Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2442: Sucked in

"Three elders, what do you mean by this, actually intervene in our test?"

The ancient star looked at the three elders with a sneer. In general, the test was not free to intervene. Even if they saw who died, they could not intervene.

But the three elders are now intervening, and it is very obvious that they are trying to save their sons before they choose to intervene.

"I don't mean anything, Bader has lost, you don't need to kill you." The three elders looked at it with cold eyes, and there was a bit of killing in the depths of his eyes. His son was beaten, and his mood would definitely not be good. Go, "You are both geniuses in the family. Whoever dies is a loss in the family, so when it is time to win the game, it is time to end."

"Why, when I was beaten to death, I didn't see you coming out to help?" Gu Xing sternly retorted, his eyes were full of coldness.

To say so nice is nothing more than trying to find a reasonable excuse to save people. If the ancient star is killed, the three elders will certainly not come up, and the other elders will not come to the rescue.

Mainly the rules are here, so other elders will not intervene at will. The three elders broke this rule and then found a reasonable excuse to save people.

"You have a half-dead body, and the situation is not at the most dangerous time. If you are in the most dangerous time, you will come up to save you!" The three elders are not good-spoken. Of course, this is not the case. The ancient stars are dead, not Will choose to come up.

"Yes, that's really thanks to the three elders!" Gu Xing specially snorted, then turned to look at the elders of Huo De laughed: "Elders, my reward?"

The elders of Huide took out the chaotic crystals. According to the rules, they were all owned by the ancient stars. Other people’s eyes were useless.

After the ancient star received it, he settled with satisfaction and then stepped down to find Zalina. It is too lazy to pay attention to these three elders, to say no benefit.

Bud Cloud looked at it with resentful eyes, and now it can't even say anything. If you take a slow step, you can't even live.

The three elders did not say anything more. They took Bard Cloud and went back to healed. Staying here is a shame.

With the mark of the beasts of the beasts, the blood of the eight-year-old ancestors, and the martial arts in the body, still could not beat the ancient star.

The ancient star is like a general practitioner, and the Bard cloud is like a prince. In this case, it is defeated by a practitioner who is so big as the position gap. As a prince’s Bad Cloud, how can he be willing, and even more It’s a shame.

This is the descendant of the eight-yuan ancestor. Born to grow up with a golden spoon, but it is defeated to the ancient star, can not be shameful?

There is nothing in the ancient star, the family background is more general, and the talent is not bad. Logically speaking, there is too much difference compared to Bud. In this case, it was completely defeated, and it really shocked many giant beasts.

However, some behemoths are not surprised. How do you say that the ancient stars have got the mark of the six-level trial difficulty, which proves that it is really powerful. If there is no strength, how can you get this powerful mark of the beast?

In this case, it is not surprising to win the Bard Cloud.

It’s strange that only the ancient stars are special, can there be more powerful power? However, there are not many behemoths to investigate in detail, anyway, they will win.

"Zalina, I said don't worry, I can definitely win!" Gu Xing specially walked down in the spring, quite arrogant.

"Ancient Star, I know you are very powerful!" Zalina smiled and threw herself into her arms, regardless of the sight.

Zha's legs are now a little trembling, watching them both show a faint smile: "This is a gamble to win..."

It just felt like I lost my gamble. It seems that I have not lost! Immediately, I went to congratulations, and everything was considered to have not existed.

This match was quickly dissipated, and many behemoths spread the news out. The ancient star won this test and shocked the entire eight-yuan world.

When you know that Bader’s cloud is against the ancient stars, many giant beasts feel that it is difficult for the ancient stars to win this game. Even if it is difficult to pass the six-level trial, they will not think that the ancient star will win this. One.

How to say that Bader's cards are quite a lot, and there is a strong background background. Who knows that the results are completely different from what they think, and they are completely defeated!

This makes the prestige of the ancient star, and it will summit at once. Originally, the ancient star was among the giant orcs, and its prestige and status were relatively average, and it was only a medium level.

Nowadays, after defeating Bader Cloud, it directly hits the highest peak.

"Win, master, I won!" Back in the hole, the ancient star shouted excitedly. It didn't expect to beat Bard Cloud. It always wanted to beat Bard Cloud. Now it is a dream. Really, how can I be upset?

Yi Tianyun looked at it indifferently. "Isn't this a normal thing? If there is my help, if it doesn't win, what else do you say?"

"Also..." The ancient star's expression is a stiff one. If you think about it, there is nothing to be too happy. It is all that Yi Tianyun has helped to win. It is not its own strength.

However, it is still worthy of being happy. At least the enemy will be beaten up, and this game will be won. I am not worried that Zalina will be taken away.

After that, it remembered the chaotic crystallization, quickly took it out and handed it to Yi Tianyun: "Master, this is chaotic crystal..."

Yi Tianyun took over the chaotic crystallization, and it was heavy in the hand, and it felt quite good.

"This is the chaotic crystallization..." Yi Tianyun looked at this chaotic crystal, smiled slightly, and the next moment a ray of light quickly enveloped and wrapped Yi Tianyun into it.

Instantly, Tianyun disappeared in the same place, and it was accurately sucked in by the chaotic crystal!

"What, what?" Gu Xing looked at the chaotic crystals that fell from the air. It was completely stupid. It quickly grabbed the chaotic crystal and muttered: "The master was sucked in... Is it the eight?" What did the old ancestors do?"

The ancient star has a trembling heart. It has long been heard that the eight-year-old ancestor has imposed a ban on this chaotic crystallization. However, if it gets its hand, it is equal to its own. In this case, it will not cause any counterattack.

However, Yi Tianyun, as a practitioner, is different. It is impossible to say that the eight-year-old ancestors left a trace of God in it. After discovering that Yi Tianyun was a practitioner, he sucked him in.

"What to do, what to do..." Gu Xing is very anxious. If Yi Tianyun is finished, it will be finished.

It’s hard to win this game, Bader’s cloud has also been blown up, and the beautiful beast has returned. If Yi Tianyun is dead, everything is over!

"Master, I hope you are okay, nothing..." Gu Xing specially held chaotic crystals, stupidly sitting on the ground, waiting silly. Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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