Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2445: Worried about things

Yi Tianyun has dealt with the nine-star supreme pre-repair, but it is acceptable. After all, he now has the mark of the beasts, as well as the blessing of the set attributes. In the face of the Nine Stars, you can still play a dozen, but the premise is that the previous period is repaired, not the medium term, or even the later period.

The mid-term repairs are estimated to be able to withstand several tricks. As for the later repairs, it is straight down and ran away. This is of course not estimated by Yi Tianyun, and it is felt from the elders who had been on the scene.

The elders of the late nine-star supreme are really too strong. It is estimated that he can't support a trick in front of the nine-star supreme! Nowadays, unlike before, it is easy to cross several big realms and you can beat each other.

Now it is the same level of invincibility, and at most it is to fight across a large realm level. If it crosses more, it will be difficult to deal with. Unless he sneak attacks, perhaps this will have a chance.

"This is hard to say. If you participate in the trial of the beasts, you can take the high or low, and the elders can participate, so it may be in the mid-term of the Nine Stars, or in the later period." .

"So pit? Then I am still playing, and I have to go straight." Yi Tianyun's face is black, is this too difficult? This is the confrontation between the mid-to-late level of the Jiuxing Supreme. He was trained in a late Star Supreme, what can he do here? I am afraid that nothing can be done.

"I didn't say that you will go to the Beast God Trial now. After you break through to the Nine Stars, it is not too late to come back." The eight-year-old ancestors smiled.

"When is the time to participate? Is it that other elders do not participate in the trial of the beast?" Yi Tianyun wondered: "I am afraid that I have not participated in the trial of the beast, and everything is over."

"There is no need to worry about this. I have restrictions there. It can be said that the giant beasts basically cannot pass the trial, so you don't have to worry about being tested by other giant beasts." Eight-year-old ancestors comforted.

"What?" Yi Tianyun stunned and looked at the eight-year-old ancestors and wondered: "Isn't this too pit, they don't even have the chance to complete? They can only participate, but can't succeed?"

This kind of limitation, it is really a huge group of behemoths. It is no wonder that there has been no emergence of the beast god. The original eight-yuan ancestors have made restrictions. Of course, no one can successfully upgrade to the beast.

If the giant orc family knows his ancestors and makes such a move, I wonder if he will hack him. Anyway, if you change his words, you definitely want to hack your ancestors. After many trials, there is no way to succeed. How can you not be angry?

However, the eight-year-old ancestors, in order to let the giant orc and the practitioners live in harmony, it is painstaking.

"Yes, there is no most crucial step. Whoever participates in the trial will not succeed." The eight-year-old ancestor smiled at him: "So you will be successful if you take part in the trial. Just on the way, you have to go with many elders." We are competing, and the biggest difficulty is here."

"Now you are not high, even the most basic nine-star supreme has not succeeded in breaking. Now that you have chaotic crystals, there are still three other things not obtained." Eight-yuan ancestors reached out and waved, and the other three things appeared immediately. In front of the eyes, respectively, Jiuxinghua, Longshucao and half-moon.

These things are all very precious, and they were all taken out by the eight-yuan ancestors. They don't need him to find them, saving time and effort!

Yi Tianyun’s eyes lit up and he said: “Predecessors, are you ready for these in advance?”

"Yes, it is not for you, but for those who accept the task cultivators." Eight-year-old ancestors smiled: "But you just need it, so it is very coincidental, you don't need to look for it. There is a complete set here."

In order to find him, the eight-year-old ancestor made the bleeding. However, if you can't find Yi Tianyun, you can't get these treasures, and no one can use chaotic crystals.

Therefore, in this case, it will continue to pass on, even if the practitioner who accepts the task is dead, it will be obtained by another practitioner.

No matter who you are, when you get this chaotic crystal, you will accept the task. Seeing a whole set of treasures that enhance the nine-star law, who is not heart-warming?

Unless you encounter the nine-star supreme, even if it is the nine-star supreme, it will be heart-warming. They don't need it, they don't mean that their children don't need it, so this task can be done right away as long as it is a practitioner.

Now it's good, you don't have to look for it, you can complete the task directly, so when the eight-year-old ancestor sees Yi Tianyun, he will sigh that this is fate.

Yi Tianyun took this set of magic drugs and said with great satisfaction: "Then I will break through the nine-star law now. When I break through to the nine-star supreme, everything is not a problem!"

Yi Tianyun is very confident, as long as he breaks through the nine-star supreme, it will be invincible. In this case, you don't have to worry about running away from the other nine stars.

"That's good, you are here to break through to the nine-star law. I am here to protect you. I am guarding the law next to you, so that you can maximize the effect of chaotic crystallization." The eight-year-old ancestor is next to the law, absolutely the highest Treated.

Yi Tianyun didn't have any embarrassment. Anyway, the other side did not harm the heart. He also helped himself to protect the law. It doesn't matter. Anyway, this is not a secret matter.

Immediately, he meditated and prepared three kinds of medicines, and stuffed them into his mouth and began to eat. The entrance of the three kinds of medicines, the explosive energy, rushed into the body, and instantly his body swelled up, like a big circle of fat.

The eight-year-old ancestor did not idle, and quickly hand-printed his hand, and the faint energy that popped up everywhere continued to rush to Yi Tianyun. When entering his body, he quickly began to convert to different attribute colors according to the attributes in his body, and reasonably matched the fusion.

Under the powerful help of the eight-yuan ancestor, this energy is quite soft, not much more, and everything is just right. Under the protection of the eight-year-old ancestors, everything is much easier.

When normal practitioners raise the star law, they are especially careful in controlling this energy. The energy contained in the crystal is extremely terrifying. If you are not careful, it will explode or cause energy loss.

If there is a strong law, it will be different.

However, after Yi Tianyun absorbed it, suddenly there was some embarrassment, and the energy outside was not absorbed.

"What's wrong?" The eight-year-old ancestors had some doubts. He found that Yi Tianyun did not absorb the energy he pushed out.

"That medicine is not enough..." Yi Tianyun is very incomparable, and his most worrying thing has happened again.

Others only need a magical medicine that can be promoted. For him, it is not enough!

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