Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2484: Insider

When the rhyme **** heard that Yi Tianyun was going to participate in the trial of the beast god, it was really shocked and it was incredible. After watching him for a long time, he slowly said: "Do you want to die?"

Yi Tianyun thought that the rhyme of the sea would say something, and looked at himself for so long, who knows that there is such a sentence.

"How is it possible, I don't want to die." Yi Tianyun grinned and said: "I don't know the rhyme of the sea, I can participate in the end of the world after I have finished the trial of the beast god?"

"This..." After the silence of the sea rhythm, he slowly said: "There is theoretically possible, because there is something or a knot here, you will be finished first, and then you will be taken to the upper boundary. After all, in a short period of time, there is no free time to come back. Of course, in the later period, you can still come back at will, but your identity is special, and the rest of the practitioners can come back at will, but you can't come back at will."

"Is there this special treatment?" Yi Tianyun looked at him with a glimpse of his eyes. Of course, he was not afraid to come back. He could easily return to the place with a little transmission of the stone, and he needs to worry about this situation.

"Yes, you are the inheritor of the five-color emperor dragon, and there are too many enemies. The cultivation is going up, and the more you chase you, the more you don't pay attention, the fear is that you will die here. So you are not allowed to come back, not Limit your freedom, but fear that you are in danger." Haiyun God shook his head and sighed: "In the past, there were five-color emperor dragons on the way back, and they were poisoned..."

"It seems that this identity, the enemy is really scary..." Yi Tianyun shrugged his shoulders. This unique star law is really bad to take, and it is equivalent to attracting many enemies.

"It's a bit scary." Haiyun Shen made Shen Sheng: "But you are going to participate in the trial of the beast god, it is more difficult, basically dead and undoubted. If you are determined to go, then I will not stop you, after all, This is personal freedom."

"That would be better, I thought I would force me to bound the upper bound." Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

"This is not going to happen. If you die, you will still have the inheritor of the next five-color emperor dragon, but you need to wait a little longer." Haiyun God shrugged and seemed to be no strange.

As long as there is no strong strength, you will die at any time. Therefore, after seeing the birth and death, it is rather bearish.

"That is not mentioning this for the time being, tell me about the things in the upper bounds." Yi Tianyun looked at the sea rhyme and asked.

"Don't say, since you don't go up for a while, there is no need to say more." Haiyun God made the attitude relatively indifferent. "If you want to die at any time, if I die, then I will say it. Now I will give you a message." Said that you are going to participate in the trial of the beast god."

After that, Haiyun God took out a piece of jade, and after passing the information in, it was to crush the jade, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared in front of the eyes, it should be to pass the information to the upper bounds.

"Is it so harsh? After I complete the trial of the beast god, I will be able to go to the upper bounds, and I will not necessarily die. Can I know if it is not good in advance?" Yi Tianyun would rather know about this matter. Or, I really want to grab the head of this rhyme god, and draw the memory out so that I can know all the insider.

"No, unless you give up to participate in the beast test, I will not tell you in advance. These are not secrets, but there are rules. If you don't do it, you will never tell. You are now participating in the mortal bureau. Will not be informed in advance." Haiyun God made the attitude is still so firm, simply ignore Yi Tianyun.

When Yi Tianyun still wants to say something, suddenly a stream of light goes to the sea rhyme to fly over here, quickly lighting up the jade in the sea.

Obviously, there is information passing, and the speed is very fast.

Haiyun God made a rush to take out the piece of jade, and then look at the news inside. After a while, looking at Yi Tianyun’s eyes is a bit weird: “The message is passed back, if you can really complete the trial of the beast, etc. After going up, promise you a special bonus."

"Special reward, what is it?" Yi Tianyun's eyes lit up, which means they also hope to conquer the eight-yuan world.

"This is not known. In short, it is a remarkable reward. It is of great benefit to you. It can be said that other nine-star supreme treasures are red..." Haiyun Shen said: "It seems that you are supporting you. If you conquer the world of eight yuan, I don’t know when you will leave? I will act with you, but I will not participate in it, I will wait for you to come out."

The rhyme of the sea makes it look like Yi Tianyun’s eyes, like watching a dead person: “I remind you that your cultivation is still a bit low. If you go now, there is a good chance that you will die. You are sure to Going to participate in the Beast God Trial?"

"Otherwise, after I went up to the upper bound with you, can I still go down to participate in the trial of the beast god?" Yi Tianyun asked with an eye.

"It can be, but it will not work in the short term." Haiyun Shen said.

"How long is this in the short term?" Yi Tianyun asked again.

"At least 10,000 years or more, I have seen the shortest time to be free to move, at least for thousands of years." Haiyun God made a serious thought.

“So long?” Yi Tianyun’s eyes glanced at it. This is what to do. It’s been a matter of thousands of years. Isn’t it a bad thing to come back?

"Normal, do you think you are going to play?" Haiyun God gave him a sneak peek at him, completely ignoring the identity of the five-color emperor dragon inheritor.

"Speaking back, can I not go up? That is, I have never been on the upper bound." Yi Tianyun asked with a wink.

"No, you are a little more special, either die here or you must go up. The rest of the practitioners can not go up for the time being, but when they reach the mid-to-late stage of the Nine Stars, they must go up, or pay a certain price, otherwise they will suffer. Severe punishment!" Haiyun God made the tone serious, obviously not a joke.

"There is still such a thing, that is to say, the nine-star supreme mid-late period is above the upper limit, if you don't go, then you have to pay the price." Yi Tianyun knows a little bit of news. , but also very unacceptable information.

"It means this, you don't have to cover me, and you will naturally be clear later." Haiyun God makes the expression light, knowing that Yi Tianyun wants to set his own words and know more insider.

Yi Tianyun smiled, he really wants to know more, but the other party is not willing to tell himself, there is no way to do it.

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