Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2149: Humble

The charm of the charm beast has no effect on Yi Tianyun. Unless it is a big gap, it will not be possible to influence him with his strong willpower.

The charm of the beast, she thought she could charm Mei Yiyun. Yi Tianyun knows too many things. She wants to empty all the memories of Yi Tianyun's head. Unfortunately, she can't do it at all. Yi Tianyun is not subjected to the slightest charm effect. It is completely released from white.

Her power of enchantment, the power of pride, is not useful to Yi Tianyun here. She is a charm beast, but she can't charm her opponent. It is really a waste of her own talent.

"Well, I will go out with you and tell me everything, otherwise even if I don't destroy all the tribes, at least some of the practitioners will definitely disappear into the world!" The charm beast finally compromised, she was very keen to know. Why does Yi Tianyun know so much, it seems very simple.

"Reassured, I am still not running away." Yi Tianyun's expression was light, turned and flew outside, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Adult, let's go with you!" They reacted and didn't want Yi Tianyun to take risks alone.

Yi Tianyun did not refuse, but just nodded slightly and said that he promised.

The charm beast did not sneak up on anything, but immediately behind him, the beautiful light flashed in the beauty, I don't know what to think about. However, Yi Tianyun’s words gave her a big impact.

Not to mention that it has brought a lot of impact to her, even to the Ghanaian patriarchs, they are very shocked.

Especially the sentence that knew their hiding area, but deliberately did not destroy them, but to bring them in captivity. When they are fed to fattening, they begin to harvest a wave.

This makes them think back carefully, and that's true. It’s a little bit better, and then it’s attacked by the behemoths, some talents are good, or the patriarchs are directly caught or swallowed.

For example, the long moon blue dragon knife, there is nothing to react. In the absence of a response, it is basically impossible to open the temple as a key. When there was a reaction, the behemoth immediately hit, and everything looked so strange.

I can only say that they have been eyeing from the beginning! This makes them very cool, and thinks that they are hiding very hidden, it seems to be a joke!

What is hidden, that is deliberate. Think about it, too, under the eyes of the big star, where can I escape? Even if a big star can't find them, but it takes a little effort, there is still no problem.

Unless they are arranged in a hidden array, even the big star can deceive. But they don't have this ability right now, even if they are arranged in multiple layers, take a little more time and still find it easily.

Immediately they all went out to the outside, the charm beasts really fulfilled their promises and did not attack them. This is not fulfilling the promise, but not wanting to do it. If it really irritates her, she has already started.

"Let's say, I will leave you all the corpse."

Yi Tianyun could not survive. The purpose of her coming here was to kill Yi Tianyun. Yi Tianyun is an unstable factor. If he continues to practice cultivation, it will definitely pose a threat to them.

"I am really honored, tell you all, just keep the whole body?" Yi Tianyun said indifferently.

"Tell me, I will leave you all the corpse. Do not tell me, you not only have no whole body, but even they have to die, choose their own." Charm beast cold ice.

"Oh, then I don't want to choose either?" Yi Tianyun said lightly: "I want to survive, not to die."

"Sorry, you have no choice." A fascinating body of the beast released a force, a faint pink power spread around, the ground began to tremble, and the giant beasts in the distance bowed down and did not dare to move.

"Yes, I have no choice but to be a good one." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "However, I also fulfilled my promise and told you why I know so much."

The charm of the beast looks like a glimpse, and does not speak, but listens carefully.

The Ghanaian patriarchs listened carefully. I don’t know why Yi Tianyun knows so much. Even if they are, they don’t know so much.

"The reason is very simple, that is my guess." Yi Tianyun shrugged.


"You fool me?"

The charm of the beast is angry, and fulfilling the promise, but in exchange for such perfunctory answers!

When the Ghana patriarchs heard them, they suddenly burst into laughter. This is indeed an answer.

"I didn't play you, I did guess, just guess. It looks like I was guessed right, otherwise you won't be so anxious." Yi Tianyun laughed, this is not his lying. It is really speculated step by step, according to the situation nearby, according to the behavior of the charm beast.

Step by step to speculate, and generally know what is going on.

The charm of the beast's face is heavy, and the gloomy expression can almost drip out the water.

"Very good, then you can go to death now!" Charm beast backhanded to Yi Tianyun here, caught in the void, suddenly there was a huge charm beast behind.

Although it is not a star law, but this is its ontology! The effect is also enhanced by the ultimate effect.

When the Void reaches out and grabs it, it immediately surrounds the area where Yi Tianyun is located. The terrible power is far from the level that the average star can perform in the middle. Even if it is a giant bear, there is a difference between the clouds and the mud!

The evolution of the charm beast is really terrible. It is a qualitative leap, combining the power between the two. The charm beast shows an amazing level, and the emptiness reaches out and grasps it. It contains terrible power. The most amazing thing is that it has the martial arts power!

The martial arts she has shown is not a general-level martial art, but a martial art at the Xinghe level!

It is said that it is easy to do it, and it is similar to the style of the behemoth.

Immediately behind Yi Tianyun, the virtual shadow of the seven-color emperor dragon emerged, and instantly overshadowed the power of the body of the charm beast. When the virtual shadow of the seven-color emperor dragon appeared, let the charm beast glimpse, she did not think that Yi Tianyun would have the star law of the seven-color emperor dragon!

"It is the inheritor of the five-color emperor dragon!?"

The charm beast is a glimpse first, and immediately the eyes of the eyes are mad: "I didn't expect you to be so precious!"

"Oh, it seems that I have left my whole body, I am afraid that I will swallow me up?" Yi Tianyun saw her hot eyes, she knew that this guy was heart-wrenching.

"It’s not a practitioner, it’s very smart...” The attack of the charm beast did not stop, but instead increased its power and pressed down to Yi Tianyun. “Become my food, humble practitioner!”

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