Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2464: 蹊跷

Although Yi Tianyun originally intended to rob another, there is still a slap in the face, who knows that this is the home of Zilong, then this idea can only be suppressed.

However, he can get a batch of magic drugs, but it is a good reward. From here, Yi Tianyun finally knows why Zilong will beg for mercy, just like Gu Xing, and he has some concerns in his heart.

Zilong couldn't completely put his life and death out of the way. He wanted to live, and his heart and his obsessions were not finished. Not only is it necessary to fight with the five-color emperor dragon, but the main thing is the domain of Guangfan, even if I swear that I will not come back in this life, but that is to say, I still hope to protect it here.

The banquets are very lively and can be said to give them a very satisfying banquet. The ancient stars are more happy to eat, and there has been such enjoyment in the past.

I used to fight and kill. As for the peace of mind, sit down and eat and drink, it is really less.

Zilong is sitting with Hill Blue. I don’t know much about the banquet. I am generally grateful for some words. He did not expect his mother to choose to support himself, so that he was very moved and embarrassed.

Yi Tianyun was alone drinking there, watching the dance in front, but it didn't have a flavor.

"It’s not bad to have this kind of occasional occasion..." Yi Tianyun slowly drank a glass of wine, experienced a tense battle, and sat down from time to time to rest, still quite good.

The banquet soon ended, Yi Tianyun, they are still with the purple dragon, return to the residence to rest.

After they stayed here for a while, Yi Tianyun felt that it was almost time to leave and it would be meaningless to stay here. As far as the **** medicine is concerned, Hill Blue has sent two copies of the **** medicine. For the normal star Supreme, after taking it, it will be able to condense a lot of star power, which can impact the nine-star supreme.

This is not the kind of medicine that enhances the nine-star law, but the magical medicine that breaks through. This is quite conscience. For many Star Supreme, it can greatly reduce the time.

Just Yi Tianyun does not need this, he needs the star energy value. This thing is taken, it is effective, but it is still a waste, it is better to give it to other stars. For example, for ancient stars, or for purple dragons.

Of course, Zilong doesn't have to worry about not using it. How could Hill Blue not prepare for him? It can be said that since the birth of Zilong, Hill Blue estimated that everything is ready, from the initial repair to the nine-star supreme medicine, are ready.

This is the effect of having a strong background. Where is the worry that no magic medicine is available, and it is not necessary to run around like Yi Tianyun. That is enough.

"It's almost time to leave." Yi Tianyun stood up and gestured to Zilong to come over. "Go and say hello, we will leave."

Zilong, they nodded, no comments, staying here, really does not make sense. In particular, Zilong has always believed in fighting to improve himself, rather than staying here. Although there are resources, it is different from what he imagined.

What he wants is fighting, he wants passion, he wants blood! Instead of improving here, if you don't see blood, you can't improve yourself.

Under the leadership of Zilong, they came to the palace where Hill Blue was located. Just before they came in, they saw that Hill Blue was serious and said something to the guards who came.

"What situation, they have killed it again? These guys, really do not give up, kill them all!" Hill blue tone is extremely cold, even more full of killing.

This is the most angry state of Hill Blue. The tone of talking with Yi Tianyun was very small.

"Mother, those guys are coming again?" Zilong hurriedly went over and asked.

"Yes, those **** guys sneaked over our shields on the side and wanted to get rid of them. So many years, from time to time, they came over to make sneak attacks, but we don't know?" After Hill Blue was screaming, His face looked softly at his son and asked, "Why, are you leaving?"

She looked at Zilong's eyes full of disappointment, but she knew that it was a matter of time. With Zilong's character, it is impossible to stay here with peace of mind.

"Yes, but now those guys are still doing ghosts, let's go out and kill them!" The purple dragon's eyes are full of killing, and I can't wait to kill these invaders.

"There are other guards to solve it..."

"No, this is not the same, we are ready to leave. Before I leave, I want to do something for the family!" Zilong said firmly.

After Hill Blue stared at him for a moment, he sighed: "Child, you really grow up. Then go, do this thing beautifully, don't bury your father's reputation."

Zilong nodded heavily and turned and walked outside.

"Master, I have to go out for a trip, you will stay here." Zilong said.

"How is this going, you have to fight, then I naturally can't stand by." Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

"That's good, just ask the owner to help." Zilong did not refuse.

"Then we can also be a piece!" Gu Xing specially stood up and smiled: "I have to do something to eat and drink here for so many days."

"Cheng, please, please!" Zilong smiled, and he was grateful.

Immediately they went out, and Hill looked at the back of their departure, showing a happy smile. At least his son still had a companion, not isolated and helpless. That was the last thing she didn't want to see.

On the way to the trip, Yi Tianyun asked on the side: "What is this, which forces are so short-sighted, even the domain of your light can be explored?"

He is more curious about this sacred power that can discover the hidden points of the domain of light.

"Evil spirits, notoriously evil spirits." Zilong gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with anger: "These guys have been entangled with us, from time to time to attack us, completely do not know what to do. Although we have always been with evil spirits The races are all hostile, but they have never launched a general attack. They are attacking us from time to time, and they don’t know what the purpose is."

"Evil spirits, this is the **** evil spirits..." Yi Tianyun felt some headaches. These evil spirits have been entangled in themselves, and they can’t kill them.

The world is infinitely large, and it is normal for the evil spirits to exist everywhere. I just didn't expect to be right with the domain of Guangfan. It would be this evil spirited family. It is really a fight for death.

"Listen to what you said, it's a little weird..." Yi Tianyun looked at him and kept playing sneak attack, but it was not a total attack. It seemed to be a small fight, and there may be another flaw! Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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