Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2434: Big harvest

Yi Tianyun also thought that only the ancient star was awarded the mark of the beast, and he simply came over to play. Who knows that he can also get the mark of the beasts, so that the ancient stars are stupid.

"What happened, the master also got the mark of the beast?"

Gu Xing specially grabbed Yi Tianyun’s arm and dragged it over. He looked at the mark up and down. After a while, he dared not set the channel: “It’s really incredible.” Even the master can have the mark of the beast, this But the mark of our giant orc, can you get..."

"This is estimated to be passed as the same, only to give a mark... If you look at it like this, can I still get the same treasure?" Yi Tianyun shines, so that he can Make big!

Immediately, he turned his gaze back to the treasure floating above. I don’t know which treasure is suitable for myself.

I glanced at it and finally locked the blood of the god! In his opinion, this is a little bit useful for him. As for other uses, it is more general, even if it is more precious, but it is not very suitable for use on himself.

After the determination, he reached out and grabbed it quickly, and he took the blood of the **** in his hand, and it was easy. There is no block here, which means that he can really get the same treasure.

This is the same as he thinks. Since even the mark of the beasts can be obtained, there is no reason not to be rewarded. Sure enough, I reached out and grabbed the horse and got the same treasure again!

This time they earned a profit, not only can successfully pass the trial, but also get two treasures. Say it out, it will definitely make the whole giant beast vibrate.

So many treasures, who is not jealous? Of course, this thing will never be said to go out. Is it not to find death when you go out?

After collecting the treasures, Yi Tianyun regained his gaze to the mark of the beasts. He wondered: "What is this thing, what effect?"

"Of course, it has an effect. The more difficult the trial is, the stronger the effect! This is the trial mark of the six difficulty levels, and the effect is even more amazing."

"The mark of the beasts of the first-level trial difficulty can increase the power of ten times, and so on. But it is limited to the difficulty of the fifth-level trial, that is, it is 50 times the strength improvement, only the six-level test. The difficulty is different, it is a hundred times more powerful! At the same time, it can also improve the defense effect by 50 times! In addition, the status is improved. In the face of other giant beasts, as long as they are not as good as you, they can command their actions and cannot defy! ”

"Of course, the power and defensive power-up effect is also limited. It is impossible to use it endlessly. It is also limited in number. When the number of times is used up, it will be completely gone, and only the mark of the symbol will be left. There is an effect that can command other people to act."

"So this enhances the effect, not at the critical moment, or not as good, so as not to waste. With these six levels of difficulty trials, against Bader Cloud, I will have a great chance!"

The ancient star is extremely excited. It dreams of getting the mark of the six-level difficulty trial. Or all the giant beasts dream of getting this mark of the beast.

However, the difficulty of the six-level difficulty is too big, and it is basically a life of nine deaths. There are still a lot of behemoths, choose to participate in the war, the results are as seen, only less than ten pass.

"There are still these effects, isn't it that I can also call those behemoths?" Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, he was a stranger, and the practitioners used to call the behemoths below their own cultivation. It’s amazing.

"This is theoretically...but if it is passed out, the owner is afraid of being chased." The ancient star shook his head. This vision has never been seen before. Yi Tianyun is definitely in history. The first practitioner who has the mark of the beast.

In theory, it can be controlled, but it is only known by the ancestors of the giant orc family, and it will definitely be killed. Who wants to let outsiders control their own people at will?

In particular, the mark of the beasts of the status symbol can not be given.

"Oh, rest assured, I generally don't use it at will. When I see the behemoth outside, I can control it at will, so I will avoid many wars." Yi Tianyun thinks this thing is still very good, not only can it be Enhance your strength and control the behemoths.

As long as it is not used in this eight-yuan world, if you use it outside, then he is a beastmaster!

"This is also true, but this time I go out, I must name the whole eight-yuan world. Bard Yun’s kid will definitely be slammed by me!" The ancient star laughed and thought that Bader would be given by himself. It’s flat, it feels comfortable.

"You don't forget, you have to make a bet!" Yi Tianyun quickly raised a sentence, chaotic crystallization is the key point, must not forget.

"Of course I remember, I can have it all, it is the owner's help. Without the help of the master, I really can't get this mark of the beast." The ancient star patted the chest and smiled: "It will be handed over to me." The solution will be fine, and it will be solved easily. With this mark of the beast, I am afraid of that kid?"

It is very confident, the mark of the five-level difficulty and the mark of the six-level difficulty of the beasts can be said to be the difference. In this case, after the outbreak, Bard cloud must be beaten, how can it not be confident?

"Remember, just let's go out now." Yi Tianyun did not continue to stay here with him, and he went out outside.

Just before going out, he hid back to the ancient star's body and continued to stay outside to go out, fearing that it would reveal the stuffing.

At this time, the ancient star special ang first chest, lifted the foot and went to the exit.

Outside the exit, there are some giant orcs who are preparing outside, and they choose which difficulty to try.

"I heard that the ancient star Te Nazi entered the sixth level of difficulty, and now it has not come out, it is estimated that he is dead inside?"

"Isn't this nonsense? It will definitely die when it goes in. With this ability, Bader Cloud doesn't dare to choose the difficulty of the sixth level. It chooses it. Isn't that looking for death?"

"Don't say it, we think about the difficulty of choosing."

They stared at the passage. When they wanted to choose, suddenly a light broke out in front of them, followed by a figure coming out from the inside, full of blood, more or more momentum!

"Ancient, ancient star?"

When they saw the figure clearly, they were shocked. When they saw the mark on the ancient star's arm, they were even more shocked: "The six or six levels of the mark of the beast... it, it passes the six difficulty levels. Trial?"

Their feet were soft, and they sat on the ground and were scared by this scene.

When the outside guard saw this scene, he was shocked and hurriedly passed the matter out. This matter must be reported to the ancestors, can be tested through six levels of difficulty, and will certainly become a super strong in the future!

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