Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2440: Change the mistake

Not only Yi Tianyun, they were surprised, even the behemoths around them were very surprised.

They did not expect Bard Cloud, a giant orc, to master martial arts. This is the exclusive possession of practitioners. Now that Bard Cloud can master it, it is beyond their expectations.

"How can Bader Cloud use the martial arts of the practitioners? How did this happen?"

"Yeah, we can't do anything at all. Every time we want to display it, we feel that the blood in our body is going to explode."

“Yes, how did Bard Cloud do it? It seems that there is still no problem!”

They all looked at the three elders and wanted to know what was going on. Their giant orcs have never been able to cultivate, otherwise there will be no evolution.

The main reason is that the practitioners are different from their structure. What meridians, what points, and where will they be the same? Therefore, when using martial arts, it will not be displayed at all, but it will also cause counter-attacks.

As for their own creation of martial arts, it is not unremarkable, but in general, it is much worse than the practitioners. The two are not on one level.

In this case, they all admire the practitioners who can use martial arts, but they can't practice. Of course, the situation is different now. Bard Cloud, a giant beast, will actually have martial arts!

Yi Tianyun is very certain that Bader Cloud has not evolved, and what is evolved is a pure behemoth!

The three elders smiled a little: "Bad Yun’s talents are different. After some improvement, they can display their own. Generally, the giant beast can’t learn.”

The martial arts and the gods are different. The gods can still cultivate, but the martial arts are too difficult, the body is different, and they cannot be cultivated at all.

As soon as the explanations of the three elders came out, the beasts were amazed. They felt that Bard’s cloud was truly amazing, and even the cultivators’ things could be used by themselves.

"Is the beasts improving their martial arts, and then turning them into their own use?" Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed, which is beyond his expectations. Generally speaking, the martial arts that can be used to improve them are basically a concept similar to re-creation. .

They are so troublesome, choose to improve, not create by themselves?

However, creating it yourself is not a one-off event, and it takes a lot of time to get used to it. Although the giant orc family is a long time, it does not mean that it has a strong foundation. Especially in the case that the martial arts are not well understood, they are now basically equal to touching the stones.

If it is not a higher level, they are even more black and black. If you want to find something, it is impossible.

"This time, the ancient star is in trouble..." Yi Tianyun looked at it, and the ancient star would not have any martial arts.

Bud Cloud, a set of martial arts, did not know how many times it was passed out. At least so far, Bader Cloud is exclusive.

Gu Xing is indeed very troublesome. Under the strong offensive of Bader Cloud, he has repeatedly retreated, and his injuries have become more and more serious. Some of the bodies were directly blasted by a trick, but they soon healed.

This is due to the ancient half-immortal body of the ancient star, otherwise it will be blown up after being replaced by other behemoths.

"Damn, how can this guy show his martial arts?" Gu Xing was shocked and felt that everything was so unbelievable. According to the current situation, not only could the other party not be killed, but the other party first killed it.

"Haha, didn't you think about it? I didn't want to be so eager to show it. I didn't expect you to push me to this level. Then don't blame me." Bard Cloud is reaching out again, and the power of the body is condensed into Limang, cut through the front.

"Oh," the ancient body of the ancient star was smashed into two segments, but soon the blood gas came out and quickly healed the body. It's just its face, it becomes paler.

Even if it is not dead, it is not so easy to recover.

Zalina exclaimed underneath, her eyes flushed, and she was scared by the situation of the ancient star.

"Ancient Star..." Zalina is very worried. If the ancient star is dead, what should it do?

Next to the Zhazi face is ugly, this is afraid of being a wrong treasure. In the current situation of Gu Xing, where can I win the Bader cloud? Before I felt that I could win the Bader Cloud, I would choose to bet on the ancient star. Now it seems that it is fierce.

Unless the ancient star will also have martial arts, it will definitely lose! Now they have been hit by Bud Cloud. If there is no new move, it will definitely lose.

"We have to finish this time, and we haven't even talked about the conditions..." Zha Yu's face was pale, and he could have benefited from Bud Cloud. Where can it benefit now?

Who does not know that Zhaxi chose to support the ancient star, Bard cloud must be angered. After it’s hard, Zha Lin’s benefits are not enough, Zalina is forcibly taken away! This is a big loss.

The ancient star is also quite bad, its original self-confidence, a little bit destroyed. It used to think that under the double outbreak, how can it be equal to Bard Cloud, and then rely on the half-immortal body to kill each other a little.

It now appears that its plan has completely failed.

"Master, this is going to lose..." Gu Xing sighed and felt very unwilling, even a little desperate.

"You didn't have a strong momentum before, but you are full of confidence. Even the cultivation is not willing to cultivate." Yi Tianyun expressed indifference in it. "Especially, I was quite confident, but I also regarded myself as the king here." Already?"

"This..." The ancient star is very embarrassing, it is a bit smug, and through the highest difficulty, breaking the record, it really makes it float.

So that it makes it forget the real situation, if it is not Yi Tianyun to help, it simply can not pass the six-level trial difficulty! After you feel that you have the mark of the beast, everything is not a problem.

It seems that it is really naive now.

"I was wrong... but now it is not acceptable, I can't win the chaos for you..." Gu Xing sighed deeply and felt very sorry for Yi Tianyun.

"Before my persuasion, I still have the wind in my ears. Even my master is going to ignore it. But now I can change it, it’s very good." Yi Tianyun said lightly: "Then I will help you, wait for things to end." After that, just leave with me, don't fall in love for a while, you still have things to do with me."

"Master, can you help me win?" The ancient star is ecstatic, it is desperate, and if Yi Tianyun can help it win, then it would be better.

"Don't look at who I am!" Yi Tianyun said indifferently: "If there is no plan, you will be fooled by me, and my chaotic crystal will be lost. I have already slapped you!"

"Oh..." The ancient star made a special laugh, constantly resisting the attack of Bader Cloud. "If I win, I will leave with the owner and willing to follow you!"

The idea that I wanted to stay here was suddenly gone. It is determined, and it is not bad with Yi Tianyun! I feel that I have been staying here, but I really can't get stronger!

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