Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2436: Preparation before the war

The ancient star took Yi Tianyun back to Tianfeng Star and prepared it. After returning, the news quickly spread and shocked all the people.

One by one, come over and congratulate the ancient stars, and come over and tie it. For a time, the original residence of it has become very lively, and all of them have come to various treasures and come to give them to the ancient stars.

This scene will never happen before, and everything will change after it has passed the six-level trial.

Star Supreme is not uncommon here, especially in the later period, it is not uncommon. However, it is rare to touch the threshold of the nine-star Supreme, but it does not mean no.

The most important thing is that the ancient stars are relatively low-key, and they have not exposed themselves to touch the threshold of the nine-star supreme. It just wants to be a little low-key, and then when it comes to the battle with Bader, it breaks out again.

If you declare that you are getting started, there will be many people who come over to congratulate themselves, but it does not want to do this.

Now through the six-level trials, it is even more shocking, and it is even more shocking than stepping into the nine-star supreme threshold! This means that if the ancient star does not die, the future will not be limited.

After all, in the past, if you can successfully pass the six-level trial, you will not only be able to easily achieve the nine-star supreme, but also reach the later level!

It’s not so good to break through the repairs. Not everyone is like Yi Tianyun. Breakthrough is as simple as drinking water. Other practitioners, including giant beasts, in addition to working hard to find the magical medicine, are constantly improving, and finally they can break through.

For example, now they are entering the threshold of the nine-star supreme, and they need to be brewed for a long time. When they reach a certain level of accumulation, they will be able to break through the final barrier and reach the nine-star supreme!

It’s not that you’re going to get started, you’ll be able to break through right away, and it will take some time to accumulate before you can improve.

Of course, this is only a matter of time. Some need to accumulate for tens of thousands of years, while others have accumulated for hundreds of years, and even successfully broke through in several years. Everything depends on the situation. In either case, it is necessary to accumulate.

After breaking through to the Nine Stars, the speed of accumulation has become extremely slow, and there are few giant beasts that can reach the end. Originally, the behemoths were more against the sky, and the breakthroughs made by the repairs were indeed more difficult, otherwise they would not be so exaggerated.

In the face of the numerous behemoths that have come to congratulate, the ancient star is quite beautiful, especially the Zalina, who laughs like a flower.

I didn’t agree with the ancient star and Zalina’s shackles. Now I’m slap in the air, and come here and smile at the ancient star.

"Ancient Star, I really didn't expect it. You successfully passed the six-level test. I have already seen that you are extraordinary. I didn't expect you to successfully pass the trial... Zalina will take care of you in the future. "Zhao came over a boulder, this is a good energy spar, not crystallize.

This can be used as a light in a house, quite beautiful and not cheap. The main thing is that it chooses the ancient star, not the Bader cloud!

Bud Cloud's blood and status are stronger than the ancient stars, but from today, the two can be said to be equal, and even according to the potential, the ancient star TBI Bade cloud must be strong.

Therefore, even if Zhazi is beating himself, he must have a good relationship with the ancient star. It can be said that even the bet is bet on the ancient star.

Zalina glared at her father and wondered who had driven the ancient star away. Now it is changing face. This change is really fast enough.

However, it did not say anything more, anyway, as long as the ancient star is fine. When I heard that the ancient star had to enter the six-level trial, there was a bit of despair. I didn’t expect the ancient star to give it a big surprise.

"That must be, Zalina will definitely take care of it, and will never let it down." Gu Xingte is equally happy, and he does not care about it. What is going on in the future, it is too lazy to care about it.

With the congratulations on the road, the houses that were originally evacuated will soon have many more treasures. In fact, these treasures, there are many behemoths who are returning debts...

When the ancient star was declared dead, many behemoths came over and frantically moved things. Now they hear that the ancient stars have successfully passed the six-level trial, and they are scared that they have come to congratulate them, and they have received a lot of treasure compensation. The compensation is more than the ones they moved before.

Where can they give less, they can only give more. If the ancient stars are pursued, they will be finished. In the future, it is a nine-star supreme level, and it is still a very high level. Who dares to provoke?

This congratulations, it will soon be over, and the ancient star is an addiction. After sending Zalina away, it was lying on a soft bed and comfortable: "It’s so cool, it’s different to pass the six-level test, and even the elders are alarmed.”

Yi Tianyun will also come out of its body space, watching the situation around, it is really a big transformation.

"Look at how comfortable you are, I am sure you are willing to go back with me?" Yi Tianyun looked at the ancient star.

The ancient star made a special shot and said with a smile: "Where can I, I will definitely follow the master!"

It almost forgot the purpose, and after finishing the matter here, it still has to go back. It’s just the status here, it doesn’t apply outside.

Yi Tianyun glanced at it deeply, then reached out and patted it on the shoulder. He smiled and said: "Whether you are willing or not, you have to go with me, there are still many things to do."

The ancient star sighed deeply and could only accept his fate. Originally, it came back with a mortal heart. There is no strong talent, no powerful power, and it can only be desperate.

In the case of desperate efforts, the results need not be said, it is possible to really die. Bader cloud is stronger than it, and it is very likely that it will lose.

It’s different now, in the case of a complete flip, the status is there, the strength is there, and it really doesn’t really want to go. I still want to run away with Zalina, now where to run away?

Just agreeing to Yi Tianyun's things, it can't be repented.

"Hey, there is still a long time, but can I take Zalina to go?" Gu Xing can only accept his life, but there is Zalina around, that is not a problem.

"Of course, no problem, more than one strong, I will be happy. Just you have to convince it, otherwise it will be bad." Yi Tianyun smiled and then lay on the side. Next, "It's really soft."

The ancient star is very cute, and it really doesn't know what Zalina would think. The giant orc is so resentful to the practitioners, if Zalina knows that it recognizes the Lord, I wonder what it will be? Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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