Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2435: War book

After the ancient star came out, a shrine enveloped it, quite dazzling. It can be said that it directly rushes to the entire area, and even the outside area can see the vision here.

After they saw it, they were first stunned and then stunned.

"The difficulty of the six-level trial, who passed?"

This vision can only appear if you successfully pass the difficulty of the six-level trial! This vision does not occur within the difficulty of the five-level trial. Therefore, as long as you see this vision, it means that someone has successfully passed the six-level trial difficulty.

So many years, once again, there are people who have passed the six-level difficulty trial to make them stunned. Each one quickly rushed to the beast trial area, and wanted to see who was passing the six-level trial.

Not only are they, even the elders inside have been alarmed. This is a top priority, and one by one has left here and flew to the land of trials.

As for Bader Cloud, there is a bad premonition. Looking at the light column outside, he is shocked and said: "Who is the six difficulty of the trial of the beast? This should not be, who is at this level, than me? Still powerful?"

It also quickly stood up and flew over to the beasts of the beasts. Everyone wanted to see who passed it.

There is no such treatment through the five levels of difficulty, and no one cares about this situation at all. The six-level trial is different. It is absolutely eye-catching. I want to see who passed it, and then congratulate it. I want to make a difference.

However, no one would think of the ancient star, only to think of other people passing. Who knows the strength of the ancient star, even if they stay outside for a long time to come back, they do not think it will be the ancient star.

Who knows the details of Gu Xing Te, is basically not likely to impact the six-level difficulty trial, worse than Bader Cloud, how can it impact the difficulty of the six-level trial? The difficulty of the five-level trial is dead, and the difficulty of the six-level trial is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, everyone is holding what is going through these six levels of difficulty trials, and flew past the beast trial area.

When I first came, I saw that the ancient stars were very stupid, and I was completely shocked. An impossible existence, but now passed, is this not the face of everyone?

In fact, the ancient star is of course as everyone thinks, it can not pass the six difficulty test, if it is not Yi Tianyun, it is really dead on the road.

Regardless of the process, the result is the most important. It now proves that the six-level difficulty trial has passed, and the powerful mark of the beasts can't refute and question its strength!

"Yes, it is the ancient star..."

They are all shocked and don't know what to say.

The ancient star is arrogant and proud, and it is excitement and excitement. Over the years, the tribes have looked down on themselves, and now they can finally be proud of it?

Successfully passed the difficulty of the six-level trial, and hit them hard!

Followed by Bard Cloud from the crowd, seeing the mark on the ancient star, muttered: "This, how is this possible, you, how can you pass the six-level trial difficulty?"

It really did not expect to be an ancient star, an ancient star that would never be considered an opponent! Nowadays, it is a success to surpass yourself and take the difficulty of six-level trials. This means going beyond one's own big and leaving it behind.

"Bad Cloud, you are coming!" When the ancient star saw Bard Cloud coming out, he sneered: "I didn't expect it, I succeeded in passing the six-level trial, and it was a level better than you!"

After Bard’s cloud collapsed, he sneered: “It’s stronger than me, but what about it? I don’t have the ability to challenge the six-level test, but I don’t want to risk it. My importance, but It's much higher than you! But you really have a hard life, thinking that you can beat me through six-level trials? It's naive!"

Bard Cloud is also a good face, and certainly will not be willing to admit that he has lost, how to make a hard mouth, refused to admit that he is in the wrong.

"Nothing is just not planted, what big words?" Gu Xing specially smiled and said: "Well, I will challenge you now, do you accept it?"

All the behemoths look at them both, and they have long heard that their relationship is very poor, everything comes from Zalina. Now it’s better, declare it directly!

When Badd’s face sank, it was a cold voice: “Well, fight, choose the day, let all the people witness, who is the strongest!”

"Wait a minute!" Gu Xing looked at it coldly: "The challenge is just one of them. How can you not play with the color head? You don't have a chaotic crystal. If I win, then the chaotic crystal gives me, how? ”

When the ancient star is arrogant, of course, it will not forget to help Yi Tianyun to take this challenge and reward, otherwise it will be challenged in vain.

"Then you lost, what do you want to lose to me?" Badd's eyes were cold, but it did not object to anything. Since you want to play, you must play big.

"The blood of the eight-year-old ancestors is not enough?" The ancient star extended his hand and lifted it. In the hand, he immediately added a bottle of blood. A familiar and powerful blood gas came out from the bottle. "This is the eight-year ancestor." The blood, you don't always think that your blood is pure, if you absorb this bottle of blood, then let your blood become stronger!"

When other ethnic groups saw this bottle of blood, their eyes flickered and they were full of greed. It’s just that they dare to **** it, but if they come in chaos, they will be punished.

When Bard Yun saw this bottle of blood, his eyes also glowed: "The blood of the eight-year-old ancestors is good, good... It seems that the reward of the six-level trial is really rich enough. Well, take this as Bet!"

It also quite wants this bottle of blood, the blood of the eight-year ancestor has greatly improved itself, so that it can not refuse.

"Well, after a month, just in the battle of Tianfeng Star, how?" Gu Xingte immediately chose the address, Tianfeng Star is their residence.

"Oh, choose Tianfeng Star, want Zalina to watch you lose?" Budyun laughed, and he didn't think he would lose.

"No, it’s watching you lose!"

The two are opposite each other and do not give each other. After the release of the essay, the two of them have each left to prepare, and this battle must be quite difficult.

Gu Xingte does not think that he can win the Bader cloud easily if he gets the mark of the beast.

The same is true of Bud Cloud. It was not difficult to deal with the ancient stars. Who knows that they have obtained the mark of the beasts, and they have pulled back their gaps at once.

In this case, Bader Cloud must be treated with caution, and it does not want to lose the chaotic crystal! Even if it is useless, but how to say it is also the relic of the eight-yuan ancestors, can not be sent out.

"Yes, the momentum is quite enough." Yi Tianyun praised it in its body.

"That is, of course, to deal with this Bader cloud, you must not lose it to the momentum!" Gu Xing special cold cold said: "Look, I will blow it up, let Zarina, and Other tribes know that I am stronger than Bader Cloud!" Please see the new chapter of zui - mobile address.

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