Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2444: Beast God Trial

The words of the eight-year-old ancestors did not make Yi Tianyun feel surprised. Originally, the relationship between the two was a brother, and the eight-year-old ancestor would give him the position of the giant orc, and he was not surprised.

It's just that the difficulty has to be said to be quite high. Although the giant orc is divided into two major factions, he is now a practitioner. The difficulty of commanding the giant orc family as a cultivator is too difficult.

If he is a giant orc, it is different. But he is now the identity of the practitioner, and the difficulty can be said to be more than a little.

The eight-year-old ancestor seems to see what he thinks in his heart. He said: "I know that you feel very difficult, and it is quite difficult to actually operate. It can be said that the difficulty is the biggest and the difficulties are heavy."

Yi Tianyun frowned, and had to say that this difficulty is really quite high. If he is a great orc, it is a problem, he is not a giant orc, but a practitioner.

It is undoubtedly very difficult to deal with this identity. He thought of the ancient star, but this is no problem. Let the ancient star as the leader here is not much different from being the leader.

"Eight yuan ancestors, I do not know if I let other giant beasts, as a leader, can you?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"No, you must be in control! What you are talking about is the kid outside. Its potential is good, but it is still a lot worse than you. The key is to have the five-color emperor dragon as the leader, not the giant beast! If you want the giant orc family to be the leader, you can find it here, I can find a lot of behemoths that meet the standards, why bother to take it?"

The eight-year-old ancestors said that it is quite reasonable. If you don’t say that the ancient stars are special, you can find some elders casually. Which one is not better than the ancient star? The experience of dealing with things is much stronger than the ancient stars. In this case, what else does the ancient star have to do?

"All in all is the inheritor of the five-color emperor dragon, and it must be a practitioner! Of course, the inheritor of the five-color emperor dragon must be a practitioner. This five-color emperor dragon has said before, and the inheritor must be only a practitioner. It will not be a giant orc family." The eight-yuan ancestors said indifferently: "Of course, the giant orc family would not have the saying of the stars and the law, and it is impossible to turn them."

"What is this?" Yi Tianyun wondered.

"In order to truly achieve the unity between the two!" Eight-year-old ancestors have a strong voice: "You have the inheritance of the five-color emperor dragon, but also the blood of the practitioners. The two combine to make you a giant orc. The leader is undoubtedly a huge change. Under this kind of change, the relationship between the two can be completely peaceful."

"Our giant beasts are actually only among the many races, one is not an eye-catching existence. The giant orc family is very self-sufficient and thinks that it can override everything... Hey, no matter what, change is inevitable!"

Eight yuan ancestors looked at Yi Tianyun with enthusiasm, Shen Sheng said: "This point, I wonder if you agree not to? If you do not agree, I will not force you, after all, this thing is hard to come, the difficulty is also very high. If you are free to participate, you will not know when you are hacked."

The words of the eight-year-old ancestors are correct. Whether they originally advocated peace or not, they want to hack him. They will never tolerate, and practitioners come as their commanders.

"Hey, the special main line mission 'becomes the leader of the giant orc family', completes the mission to get 100 billion points of star energy value, and opens the 100,000 points of good and evil system lottery opportunities once, the system evolution points dozens of points! Is it taken? Can refuse, can accept, complete the change pattern)"

Now that a special mainline task pops up right away, it seems that the reward is quite attractive.

The key is that this task is not like the previous tasks, most of them are mandatory to complete, this is optional. There have been similar choices a long time ago, you can choose to help, or you can choose not to help.

If you don't help, the changes will be completely different. For example, if he becomes the leader of the giant orc family, then it can completely change the relationship between the practitioners and the giant beasts, and it is undoubtedly a good one.

If you don't become a leader, the giant orc is still the same as before. It is impossible to say that one day there will be a party who does not support peace. As a result, the war is once again provoked.

This is undoubtedly a very serious matter, and it is also the result that Yi Tianyun does not want to see.

"I promised." Yi Tianyun nodded and finally chose to take over the task.

After hearing the words of Yi Tianyun, the eight-year-old ancestors showed a happy smile: "My brother did not choose the wrong person... I know it is very difficult, but it is not the way to change."

"You are now getting the mark of the beasts, which is actually a change I gave you in advance. Otherwise, do you think that you can have a mark of the beast? If it is not for me, you can't act with the ancients."

"This... means that you already knew that I came in?" Yi Tianyun was surprised, but he was not surprised.

"Yes, my body has already merged with the eight-yuan world. No one can win me. And it is just hiding in the kid. This low-end hidden means, I will not know?" The ancestors sneered at the nose. "In short, I will let you get the mark of the beasts. On your behalf, we will get our approval, and the difficulty will be slightly weakened."

"Of course, this is not the most crucial thing. What really allows you to change the view of the giant beasts is to test them through the beasts." The eight-year-old ancestor said: "The beast **** trial is called the beast of the giant orc. Trial, that is, the patriarch you said. Only by becoming a beast, can you lead the entire beast. Today's giant orc, there is no beast."

"The beast **** trial, I am going to participate?" Yi Tianyun pointed at himself and wondered: "Is this suitable? I don't think it is close, it is estimated that it has been hacked."

So many elders, repairs are all nine-star supreme level, who dares to approach? You must not be hacked to death.

"Yes, as long as you have the mark of the beasts, you can become a member of the beast **** trial. It can be said that you have the mark of the beast, you are already qualified, and the giant beast can not attack you!" Channel: "Otherwise, this is a violation of the rules! Of course, if you try, it is not restricted."

"Isn't that, this is equal to a death-free gold medal, and will not be attacked by the giant orc?" Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, which means he can walk around here without being attacked.

If you think about it carefully, even the commanding behemoth can do it, and it will be normal to not be attacked.

"Yes, under this premise, they can only promise you to participate in the trial of the beast god. Correspondingly, when you participate in the trial of the beast god, you will be subject to numerous obstacles, and the difficulty will be greatly improved!" He smiled and said: "Do you have the confidence to pass the trial?"

"This should be no problem." Yi Tianyun snorted and added: "The premise is not to encounter the Nine Star Supreme, perhaps no problem."

He faces the Nine Stars Supreme, especially in the medium term, or later, what is the chance of winning? Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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