarchs wake up from the charm.

After they woke up, they looked at the enchanting beast with horror, but they quickly bowed their heads and did not dare to look at the enchanted beast.

"Who is this, the charm is so powerful, we are lost soon..." They were so horrified that they said that they were all Stars, but they were enchanted in the blink of an eye.

"She is a behemoth, a beast with a state of cultivation, a relatively perfect evolution. Although not the perfect state, but it is close to perfect..." Yi Tianyun looked at the charm beast, he I am not afraid of charm at all. This kind of charm is not a problem for him.

"What, is a behemoth?" They were stunned and scared again, but they were scared!

I didn't dare to look at the enchanted beast, but now I was scared to look up again and stare at the charm beast. I looked up and down the charm beast. I can't see how it is a behemoth!

"I don't know how you came to see me?" The charm beast now asks for the exit. At first, Yi Tianyun spoke like this. She was somewhat stunned, but she did not speak out her identity.

Now Yi Tianyun is very detailed and seems to be very accurate.

"Go out and play, I will tell you." Yi Tianyun coldly said: "And, put away your charm, this does not mean anything to me!"

"Well, go out and play, I will tell me the details, otherwise don't blame me, kill everyone!" When it comes to the back, her tone becomes cold and cold, and the eyes are full of killing.

"Oh, I don't think you will kill them. If you want to kill them, you already have already started it? You can find their hiding point easily, but it has never been done... In my opinion, it should Is it good to captively and then devour them a little bit?"

Yi Tianyun once again guessed that the charm beast can easily find it here, it must be known. In his view, even if the big star is looking for it, it will take some time, not to find it immediately.

Now it is easy to come over, and the representative has already known it! When I knew it early, I didn’t do it. This is different from the previous Green Devils, that is, to raise the cultivators, and then to give them fat, and then harvest a wave.

"According to my guess, you can cultivate to this point, it should also be related to the descendants of the five-color emperor dragon, and other gods will be related to future generations." Yi Tianyun continued to speculate.

The behemoth does not have much preference, that is, he likes to devour the five-color emperor dragon descendants.

The charm of the beast is cold, and a powerful charm is instantly released. It is released from the madness here. It seems that all the charms are released at once, and only Yi Tianyun is targeted!

Yi Tianyun glanced at the front and directly greeted the charm, but his eyes were not blurred.

"I said it, this does not mean to me!" Yi Tianyun cold channel.

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