Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2441: Beat

Ancient Star is basically desperate, and it seems to be difficult to deal with Bard Cloud. It has exhausted all its strength and can't deal with Bard Cloud. Bud Cloud is now suppressing himself, and if he doesn't want to do anything, then it will lose.

Although it was originally intended to come back with Zalina, but it is not as good as the wind and light, Zalina left, that is the real idea.

But now it can't do it at all, it can only rely on Yi Tianyun.

"Reassure, as your master, it's still a bit of a skill..." Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold. "I will let you take the wind and the wind and walk Zarina, so as not to be convinced when I work for me in the future." ”

The ancient star must have a lot of heart and soul, how to say it is with the practitioners as hostile forces, as Yi Tianyun's pet, certainly not reconciled.

He will now completely reverse it, let the ancient star become his real pet, and still very willing to help the kind of thing, instead of ordering it to do things.

"Oh..." Gu Xing specially laughed. It was not very convincing before, but immediately it said: "Then what should I do, now I am eaten to death, there is no way to move. Key owner, how can you help? Can other elders find you?"

It doesn't know how many times it has been blasted, and if it had the mark of the beast, it was already killed. It has been bombarded so many times in a row, and the half-dead body has to become a real dead dog.

But it thinks more, or how Yi Tianyun helps himself, not being discovered by other elders. So many elders are watching outside, one by one is a nine-star supreme, and if they are found, then they will die.

"It's very simple. I will open the mark of the beasts and superimpose the power of the mark of the beast on you. Then you will get double strength." Yi Tianyun smiled lightly: "Under double stacking, Do you think you can't handle it easily?"

"There is still this effect?" Gu Xing was taken aback.

"Of course, there is such an effect. Have you not carefully checked the usage?" Yi Tianyun whited it and said: "From the five-level mark of the beasts, they can all be superimposed on each other, and the effects may not be superimposed. At least half of the power can be superimposed on it! It means you can increase your strength by 50 times and the defense of 25 times!"

When he knew the usage of the mark of the beast, he felt quite shocked inside. If a large group of behemoths are superimposed on each other, it is definitely an explosive effect.

Although the latter effect is getting weaker and weaker, if they unite together and break out, it will definitely lead to terrible fighting power.

The original intention of this 10,000 mark of the beast is to make them unite and fight against the enemy!

Nowadays one-on-one, there is no superposition of the mark of the beasts, and naturally it is impossible to display the effects. It is different now, Yi Tianyun is hiding in it, it is different.

Secretly pouring the mark of the beast into the ancient star body, the ancient star will be able to explode a stronger force, and can also cross the sea! No one has thought that there will be a practitioner in the ancient star body, and this practitioner has a mark of the beast!

"That, then hurry up and stack up!" Gu Xing is very excited, feeling that he has to turn over.

"it is good!"

Yi Tianyun immediately displayed the mark of the beasts, and the power of the cockroaches was released from his arms, pouring into the ancient star body. After the power of the scorpion came in, the ancient star that had been beaten all the time, suddenly burst into a burst, and reached out to grab it.


It steadily grasped the fist of Bud Yun, and the power of the scorpion dissipated to the side: "Enough, it is my turn to fight back!"

"What happened?" Budyun stunned. It felt his fists, and he was firmly grasped by the ancient stars, and he couldn't move.

The next moment, Bard cloud was pulled by the ancient star, and slammed into the ground, "bang", the ground was pulled out of a huge pit.

This is not over yet, the ancient star specializes in this opportunity, aiming at Bader cloud is a burst of beating! Bard cloud quickly resisted, even if he was dropped on the ground, he could continue to fight with his fists.

It's just that its attack is a lot worse than the attack of the ancient star. Occasionally, when a punch fell on the ancient body of the ancient star, it was not exploding, just bringing a faint dent, basically no harm!

It’s worse than the previous punch. If you used to play the ancient star special image like tofu, it is like a fist on the steel plate!

When a punch hits, there is no effect, it stuns, and then it is beaten again!

Under the continuous madness of the storm, Bader was beaten to explode and was killed by the abuse. There was no way to resist the attack of the ancient star.

This scene stunned all the behemoths, and other behemoths thought that Bard Yun won this time. Suddenly, the power of the ancient star surged, and then quickly flipped, and beat the ball cloud.

"What is going on here, is the ancient star still hiding its strength?"

"It should be, before it was beaten by Bader Cloud, it is generally difficult to flip, and now suddenly counterattack, can only hide the strength."

"This hidden strength is too strong, this time Bader will lose..."

They really feel that Bard Cloud is going to lose this time, unless Bard Cloud also hides strength.

The three elders were ugly, and it was very clear that the ancient star broke out with a stronger force and completely crushed the Bader cloud.

"That kid, how can it break out such a strong force? Was it the limit before?" The three elders were cold and terrible, and it really couldn’t figure out why it would be like this.

In its view, Bard Cloud will win! But the result has changed a lot, I am afraid that it will be lost if it is replaced by Bader. This reversed, so that it is somewhat unbearable.

"The surrender does not surrender?" Gu Xingte was another violent blow, screaming and screaming.

"No, don't surrender, never surrender..." Budyun shouted, and he refused to surrender. The body was getting more and more broken, and the healing speed was not as strong as that of the ancient stars. Continue to do so, and the result is a dead end.

"Do not surrender, then continue to fight!" Gu Xingte is a continuous violent fight, specifically avoiding the head, only playing the body of Bader cloud.

It does not kill the Bader cloud, it just wants to force it to surrender.

"I still don't surrender? If you don't surrender, you will die!" Gu Xingte asked after several consecutive punches.

"Death, death does not surrender!" Bard cloud is also to be dignified, let it surrender that is impossible.

"That will give me to die!" Gu Xing did not want to waste time with it. He punched his fist and went to his head. As long as he was in the middle, if he didn't die, he would be hit hard!


Suddenly a figure floated in, resisting the attack of the ancient star, and went to the back of the earthquake, the ancient star was specially shocked back, and after several hundred steps of continuous retreat, it barely stopped.

It’s not the other people who are shooting. It’s the three elders. It doesn’t want to see his son’s death in the hands of the ancient star, he can only shoot.

But this means it won this game! Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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