Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2167: Sacrifice the day?

Yi Tianyun's words, let Liu Xing can cool down. How can he not know who said this? This is exactly what he said!

But he did not expect to come, it is actually the strong man of Tianyun ancestral land, this is how he could not think of it. Tianyun ancestral land has been investigated many times. Generally speaking, it is a very good potential. If it can be classified as a Liu family, it is still a very good choice.

Therefore, after investigating inside and outside, I knew that there was no backing on the Tianyun ancestral land. When there was only one talented Yi Tianyun, they started to act.

How to say, you must take the Tianyun ancestral land. If you can't take it, you will scold the roots and kill Yi Tianyun and his relatives. You must not leave behind.

When I knew this, Yi Tianyun really wanted to kill it and put the Liu family to level. However, he still suppressed the anger first, and after handling the matter first, he would give priority to the Liu family.

Liu Jia is even more embarrassed than Mu Jia, if Liu Jiaxiu is stronger, Tian Yunzu is really going to die.

"How, can't you say anything?" Yi Tianyun said indifferently: "This is what you said, do you think I have done something wrong?"

"No, no... We have misjudged this point. We really don't know that adults will be Tianyun's ancestors. If we know this, we will never be able to land in Tianyunzu!" Liu Xing can roar in his heart. A few words, he has investigated so many times, how can Tianyun ancestral land have such a strong person as a backer?

"I don't know what we are doing to Tianyun's ancestral land. If we can, we can make a good compensation. As long as you put forward the conditions, we will satisfy you!"

Liu Xing can clench his teeth, in order to make Yi Tianyun angry, he can only fight out. As long as he is within the allowed conditions, he still chooses to agree.

"That is what you read in my stronger than you. It is really embarrassing to think of your words. If you are strong, you can do whatever you want, then I want to do whatever I want."

Yi Tianyun grinned, did not wait for Liu Xing to react, and next to it was a star Zun was killed.

"Budget, we Liujia even fight this life, we must fight to death in the end!" Liu Xing can roar, a handful of jade in his hands, must be to let the recluse of the ancestors out to help.

Sure enough, just crushed, the ground began to vibrate.

Yi Tianyun completely ignored it, reached out and continued to slap a dead elder, and at the same time reached out to Liu Xing to catch it, and wanted Liu Xing to pinch.

"This friend, is almost enough?" The voice of the vicissitudes of life came from the ground, and at the same time the giant palm shrouded, and Liu Xing could cover the past and resist the attack of Yi Tianyun.

"If you change your life, the whole family will be destroyed, you will know that it is enough!"

Yi Tianyun snorted and slammed his strength. The violent force shattered the giant palm and suppressed it to Liu Xingneng.

"The ancestors saved me!" Liu Xing could scream, he didn't want to die.

"If that's the case, then leave it!"

The sky quickly emerged as a huge star, and it was actually a giant donkey. The giant donkey was known for its powerful power. Under the backhand, it is a huge fist, and it is mammoth to come to Yi Tianyun. The sky is more than thirty-three square stars, which is quite a good force.

Under the punch, Yi Tianyun's palm was broken, and even people were bombed out. After a long distance, they stopped.

At this time, Liu’s ancestors appeared. An old man with a fairy bone, a long white beard, swaying gently, with his back on his back, watching Yi Tianyun’s eyes filled with coldness.

I can't see the old man, but it has a powerful giant hairy star, the thin body, with violent power, is really not very symmetrical.

"Old ancestors, he killed many of our elders, we must avenge our elders!" Liu Xing can be so sad, the elders who have been cultivated, so dead, how can not heartache.

"Shut up! This is all you are provoked. After the event is over, you must severely punish you!" Liu Laozu glared at him, and immediately looked at Yi Tianyun, cold channel: "It seems that I am not born, the world is Forgetting my existence. Today I will take you to the knife and sacrifice the heavens!"

"It seems that you still have a good grasp to kill me, want to severely punish him? I am afraid that there is no such opportunity, you two go down together, think about it, what you have done wrong." Yi Tianyun smiled, behind The illusion of the seven-color emperor dragon emerged.

The power of the unique star law is released, letting their faces change, and the extremely rare unique stars, so they appear in front of them, and they have a lot of power.

"The star of the unique star method is very good," Liu Laozu's face is gloomy. This is indeed a great challenge. "Look at you, can you resist my fist! Power, you can do whatever you want." But it is not you who do what you want, but me!"

Liu Laozu waved his fist, and the stars behind him merged instantly, turning him into a huge giant donkey. The body that had been dried up suddenly became a giant donkey, and the huge fist gently hammered the ground, and all of them were driven within a radius of a million miles.

"Old ancestor, kill him!" Liu Xing can know that he has to be punished, but better than death.

For him, even if Yi Tianyun is a unique star law, facing his ancestors, he can still be crushed. After all, the repair of Liu Laozu, that is the mid-term repair of the big star, and the repair of Yi Tianyun is only the early stage of the big star!

"The real strong, not a little strength, will go to whatever they want." Yi Tianyun looked at Liu Laozu, who rushed over, and jumped into a seven-color emperor dragon, opening his mouth to the star force above it. Once swallowed, immediately swallow a large amount of star power and turn it into its own star power!

Liu Laozu felt that his strength was quickly weakened. He did not expect Yi Tianyun to have such terrible ability.

When he knew that Yi Tianyun was so terrible, everything was too late. After swallowing up a large truncated star force, Liu Laozu was weak and a big cut, Yi Tianyun was on a big cut, with a crazy damage mode, plus superimposed power like Starlight Mingwang.

Yi Tianyun is purely swinging his claws forward, crushing the fists that have been sent, and finally directly pressing Liu Laozu on the ground to make it impossible to move.

"This is what you call the power you want?" Yi Tianyun looked down at Liu Laozu, who was crushed on the ground. "With this strength, I dare to swear in front of me and say that I want to sacrifice my heaven? Then I am today. Take you to sacrifice the heavens!"

The voice just fell, Yi Tianyun did not wait for Liu Laozu to answer, he was heavily pressed. The giant claw directly penetrates Liu’s chest and nails him to the ground!

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