Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2420: Meat

After the ancient star rushed in, they saw two giant beasts, one of which looked quite different. At first glance, it is a female behemoth. The whole body tends to be a cultivator, but it is not a practitioner, but a charm monkey.

It is said that it is a giant beast. In fact, there is a state of a giant beast. The size of the beast is not much smaller than that of a beast, but it is still a lot more than a general practitioner. From the point of view, the aesthetics are really similar to the practitioners, at least the graceful shape, not the thick arms and legs.

From the point of view, there are more beautiful faces. Because it is a charm monkey, there are still some special charms that are constantly emanating. It is no wonder that even the descendants of the eight-yuan ancestors have been fascinated. This attraction is really not small.

Of course, Yi Tianyun has no feelings, but he did not expect the giant beasts, and there is such a petite class. However, there are still a lot of behemoths like this one, and even more can be said.

"Ancient, ancient stars..." Zalina saw the ancient star rushing in, first slammed it, and then rushed up.

Gu Xing specially hugged Zalina and excited: "Zalina, I am back, no one can force you!"

"Great, you are finally back..." Zalina cried, it waited for so long, and finally waited until the ancient star returned.

Seeing this scene, Yi Tianyun still has some feelings. Others think that behemoths have always been ruthless, but they do not know that they are also flesh and blood, as well as hobbies and harmonious coexistence.

In fact, compared to the behemoths, the evil spirits and the Green Devils are more disgusting. The giant orc family wants to occupy more areas. As for the Green Devils and the evil spirits, they can enhance themselves by constantly consuming the practitioners. The giant orcs will not.

From this point of view, it is easier to coexist.

On the side of Zalina's father, Zha Yan's face sank, it did not expect the ancient star to come back. It must have hoped that her daughter would be in the same league as that of Bard, who was the descendant of the eight-year ancestor. The ancient star specializes in something, the talent is not talented, the blood is not bloody, and the status is not status.

"Are you still alive?" Zhabei looked up and down at the ancient star, and his attitude was somewhat dissatisfied.

"Of course I am still alive, why, I wish I was dead, so that Zalina will marry Bard Cloud?" Gu Xing specially smiled and said: "The old man, Zalina belongs to me, no one can take it!"

"Yes, I will be here. I advise you to leave Zalina. You can't give it to the future. Bader is better than you. Marrying it is the best choice." Road.

"Father, I like to go with the ancient star, what future, has nothing to do with me." Zalina was quite dissatisfied with her father after he came over slowly.

"Hey, father is also good for you! Bader cloud is so good in all aspects, and the status is so high here, do you think this kid has a chance?" Zha looked at the ancient star and said: "So long, no, your repair In order to improve, but this does not make sense. Bud Cloud has already touched the threshold of the Nine Stars. If you continue to spend more time, you can easily break through to the Nine Stars!"

"What about you, did you touch the nine-star Supreme threshold?"

Zhaga wants to let the ancient stars know that it is difficult to retreat, do not continue to entangle their daughter.

"Oh, I am very sorry, I really touched the threshold of the Nine Stars. Now I will be able to break through to the Nine Stars for a little time!" The ancient star was cold.

"This..." Zhaqi did not expect that the ancient star also touched the threshold, but it made it very unexpected, but soon it shook his head: "That is too much, Bader's blood is stronger than you, but also Through the trial of the beasts of the beasts, with its character, you will definitely choose to challenge you and defeat you in front of all the tribes, and you will have no place to be self-sufficient!"

"Through the beasts of the beasts?" The ancient star's face was a sinking, but it was sneer: "The beasts of the beasts will be tested, and I can pass it for me! I will go to participate in the trial of the beasts, and then it will come. If you challenge me, I will always be there! I will let all the people know that I am stronger than Bader!"

Gu Xing is also not convinced that he will not be worse than Bader. Bader's cloud is that the blood is stronger than himself, and the rest is better than himself. There is no advantage.

"Okay, then I don't say much. If you lose, please leave Zalina."

"Reassure, if I lose, I will not hand over Zalina. Hahaha..." The ancient star laughed and slammed.

Zha also thought that the ancient star would lose, and would not continue to entangle Zalina, who knows not to hand it out.

"Hey, I hope that by the time, you still have the strength to do this!" Zha翎 did not want to say more, turned and left.

"My father is like this, don't mind..." Zalina sighed deeply after watching Zhazi leave.

"I know what your father wants, just want to use the power of Bader Cloud, so that it can fly to the sky! It just wants to sell you. With the character of Bad Cloud, definitely more than one partner, and there are A lot of them!" Gu Xing special looked at Zalina, deep feelings: "I just want you one."

"Ancient Star, you are best..." Zalina was holding it tight again.

Yi Tianyun, who is in the space of the ancient star, feels a little hairy, which is really too nauseating. I didn't expect this ancient star to say this.

"It’s really numb, I didn’t expect you to say this, it’s just a **** among our practitioners.” Yi Tianyun shook his head and said: "Don’t say so much, some disgusting to me. What? Bud Yun, I am going to kill it, so there will be no problem."

Yi Tianyun looked at it, but he wanted to see how powerful the internal forces were.

"This guy has to be solved by me personally, relying on external forces, it is not my style. Moreover, suddenly Bader cloud is dead, it will be quite problematic." Ancient star special face cold, "So the master, it is handed over to I will solve it."

"Well, it will be handed over to you to solve. Anyway, if you can't, let me come and shoot." Yi Tianyun suddenly smiled: "But before that, I can always shake it here a little?"

"This is no problem, but don't run around. Some areas have strong people sitting in the town. It is easy to find out your existence." Gu Xing said in a hurry.

"Don't worry, I will be careful. Moreover, you are so numb here, I don't want to stay here more, give me some space, goodbye." Yi Tianyun flashed, and it came out of its body space. Then quietly slipped from the side.

Staying here, you will definitely be numb.

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