Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2168: Shining Golden Gate

Liu Laozu felt that his chest was cold, and then his head was about to be blown up. The dragon claws that Yi Tianyun stabbed in, also smashed into his head, and easily broke through the thick defense, together with the soul in his head, they all caught it.

The rest is the huge body. After only missing the soul, it soon began to turn into a light spot, and finally did not leave the bones.

After the absence of the soul carrier, the body will naturally dissipate, which was originally formed by the cluster of stars. When people are dead, they will dissipate.

Liu Xing on the side was shocked, their ancestors were easily killed, and the soul was easily caught. This time, on behalf of them Liu family is over.

"The ancestor was arrested..." Liu Xing can sit on the ground, he can't escape without fleeing, ask a question, who can escape from a big star?

It is impossible to escape, unless they are big stars, or have other strong helpers, otherwise it is impossible to escape from Yi Tianyun.

After Yi Tianyun seized the soul of Liu Laozu, he used the blood of the soul to clear the memory of Liu Laozu. Such a good memory, so good, how could he let it go.

He lacks the strong now, and he can get some of the materials in the late stage. If there are many materials in the later stage, it will not be a problem to break through to the big star!

Of course, this requires more materials and the price paid is not low. At present, it is still aimed at the star-dominant, with the soul of the big star as the foundation, and is definitely the leader of the star, which is the invincible existence of the star.

A few more big stars respected the soul, and they were completely immortal against the great star.

Yi Tianyun is also very interested in the memory of Liu Laozu. The memory of Daxingzun is very interesting.

"Hey, successfully kill Liu Laozu, get a billion points of star energy value, a thousand points to kill the value! Get the giant hairy stars and stars (sixth level), giant hairy blood, the door of death (super rare)!"

The Gate of Death: After opening, it leads to the death zone. Legend has it that there are countless souls waiting for reincarnation. (Note: Extremely dangerous!)

Yi Tianyun found something that was recently exploded, but it was very strange. After opening the lucky halo, you can burst out a lot of rare things, and there are many rare things.

The higher the repair, the higher the explosion rate. The things that broke out are quite special. For example, there are some keys that can go to a special area. He now has several keys in his hand.

Now this door of death can also lead to the dead zone, and reminds him that it is extremely dangerous. This fear is not simple, but it is really dangerous!

His star is honored to go, it will be full of danger, and you can imagine how dangerous there is.

"It’s all souls. If you find some fine souls, can you create a large army of troops?" Yi Tianyun’s eyes brightened, but he didn’t want to go now, reminding him that it’s dangerous, or waiting to improve. Moreover.

Immediately, he turned his gaze to Liu Xingeng, flew down from the air and landed next to Liu Xingneng.

"Why, isn't it arrogant now?" Yi Tianyun said indifferently.

"If you want to kill, kill, don't talk nonsense!" Liu Xing can be angry.

He knows that Yi Tianyun will not let go of himself, simply make a hard bone, and he will die gloriously.

Yi Tianyun backhanded a shot and took Liu Xing to death.

"Okay, then as you wish." Yi Tianyun retracted his palm and turned his eyes to Liu.

Needless to say the next result, some of the top management will be destroyed, and the rest will be ignored. Those are small roles and don't know the situation at all. Especially if the intruders are, they are afraid of not knowing.

After solving the Liu family, Yi Tianyun returned to the barren dragon star, and did not intend to go to the Mujia. If he wants to go to the door in person, he will improve his talents. At present, he has a long distance from the middle of the big star.

After he left, the news that Liu’s family was destroyed quickly spread. In this red moon star, it is quite famous to pick up a small shock.

Liu's family is a medium family, but it is quite powerful. It is now being eradicated, or it will cause vibration in the Red Moon Star.

Many families began to investigate, especially when they were at the same level as Liu's, they began to investigate. They want to know who actually started the Liu family and said that they will be able to do it someday.

The higher families also sent people to investigate, but they did not pay special attention to them. For them, it does not matter who the middle family is destroyed. Anyway, they can't get them. They all have a lot of big stars. Who dares to be hard, how can they die without knowing.

When the Red Moon Star sent people to investigate, Yi Tianyun had returned to the Desolation Star and continued to arrange all aspects. What he is waiting for now is the opening of the Zijin God Pavilion. When it is time to go to find opportunities, let yourself break through.

What he wants to find is to upgrade the level of the stars, which is the most crucial. If you improve your training, it will be almost a slash, but only the level of the big star will be able to bring more stars.

The star value of the star level is really not enough. Under the power that did not provoke him, it was really a time, and the repair was not so good.

Going to kill a wave in the field of giant beasts, it can take a lot of stars. The premise is that the giant beast has not been killed, and once he kills, he can only run.

In the face of the giant beast, now it is really powerless. That powerful power is really heart-wrenching.

"Can you only be stupid here all the time?"

Yi Tianyun thought about it, and there is nothing to do. Mainly most of the things are solved by Shi Xueyun, and there are a bunch of patriarchs who want to intervene.

As for finding something about the elixir, this is not the case. Most of it is hollowed out here. Some difficulty, but also to run too far, this is not his style.

“Don't you use this shining Golden Gate?”

When Yi Tianyun thought about it, he turned his gaze into the inventory and shone into the door. This thing is a bit pit, the meaning stated above is special, that is, it will be sent to the unknown area.

God knows what the unknown area is, it may be dangerous, or it may be dangerous. It is funny to say that it is not allowed to be sent to the Red Moon Star.

Other than that, he really didn't expect anything else to work. If you want to wait until the Zijin God Pavilion is opened, you can use it. The door to death is too dangerous to be used for the time being. Now you can only use this to shine into the door.

"Take a try on this shining Golden Gate. I can't say that I can go to some special areas, and I can improve it." Yi Tianyun blinked and decided to use this prop.

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