Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2150: Chaos stars 斩!

The attack of the charm beast is very fierce. Even if it is a woman, the moves that are displayed are very fierce. The palm is turned into a claw, and the beast is born with a strong body, so that she does not need any weapons, it is enough to match the power of some weapons.

The claws that are now outstretched are unceremonious, at least equal to the weapons of the Galaxy class! It's not that the power is far beyond the Star River level, but the hardness is enough to match the weapons of the Star River.

This is the advantage of the behemoth, the armor of the body, or the claws, as the repair is promoted, equal to itself is a forgemaster, can create tailor-made weapons and armor.

"Claw of Death!"

The charm beast flutters with the claws and wants to tear the Yi Tianyun to a smash. Anyway, even if it is shredded, it can be swallowed. There is no difference.

The seemingly simple blow, but it contains the power of death, the energy fluctuations of the original pink around, all of a sudden become incomparable, wrapped around Yi Tianyun, like a bottomless abyss.

The Ghanaian patriarchs changed their faces and quickly wanted to help them. They know that their strength is not enough to resist, but until now, they can only help with it.

"You go back to the back, let me deal with her!" Yi Tianyun laughed, even if faced with the charm of the beast, he did not have a bit of timidity.

Since he has made a breakthrough to the Great Star, there is nothing to fear, unless it is extremely against the sky.

Immediately, he quickly pulled out the knife, and under the knife, the long moon blue dragon knife quickly drawn a curved moon, screaming toward the front, and touching the claw of death.


The two energy bursts, followed by a black light to break his attack, and rushed over to Yi Tianyun. Obviously, the power of the charm beast is even better, and it is easy to suppress the counterattack of Yi Tianyun.

Yi Tianyun is not in a hurry. It seems that he has already expected this kind of thing. When the black light is about to attack him, he has already counterattacked again. It is a backhand knife and finally offset by the attack.

"The power is not bad, it is not in line with your strength. You can cultivate martial arts, but it is not suitable for you to cultivate. It seems that the road you are going is still very far." Yi Tianyun seems to be falling on Under the wind, but with the big star in the mid-term repair of the charm of the beast, and did not suffer any damage, even if he won.

Of course, he still adds the crazy damage mode, which can be achieved by superimposing twenty-five times the power. If he didn't do this, he couldn't resist the attack of the charm beast.

Despite this, he is a victory. In this case, still have a tie, can't you have a problem on behalf of the opponent? If the charm beast has martial arts that fits her moves, the power must be even more amazing.

"To deal with you, enough!"

The charm of the beast is cold, and continues to swing the claws up. She did not attack again in the distance, but rushed straight up and wanted to fight with Yi Tianyun at close range.

She has the body of a behemoth and does not worry about the other side's attack. At the same time, I also know that my moves are not very skilled, and it is not in line with her situation.

There is limited resources in this area, and there is no suitable for her. It seems that they should have just been acquired for a short time. In this case, they can only make do with cultivation.

So kill it directly, with her greatest advantage, let Yi Tianyun fall!

“It’s just right!”

Yi Tianyun laughed loudly, holding a long moon blue dragon knife and laughing at heaven: "Let me, help me!"

The Ghanaian patriarchs rushed out and released their own stars, and a star power appeared immediately above them. They don't know why Yi Tianyun let this happen, but they are right, and the rest don't have to think too much.

"You still come to intervene?" The charm of the beast is cold and cold: "When you wait, don't blame me, you are welcome!"

Charm beasts don't mind swallowing them, as long as they stop her, they all have to die!

"They didn't plan to intervene, just look around." Yi Tianyun jumped back and hurried back. "Of course, you don't have this chance."

Yi Tianyun avoids her attack range, and the charm beast will not let him succeed and catch up at a faster speed.

"Your practitioners are not only full of lies, but also very arrogant. Do you think you can escape?" The charm beast sneered, and the bottom of his eyes was full of chill.

"Escape? I have no plans to escape."

Yi Tianyun laughed and suddenly turned into a seven-color emperor dragon, directly smashing their star power, and even smashed four pieces of star power. When his star law is raised to the fourth level, he can engulf the power of the four practitioners.

The charm beast has no star power blessing at all, and he can't swallow it.

In a blink of an eye, he swallowed up the star power of the four patriarchs, and everyone was defeated by the five stars! At the same time, most of them are transformed into Yi Tianyun's star power, and they are upgraded from their own thirty-five-square star power to forty-five square stars!

Fully upgraded the power of the square, the conversion rate is only half, but it is quite against the sky.

Of course, this is not over. Yi Tianyun once again called the starlight Ming Wang Xingchen Fa, and danced behind him, directly blessing the three stars!

Together with the Fury Fury Set, the power will once again increase the power of both sides. To accumulate, it is to reach the Fifty Squares!

A full fifty-square star force is definitely a group of people crying and crying. At least the Ghanaian patriarchs were scared. They worked hard to reach the 30-square power, and Yi Tianyun was able to reach the fifty-square power. What is this concept?

From the forty squares of power, every increase in the power of one side is equal to five times the power. Now to upgrade the ten parties, it is equal to 50 times the power, and does not include the power of the front to double!

Under the superposition, Yi Tianyun's body is full of dazzling light, and the long moon blue dragon knife in his hand trembles madly, as if it is sensing the extremely terrible power, making it very exciting. Because only in this way, it is possible to explode its most extreme power. Even if the power of erosion is now reduced, it is still a very powerful weapon, eager for the powerful power of its master.


Yi Tianyun quickly waved the long moon blue dragon knife, and the charm beast that went straight to catch up was a knife, and it flashed!

"Chaotic Stars!"

Yi Tianyun shouted, everything was shrouded in light, with his front as the scope, all covered in it, including the charm beast, were swallowed by this light. Even a large area in front of it has been swallowed up by this ray, as if half of the area of ​​the giant animal beast has been swallowed up by Yi Tianyun.

This knife is definitely his current peak level, truly smashing the sky!

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