Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2164: Fly ash

In the face of Shi Xueyun's explanation, Mu Zhenghao stared coldly at Shi Xueyun, and did not seem to believe in the words of Shi Xueyun.

"You mean, they are playing purely here, the battlefield that really ends, is not here?" Mu Zhenghao said coldly.

"Yes, in general, this is the case, the rest is not very clear." Shi Xueyun said.

"What you said is not counted. According to my investigation, there are only traces of fighting in this area. There are no traces of fighting in the rest of the area. It is very likely that this place must be the ultimate battle place!" Zheng Hao cold channel: "If you want to prove no problem, then give me a soul search! Rest assured, I will not affect your foundation, if it really affects, we will compensate you!"

Mu Zhenghao stepped forward and wanted to search the soul of Shi Xueyun. What interpretation is useless to him, only the search for the soul, search for memory, is the most real situation.

Mu Zhenghao walked forward, and the Ghanaian patriarchs quickly intercepted them in front of them and screamed: "What do you want to do!?"

"What do I want to do, I haven't said it yet, I want to search for the soul." Mu Zhenghao said indifferently: "If you want me to trust you, you can only search for the soul. Why, do you want to stop me from searching for souls?" ”

"The memory of the emperor, you can search for it at will!" The Ghana patriarchs were angry in their hearts. As the wife of Yi Tianyun, they were even more necessary to protect them, no matter who could harm her.

"Oh, after the emperor. Just like her, also known as the emperor?" Mu Zhenghao's eyes are full of contempt, and they don't put them in their eyes. "I finally said, let me search for memories, otherwise it will not be simple." Don't think that you have a few stars, you think you are the strongest. In this area, you are good, but for Mujia, with a small gate, There is no difference."

"If you know each other, you will honestly give me a soul search. If this is the case, we will not make it difficult for you to divide. Otherwise..."

Mu Zhenghao's eyes are cold and cold, and the depth of his eyes is full of killings. It seems that he will kill here at any time.

"Otherwise?" A familiar voice came from behind them, followed by Yi Tianyun's figure, coming out from the inside, with a cold expression.

"Who are you?" Mu Zhenghao saw Yi Tianyun coming out and looked up and down. He found that he could not see Yi Tianyun.

"I am not the person you were looking for before." Yi Tianyun said indifferently.

"Well? Not saying, are you not here?" Mu Zhenghao looked cold and felt that he was deceived, but he shook his head and said: "But I will not investigate the details. No matter who is coming." Give me a perfect explanation, otherwise don't blame me!"

"Searching for the soul, under normal circumstances, how can you hurt a little soul, I wonder if you will give compensation?" Yi Tianyun said indifferently.

"Compensation is some remedy that can restore your soul." Mu Zhenghao explained.

"It's that simple? Even if there is an remedy, it will take a lot of time to recover. Is this compensation too simple?" Yi Tianyun shook his head, it was a hegemonic family, and it was good to compensate. But it is too pitted.

"Now you only have this choice, and then a few more words, don't say compensation, your entire ancestral home, you must be destroyed!" Mu Zhenghao began to be impatient, he did not want to waste so much time here.

"It seems that I understand your meaning in general. With the Liu family all the way, I want to use our family's powerful strength to suppress our weak forces. Disobedience, that is death." Yi Tianyun Shrug.

"It seems that you are not so naive, this kind of rule, I do not need to explain more?" Mu Zhenghao's eyes are full of contempt, sometimes must obey, without strength, they can only obey.

"Well, then I will tell you simply, the Muyangyu you traced is killed by me. Even the soul search is not used, tell you directly." Yi Tianyun step by step to Mu Zhenghao They walked in front of them.

"Just kidding, just because of you?" Mu Zhenghao first glimpsed, and immediately sneered: "The star of an indigenous planet, and dare to kill our elders? It seems that I can only come by myself, look up Who is it, so you are so sheltered!"

Yi Tianyun reached out and the companion next to Mu Zhenghao was immediately suppressed by the power of the great star. Without waiting for them to react, they were crushed into blood.

In an instant, Mu Zhenghao is left alone. Mu Zhenghao, who had wanted to act, had his feet in the same place and looked at Yi Tianyun unbelievably. He did not expect Yi Tianyun to be a big star!

"You, how are you a big star?" Mu Zhenghao was terrified, and there was an indigenous planet in the district. How could there be a big star?

"This is really familiar. The Liu family before, just said this to me." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "You think that only the red moon star will appear big star respect? It is ridiculous. But also, 仗With an area where you occupy a good resource, do you think you are superior?"

"If our waste dragon resources are equally good, there will be no more than a big star!"

"Of course, this is hypothetical. The real result is that it doesn't exist. Some people are really born with a good advantage. We have to pay too much to catch up."

"Well, you should probably give me any more. You admire the family, I will deal with it soon, but before that, I will deal with the Liu family first." Yi Tianyun smiled slightly, as the devil exposed Smile.

Mu Zhenghao quickly crushed the jade in his hand and wanted to spread the information before he died. But the jade that he crushed was blocked by an invisible shield.

"Speaking with the law..." Mu Zhenghao’s throat moved and immediately knew that it was stopped by something.

"Yes, it is the way to speak. The thing is really easy to use. It can ban so many things..." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "I am not afraid that you will go back, but I still have a lot of things to do. I will I came to visit in person."

"Ha ha ha, personally visit the door... Even if your cultivation is a big star, isn't we a big star of the family?" Mu Zhenghao was still very hard before he died.

"Yeah, you admire the big star of the family is quite a lot, but it should not be enough for me to kill." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "Right, before you die, tell you something. Your elder When I was killed by me, it would be me to be a star."


When Mu Zhenghao’s words were not finished, they turned into flying ash.

(End of this chapter)

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