Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2166: Killing

"Which force is it important?" Yi Tianyun smiled and walked in and said: "Anyway, if you send someone over, you want to forcefully occupy my power."

When the voice just fell, his backhand was a bullet, and the star on the side was directly crushed into a pile of blood fog. Even if there was no chance of reaction, it would be completely dead. The rest are the stars, the number is small, only six.

The cultivation is in the mid-term of the Stars, and the highest level of cultivation is Liu Xingneng. Of course, these repairs are basically impossible for him, and it is impossible for Liu Xing to open a big battle. It is impossible to cause him a little damage.

It’s just that he won’t let Liu Xing start a big battle, which will only waste time.

"Big Star!"

Yi Tianyun's shot, the breath that came out of the air, let Liu Xing be able to feel happy, and suddenly fell to the bottom. They don't know their own people, so they are so open-minded, and which forces are provoked, there will be such a strong person to help out!

This level of power is still the level of the big star! This makes them indifferent to the intestines. According to reason, they will all investigate very clearly. What is the background of the other party? If they have a backing, they will be clear and clear, and they will never arbitrarily provoke power.

God knows that some forces will have family care of the Red Moon Star. Therefore, they will continue to explore for a long time before they will be shot, and basically there will be no flaws.

But they are neglecting one point. Yi Tianyun does not have a backing, but he is a strong person. Why do he have to rely on mountains?

"This adult, for this, there must be some misunderstanding. What we are doing is to arrange tasks normally. How do they act? Sometimes we are not very clear. Some are acting arbitrarily in order to make meritorious deeds." With a smile, I don’t feel angry because Yi Tianyun killed her own.

Or he can only be angry in his heart, where dare to anger out, but the opposite is the big star! In the face of strong power, he can only choose to compromise.

Seeing Liu Xingneng with a smile, Yi Tianyun shook his head, this is really sad. It is not uncommon to say that they are wrong and that they are committed to this kind of thing.

Just like this, it makes Yi Tianyun feel disdainful. It is a sad thing to join these families!

He will never do this, and he will abandon his own hands. In the future, his own hands will also abandon himself.

Moreover, he will not do anything to forcefully occupy the power of others, unless he is a guilty, he is too lazy to pay attention. This is the case now, once you commit a crime, be prepared to accept his anger!

"Oh, is this still the case?" Yi Tianyun squinted and walked over. Liu Xing could have a cold sweat behind them, and they didn't dare to move.

"Yes, they want to make meritorious deeds, sometimes they invade other forces at will, but they are not reported. We don't know this." Liu Xing can directly blame his own responsibilities, apologetic: "Adult, I don't know what to do for adults." Lost? We can use other treasures to compensate, or if there are any suggestions from adults, we will compensate."

Liu Xingneng’s handling is still quite in place. Not only to push the responsibility to the men, but also to make mistakes in time, but also to compensate, this point for most people, are not tempered.

This kind of thing will be done by the men, and some of these forces will really be like this. Some good things will do something extra. If it is done well, it is indeed a great achievement. If it is provoked to the enemy, it will be abandoned immediately.

Yi Tianyun reached out and took a look at the empty space. He dragged a star next to him and gave it to his head, as if he had pinched an ant.

"Well, keep talking." After Yi Tianyun pinched the star, continue to let Liu Xing speak.

Liu Xing could face a stiff face, his smile stiffened on his face, and his face was full of anger, but he could only bear it.

"Adult, we really don't know. If you do this, it will make our Liu family very difficult to do. Our ancestors are also honored as big stars. Now, during the retreat, if they come out, it will make things happen. "It’s so pleasant." Liu Xing could smile with a smile: "Adults, we have all admitted the mistakes. Is it not possible, what big losses have we caused you? Just now I said that as long as the adults put forward their opinions, we will satisfy you."

The family elder died one, he felt very distressed, but he could only smile.

Yi Tianyun once again sucked an elder and smashed his head again. He smiled and said: "Continue."

Liu Xing could sink into his face and continue to do so. His elders are dead, how can they continue?

"What do you mean by this, do you want to kill our Liu family!" Liu Xing can be angry: "We Liu family, not soft persimmon, free to knead!"

"I don't want to kill your Liu family, but you want to kill my power, it's different." Yi Tianyun said: "You said, I want to return it?"

"Adult, I haven't said it, it's all done by people, we don't know it!" Liu Xing can sigh: "We do things, we don't know, but how to say it is our Liu family's responsibility, so we I will choose to give some compensation to the adults, so that we can express our apologies."

Yi Tianyun was backhanded and sucked. The other side had no resistance and was sucked into his palm.

"Do not!"

Liu Xing can be red-eyed, and he wants to stop Yi Tianyun, but it doesn't make sense. Yi Tianyun still smashes his head and kills an elder again.

There are only three people left now, and I have to say that it is really miserable and completely slammed.

"I don't know? This is really good. It is perfect to shirk responsibility." Yi Tianyun continued: "The desolation dragon, the Tianyun ancestral land, the rebel killing innocent, forcibly seize its power. Especially the sky cloud star Respect, refuse to kill, not including his children, its potential is amazing, if it is let go, it will definitely bring trouble to Liu in the future!"

"Who did you say this? Who said it?"

Yi Tianyun is full of killing in the depths of his eyes. This is not what he wrote, but it is found out from the memory of Liu Zhixing. This is not what others have said, it is the order that Liu Xing can give!

He will come so angry, there must be a reason. He is not the one who has rushed to kill, but the other party has killed himself. What kind of politeness is he?

This time he came, it is to kill, in addition, what forgive, what compensation does not make sense! Now Liu Xing can still lie many times, it is even more ridiculous!

If he didn't know it, he was really fooled.

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