Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2423: Trial of the beast

Yi Tianyun immediately thinks about the challenge. When it is time to test, is it not to bet? If you gamble something, the other party may be angry for a while, and you can't really suppress it.

At this point, he tried to be uncomfortable before, and the other party thought that he was weak, and when he would win, he would be bet on the brain. In this case, it is basically stable and not lost.

Of course, the corresponding ones need to provide treasures of almost equal value, otherwise the other party is not a fool, and will take such a big treasure as a bet.

"This method is quite good, but what do I take as a bet? Bud Yun is willing to take it out as a bet, and I can't get the treasure that meets it!" Gu Xing special frowned, Yi Tianyun's idea is good, but There is no equivalent here, or a treasure of almost value.

There is no treasure of almost value, where is the other party willing?

"Well, this is really not. But can you take 100 pieces of supreme treasure as a bet? This should be OK?" Yi Tianyun thought carefully, there is really no treasure of similar value, only this supreme The treasure of the class is used to make a bet.

The ancient star used to look at the idiot's gaze and stared deeply at Yi Tianyun. "Master, if you have chaotic crystals, do you think that one hundred pieces of supreme treasure are enough?"

Yi Tianyun laughed and said that it was true.

"Right, star treasures that day?" Yi Tianyun suddenly remembered that he still has a star-rated treasure, which is the previous glass **** ring, this is still quite good.

"Tianxing treasures... This is good, how many pieces?" The ancient star is bright, the treasures of this level are different, and it is quite tempting for the giant beasts.

Most of the giant beasts cannot be used, and it does not mean that some do not understand the use. In particular, the cultivation is relatively strong, and there has been a deeper understanding in the use of the treasures of the practitioners.

"One." Yi Tianyun laughed.


The ancient star sighed deeply: "Where is enough, at least three or more. Only a treasure, the other party is certainly not willing to take it out as a bet. So, go back to my nest and look at it, is there similar? Treasures."

"Small, it seems that your foundation is not bad?" Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, it is his own mount, there are many treasures.

"Of course, what I say is also a leader, and it is still a bit of a collection in this respect. Even if there is no such thing as a treasure of crystallization, but there are other good treasures, all accumulated in one piece, there is no problem. Master, it seems You are still too poor. I thought that you would be richer. You can still get some light in the future. It seems that you can't do it..." Gu Xing specially looks proud, it does not want to lose in front of his poor owner. face.

"Do not talk nonsense, then take me in the past!" Yi Tianyun signaled that it quickly led the way, instead of hurting himself here.

Immediately, the ancient star took Yi Tianyun and returned to his old nest with confidence.

When they really returned to the ancient star's nest, the expression of the ancient star's original pride, suddenly collapsed.

Yi Tianyun pointed at the empty house, leaving a few pieces of wood chips, and looked at the ancient star special: "Little, this is what you call the treasure house?"

"Mom, these **** thought that I was dead, and I began to scrape all my treasures!" The ancient star was extremely angry, and turned to rush out, leaving Yi Tianyun alone.

After waiting for a while, the ancient star came back with great enthusiasm. When I saw Yi Tianyun’s expression, I couldn’t help but laugh: “The treasure can’t be found back, I don’t know who is being divided, even if I can find it, I also found a small part. They all thought that I was dead, and I gave my nest directly..."

"Who said that I am poor?" Yi Tianyun reached out and slammed his wide shoulders. He sneered: "I still dare to say that I am poor? Who is more poor now? Even my own masters dare to count, you are courageous. It’s not small!”

The ancient stars were all smashed, and Yi Tianyun let himself go. Of course, Yi Tianyun is not really embarrassed, just shoot a few times.

"No way, they all thought that I was dead..." Gu Xing was quite wronged, and it didn't want to.

There is no special treasure house on the side of the giant orc. The treasures are piled up in the remote places of the caves. No one dares to sneak into the cave.

However, there are rules. If you don't come back for a long time, or if you declare death, then the treasure can be freely divided. After all, can't you waste it here?

"But it seems that I can only find another way. Right, you Zalina, I don't know if there is any treasure? Temporarily borrowed it for use." Yi Tianyun suddenly thought of Zalina, should not be poor Right?

"You don't want to play Zalina's idea, and if you want to lose, you are not wasting..."


Yi Tianyun is also a slap in the face, shot on its head, "Don't dare to lose? You can only win, can't lose! Before that momentum, isn't it good to beat the Bader cloud?"

"This..." The ancient star smiled: "I just want to be a bit imposing. In front of my partner, how can I do it without any momentum?"

Yi Tianyun gave it a glance, and then said: "In any case, I have to win this game. I will help you win this game. How do you say that you are my mount, too bad." ”

"Just a lot of treasures now, do you have more familiar friends, let them borrow some treasures or something."

"This is not good. I haven't contacted it for a long time, and I used to be some militant people. I don't want to talk to them." Gu Xingte shook his head.

"How to solve such a treasure, how can I steal somewhere else?" Yi Tianyun thought about it, only this method.

"Right, there is another way!" Gu Xing special clap, suddenly remembered one thing.

"What is the solution?" Yi Tianyun looked at it and wondered.

"The trial of the beasts, I have not said before, but I have to participate in the trial of the beasts. After the trial of the beasts, if the results are good, you can get very good treasures, if you top-notch, you can get more Amazing treasure. Take a treasure, you can certainly be a bet, even if it is not good, at least more than half of the value?" Ancient Star laughed.

"What are you waiting for, go now!" Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, it seems that there is no way to heaven.

"But that is not difficult..."

"Afraid of anything, I am not going with you, shouldn't you notice it?" Yi Tianyun thought about it.

"It's hard to say, if you notice it, then you can be in trouble..." Gu Xing sighed. "But you can only take a fight. In any case, you must participate in the trial of the beast." Watch zui new Please go to the chapter - mobile address.

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