Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2465: Speculate

The evil spirits have been engaged in sneak attacks, but they are small and small, obviously not quite right, and there are likely to be other intrigues. Just coming over to harass for so many years, still so persistent, this is too strange.

"This evil spirit is afraid that there will be other plans?" Yi Tianyun frowned and was really disgusted with the evil spirits. After all, from a long time ago, the evil spirits were the strongest enemy.

Although the giant orc is more ferocious, it is better than the evil spirits. The giant orc is a fierce attack, and will not play any intrigue. After the evolution of the giant orc family, it can be hidden inside the practitioners, and it is also the "credit" of the evil spirits. If it is not the evil spirits, this will not happen at all.

"We also speculate that this is the case. They have been harassing us for many years. They just don't know what plans they have. Try to catch some evil spirits to ask questions, or even search for souls, but they have not asked for a result. The evil spirits simply don't know the real plan, or we can't ask for anything at all." Zilong shook his head and his eyes were full of anger.

These evil spirits are like a sly, they have been killing, they have been swaying in front of them, and they are very bored.

"Well, then I will explore the real thing this time." Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold, others can't completely search the soul, and he is able to thoroughly search the soul.

Not to mention the plan to search out, at least to find out the nest? Just find out the old nest, then everything is much easier, and it’s time to go!

Soon under the leadership of Zilong, he quickly came to the periphery of Guangfan's domain. There are densely wicked people outside, constantly slamming the outer shield, and it seems obvious that they want to break the shield and come in.

However, the cultivation of these evil spirits is too low, and the highest is only the respect of the gods. They are generally cultivated around the star, even below.

Sending these evil spirits over, pure heart is disgusting, there is no substantive significance at all. This power, where can break the shield, and casually send a star Supreme, you can easily disappear.

Because of the large number, it will take some time to kill.

Only if there is no order now, the guards inside are not rushing to attack, but waiting for Zilong to come over. As soon as you make a command, many guards will kill and destroy them.

The guards are not too high, but they have the cultivation of the gods, which is enough to clean up the evil spirits.

"The number is average, the master, we will kill it now, destroy them!" Zilong took the lead and rushed out to the outside of the shield. "Take it to us here, you are guarding it!"

"Yes, less master!" The guards quickly stood on the side and looked at the situation outside.

Yi Tianyun followed the purple dragon and rushed out. The ancient star laughed loudly, and then he went out with a piece, and the punch was a mammoth.

When they smashed out, a punch was a big blow, and the power of terror killed the evil spirits without a suspense. The key is that these evil spirits are still not afraid, let them kill, and the evil spirits are always attacking the shield, like a walking dead, no sense of consciousness.

Yi Tianyun grabbed a **** star, and when he held his head, he saw that his eyes were indifferent. It seemed to be a normal state, but it was like the absence of a soul.

Immediately, he quickly displayed the super soul search. When he wanted to search all the memories, he found that the memory of the other party was quite small, almost no, and it was completely blank.

Even if it is not a blank, the useful information is basically neglected. It is the information of the evil spirits long time ago. The latest situation can be said completely!

"What situation, look carefully!" Yi Tianyun did not give up, still search again.

At this time, the evil spirits around them were basically cleaned up. Under the suppression of the three stars, the killing of these evil spirits is easy, leaving the evil spirit in the hands of Yi Tianyun.

After a while, Yi Tianyun pinched the head of the evil spirits and ended the life of the last evil spirit. This time, all around, it was cleaned up, and it was very easy to solve an invasion.

However, this is not an invasion at all. It is not concealed at all, and there is no strong person to come. This is an invasion, and it is simply death.

The key is that they still can't find a little bit of clues. They don't know what the evil spirits mean. They come over a stormy shield and can't break it.

When the Star Supreme attacked, it would have to attack for a long time before it barely broke. It can be said that below the star to the supreme, it is basically the meaning of coming over the wall.

"Master, what's wrong?" Zilong flew over and saw Yi Tianyun look serious, like what happened.

"The evil spirits are a chess piece. I searched the soul to see a trace of memory. Although some were stubborn, I could still see that they were controlled by a force." Yi Tianyun frowned.

"Is it controlled? They are already evil enough. Can they be controlled by other forces?" Zilong was a little surprised. The evil spirits were disgusting enough. Is it even more disgusting than the evil spirits?

"This should be, but the opponent is very well concealed. I can't see the real situation in depth. I can only see the figure vaguely, but I don't see it very clearly..." Yi Tianyun shook his head, this It is not the first time that I can't find the target. Even if I can explore the clear memory before, the other party does not know where the headquarters is, and it does not make sense.

"If it is controlled by other forces, what forces will it be? What forces are so envious to us?" Zilong frowned, and he could not guess at all.

Their fields of light have always been hiding, and they basically ignore the outside things. It is reasonable to say that there is no enemy.

"This has to ask the elders, and it should be a bit of an impression." Yi Tianyun shook his head.

"That's good, go ask now." Zilong also felt that there was a flaw in it. It was only for a long time, and there was no eyebrows, which made people feel very weak.

Immediately they quickly returned to the palace, and Hill Blue was already aware of the situation outside.

"Working hard for you." Hill blue with a smile.

"Mother, what kind of power we have provoked in the field of light, how can we control the evil spirits to attack us?" Zilong asked directly.

"How do you say this?" Hill Blue asked.

Zilong said Yi Tianyun’s speculation. After Hill’s silence for a while, he slowly said: “The domain of our light is actually a lot of power, but it’s really not very clear. Which one? The forces will do this kind of thing..."

For this matter, Hill Blue is also confused, completely unclear.

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