Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2422: problem

Yi Tianyun did not say hello to the ancient star, but directly sneaked to the direction of Bud Cloud. Anyway, he feels that as long as he does not kill the Bader cloud, there is no problem. Stealing something is not a problem.

Anyway, Bard cloud is handed over to the ancient star special, how to say that the ancient star is their own mount, or to give a little more face. This is the dignity between men, it should be the dignity between males!

The position of Bud Cloud is exactly in this area, which means that you don't need to go out too far to search for something. If you need to leave the planet, it will be a little more troublesome to act.

Of course, I really want to act, or there is no problem, he can make a giant beast to act. The problem is that the repair of these giant beasts is relatively low, which means that the action is a little difficult. Fortunately, at least it can be acted upon. It is better that even the action can't act.

After all, if the repair is too low, the status here is too low, and I am afraid that many areas cannot be approached.

For example, the Tianfeng Star, where the ancient star is located, has no behemoths below that of the Shenxing Zun. Below this cultivation, it is basically in another planet.

The lower the repair, the less it will exist here. As for the monsters of the gods, they are purely as their men, serving them here.

The level is strict here, and it is not easy to act. A long time ago, he felt it. After a few steps, he was immediately called to do things, or he had to stop outside.

Fortunately, Bader Cloud is also in Tianfeng Star, so you don't need to go out for a trip. This will undoubtedly save a lot of trouble.

Under his super stealth ability, he easily escaped many sights and came to the area where Bard Cloud is located. Did not wait for him to approach, a very dangerous feeling, came from the front, let him subconsciously back.

After a little retreat, there is no feeling of danger.

"Weird..." Yi Tianyun frowned, feeling quite weird, how could it be so strange?

Immediately, he stepped forward again, followed by feeling a sense of crisis, gradually rising up, not because the horse rose, but rose a little, as if it gradually accumulated, when reaching a certain point , it will burst!

Of course, it will not burst, but when the danger is accumulated, let Yi Tianyun have a hunch that it will be discovered.

He felt that his hiding was hidden, and he would never be easily found, but he felt that he would be discovered. This made him feel very strange, and I don’t know why it would be like this.

After he came out from the front area, he began to explore the situation around him, and soon found that the problem was in a big battle!

I didn't expect there was a big array here. It's no wonder that when I stepped in, I felt a little weird. It turns out that there is a special large array here. As long as there are other people who step in, they will be quickly perceived. It can be said that the Bard cloud is protected to the extreme.

Generally speaking, here are the giant orcs, how can they be restricted to the giant beasts? As soon as you step in, you will be discovered immediately.

If it weren't for his superb hiding power, it was really discovered right away.

It’s not that he is not careful, but he hasn’t thought that there will be a big battle for the giant beasts! The giant orcs have never had the ability in this respect, otherwise there will be no evolutionary existence.

Moreover, even if there is a similar existence, even here is circled enough to see how important Bard Cloud is. It is difficult to think of the descendants of the eight-yuan ancestors. Although it is only one of them, as long as it has something to do with the eight-year-old ancestor, it will be specially protected.

"It’s hard to get in this way..." Yi Tianyun frowned. If he continued to sneak into it, he would definitely be discovered, which made him have to think about it.

If you rush in and be discovered, what chaos is crystallized is basically impossible to get.

"It seems that I can only help Xiao Xiao to help." Yi Tianyun shook his head, and he still had to go around in the end.

Soon he came back and found that the ancient star had come out of the cave, sitting on the side and squinting, it looked quite happy.

"Hey, how come you came out, I thought you were still tired in it while still staying inside." Yi Tianyun saw that when the ancient star came out, he was happy, this is a coincidence, if it is still inside, then only Can wait.

"Master, you are finally back." Gu Xing smiled and said: "Let's go now, go back to my residence first, and after a while, we have to go to the trial of the beast."

"It seems that you are in a good mood, what good thing happened?" Yi Tianyun looked at it and said.

"When I saw Zalina, can I feel bad? Now I just want to beat the Bader cloud so that all the tribes know that Zalina belongs to me!" Gu Xing specially clenched his fist and his eyes were full of firmness.

"I just told you this thing. I just strolled around on the side and found a chaotic crystal, just in the hands of Bader. You think about it, how can I let me sneak in, put that Chaos crystallizes to get the hand." Yi Tianyun directly explained his ideas, he must rely on the ancient star specialties.

Here he is alone, if he is discovered by the Nine Stars, then he has to run. By that time, he could not get anything.

"Chaotic crystallization?" The ancient star was shocked: "That is the treasure left by the eight-year ancestors, master, your idea of ​​playing that thing?"

"Eight yuan ancestors left behind?" Yi Tianyun wondered: "Do you have a lot of descendants of the eight-yuan ancestors, so pet the Bader cloud?"

"It's not a pet Bader cloud, but the grandfather of Bader Cloud loves it!" After the ancient star thought about it, he reminded him: "Master, I advise you not to mess around. That stuff has the power of eight yuan ancestors." If you are close to you, you will be noticed and even attacked! Bader Cloud does not dare to use it, purely for it."

"There is still such a thing?" Yi Tianyun frowned. It seems that this is more difficult than imagined. The big array is not to protect the Bader cloud, but to protect the chaotic crystal. "This is the next, that How to get it."

He still does not intend to give up the chaotic crystallization, which is definitely the best for his own use.

"This is too difficult. I would rather choose another crystallization, and I can't choose this. If I get the hand, I don't even have the chance to run." Gu Xing shook his head and quickly persuaded him.

"Right, aren't you going to challenge the Bard cloud? Or when Bard Cloud challenges you, you will make a bet and ask for that chaos!" Yi Tianyun blinked and could use the bet to make the chaos Crystallize to win!

This method is the best of both worlds and will not be discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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