Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2419: Housework

In the case of the fall of the giant orc, it is basically an illusion, and the real headquarters is here. Looking around, a lot of powerful behemoths are active here, and it seems like a declining appearance.

It’s just that there’s no such a sharp edge, no choice to go crazy outside, I don’t know what to plot. Perhaps it is really like the beating giants said that they are now two big factions, and it is impossible to say that the peace faction has the upper hand and wants to live in harmony with the practitioners.

I have been fighting and killing. Now the situation is quite bad. It is not unexpected to choose to live in harmony. Otherwise, change to the previous situation, I am afraid that it will continue to fight.

With the struggle, both sides can't find much benefit. It is normal to choose a truce. Otherwise, in the current four-week situation, if you kill it, it will really affect the situation.

Perhaps it is also tabooing, don't forget the existence of the Ziyun Star Emperor, their existence, so that the giant orc will not act rashly.

Thinking of Ziyun Xingdi, Yi Tianyun is not in a hurry to find him, or to solve the problem nearby. Originally, he wanted to deal with the ancient behemoth, and then proceeded to deal with the purple dragon.

Now that the smashing behemoth has caused him to have one extra thing to be busy, so let's put the things of Ziyun Xingdi aside for the time being, and deal with these things first.

"I don't know what happened to Zalina in the past." The explosive behemoth is very excited. When I think of preparing to see Zalina, it feels very excited. I can't wait to fly to Zalina right now.

The blasting beast quickly flew forward, surrounded by a lot of planets, and there were many giant beasts in it, which was quite amazing in number.

"So the behemoth, if it is really a big attack, it is a terrible war." Yi Tianyun exclaimed.

"Master, you can rest assured that this is the case. It seems that the internal agreement is for the time being. It should not be played, but the sum is much more. Otherwise, this amount will be used before the war." The behemoth also perceives the situation around it.

"I hope so, this type of war is still less good." Yi Tianyun deeply sighed that once this battle begins, it must be eclipsed.

The last battle was quite amazing. If you still have a big attack, the consumption is even more terrible.

"I don't want to fight anyway, it doesn't mean to fight and kill. It's better to be happy with Zalina." The screaming behemoth smiled and let Yi Tianyun roll his eyes.

This explosive behemoth looks very domineering. In fact, the heart does not want to fight at all, but wants to hide and live a carefree life without much pursuit of status and power.

"The front is Tianfeng Star, the place where Zalina is waiting!" The screaming behemoth screamed, and the speed was rushed over. No one knew that there was a practitioner in the body.

Soon, the behemoths will enter the Tianfeng Star. The environment here is basically a large wilderness, which is a relatively primitive area. The living places of the giant beasts are relatively primitive. Basically, they open up caves in the mountains. Some of them are more delicate, and they are decorated with some flowers and plants.

When it just fell, there was a strange voice on the side: "Hey, the ancient star, are you not dead outside?"

"You are dead outside!" The real name of the blasting behemoth is called Gu Xing Te. After screaming at the other side, he looked up and down: "Hey, it is you, Gumil."

In front of this, Gumilai is a saber-toothed bear beast, a burly body, and a bigger circle than the ancient star. The cultivation is not weak, and there is a mid-term cultivation of the Star Supreme, which is weaker than the ancient stars.

"Of course it is me, your stinky temper has not changed, we all thought you were dead. Even Zalina thought that you were dead. I haven't seen you back for a long time." Gumilai shook his head.

"What is the situation with that Zarina?" The ancient star was in a hurry and his breathing became rushed.

"What can be the situation, it is also affectionate to you, and the death is not willing to accept the pursuit of Bad Cloud. Bard Cloud is one of the descendants of the Eight Yuans. This is not acceptable. Zarina is really against you. Gumilai grinned. The giant bear grinned, and the huge teeth were really shocking. "I don't know what you have. You have to be talented. The blood is not very strong, but you are dead." ""

"Of course, where is the guy like me? Zalina is dead to me, not using any blood, what talent can be measured." The ancient star snorted, his eyes were shocked and happy, it thought it was tied Lina has been taken away and it doesn't seem to be.

"That is what it says, but Zalina is also under pressure. It is the refusal of Bard Cloud's pursuit. It does not mean that there is no time limit. Say that you will wait for another hundred thousand years. If you don't come back, it will go with Bader. Gumilai smiled. "But you are back now, but the situation is not very good. Bard Cloud will definitely regard you as a nail in the eye and want to find a chance to kill you."

"Whoever is afraid of you, I will definitely give it to you!" The ancient star screamed. "Not much, I will go to Zalina first!"

After I finished, I left Gumirai and ran to the front. I haven’t seen Zalina for a long time. Zalina has died on it. How can I not move?

Yi Tianyun witnessed the whole process in it, and had to say that this ancient star is a kind of love. It is no wonder that he chose to become a mount. Not that it was afraid of death, but that after being afraid of death, there was no way to see Zalina.

Therefore, you can only choose humiliation. Come and see Zalina first.

"It seems that you are willing to be my mount, but there is a reason..." Yi Tianyun smiled and looked at it with a bit of shame.

"That must be, or I will definitely not be willing to be a mount. This is too humiliating. Our giant orcs are rarely afraid of death unless they are really defeated." Gu Xing looked up proudly, but was soon Surprise to the faint, continue to run to the front.

Soon it came to the front of a mountain. When I first wanted to go in, there was a majestic voice inside.

"Zalina, you have to recognize the reality, the ancient star is already dead, you understand no! Bader cloud is a better choice, it has a purer blood, and the power of the Eight Clouds, you talk to it Together, it is the best choice!"

"Father, this thing doesn't need you to manage, and it has already been agreed with Bader Cloud. I will wait another 100,000 years!"

"Why wait for 100,000 years, how long after 100,000 years, and now I will forget that guy, choose Bard Cloud!"

The dispute inside made the ancient star violently angry and rushed in and screamed.

"I haven't died yet, no one can touch my Zalina!" When the ancient star rushed in, it was a bit of momentum!

Yi Tianyun smiled, this is quite interesting.

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