Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2485: Beast God Trial

"That's good, I don't ask so much for the time being." Yi Tianyun thought of it and smiled: "I will participate in the beast **** trial first, then I will go up with you on the upper bound, the shortest It’s only a thousand years before I don’t know what happened.”

For others, it’s not too much for thousands of years, and it’s too long for him. When I was accidentally repaired, I broke through to a higher level. I don’t know if this beast is a trial, and I can’t participate.

Or when it comes to the time when the eight-yuan world will become, it is not very clear. Moreover, he also wants to urgently complete special tasks and gain the evolution point of the system. This is the most important.

To put it bluntly, he helped the mission of Guangfan to complete the task of finding out the real murderer, and the task should almost be completed.

Sure enough, when he just finished thinking, the voice sounded in his ear.

"Hey, successfully complete the main line task ‘detect the real murderer, destroy the real murderer’, get a trillion-point star energy value, and open a 100,000-point good and evil system lottery opportunity once, the system evolution points 20 points!”

This reward is rich enough, it seems to him that the difficulty is simpler than that of the beast **** trial, but still get more rewards! Especially the evolution point of the 20-point system is simply to make him laugh.

"Hey, succeeded in taking the main line task to go to the upper bounds, consolidate the status, and gain 10,000 points in the battle." Complete the reward to get 2 trillion points of star energy, and increase the chance of 100,000 points of good and bad system draws, system evolution Points are fifteen!"

"There is a main line task right away, not bad..." Yi Tianyun’s eyes lit up and it seemed that he had to go to the upper bounds. Of course, without this task, he will also go.

Only now that he is upgrading, there is a full 25-point system evolution point, which makes him feel quite satisfied.

Five of them were the five-point system evolution point that was acquired before the purple dragon was received. Now with twenty points, it is twenty-five. This is very important to him. Can be the necessary points to upgrade the system!

After getting so many system evolution points, you can upgrade the crazy mode. Of course, you can upgrade other things as well. For example, shopping malls, magical skills, and even good and bad values ​​systems can be upgraded. It can be said that the evolutionary points of the system are extremely important.

Relatively speaking, the crazy mode is undoubtedly worth upgrading, and the rest is slightly behind.

"Well, since this is what you decided, then do it." The rhyme next to him interrupted his thinking and did not stop too much.

It seems that the freedom given to the top is still more, rather than blindly limiting, it is undoubtedly the most inappropriate.

"Well, then I am going to prepare now, I am going to go to the eight-yuan world at any time. I wonder if you will not go with me?" Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

"Follow, I will wait for you out of the world of eight yuan. If you can't come out and die inside, I will go back and report it." Haiyun God makes the expression indifferent, everyone has their own choice, what is it? Life is dead, she can't help decide.

However, she thought about it, or said: "It’s just that you are now so low, but it’s just a pre-repair of the Nine-Star Supreme. Are you sure to go to the Beast God Trial? If you break through to the Jiuxing Supreme, you will definitely be fine. A lot. In just a few thousand years, even 10,000 years, you can't say that you can break through to the nine-star supreme period. When you happen to be free to move, you can come down to participate in the trial of the beast."

"No, it's still a long time." Yi Tianyun shook his head.

“Is this time long?” Haiyun God gave him a look. She looks like a young girl. I don’t know how many years long, it’s bigger than Yi Tianyun’s age.

Just in this repair, the sea rhyme is young.

"Whatever you are, anyway, life is your own, and I feel what it is like." Haiyun God thought about it, but did not say much.

"Okay, then I will go to prepare now." Yi Tianyun smiled and flew to the side of Zilong's residence, so that they would take the ancient stars to the eight-yuan world.

Immediately, he brought the charm of the sea to the residence of Zilong. The ancient stars stayed here waiting for the news. When they saw Yi Tianyun coming over with the charm of the sea, they all looked over here.

"Easy Brother, what's the situation?" Zilong, they did not know, and their eyes looked up and down, and they felt that they were not quite right.

They don’t know whether it’s the upper bounds or the battlefield. The main reason is that they are not enough to repair, and they will not know if they have not reached the mid-to-late stage of the Jiuxing Supreme.

Hill Blue is definitely aware of this, but they didn't tell it, because it didn't make sense to know it, and it even caused panic.

Therefore, it is better not to say that this will be better.

"Nothing, we clean up, ready to go to the beast **** trial. This purple dragon you can not go to a piece, I can only go back with the ancient star." Yi Tianyun said.

The purple dragon has no mark of the beast, and it is not a giant orc. If it is free, it will cause an attack.

"That's okay..." Zilong was disappointed. He also wanted to follow Yi Tianyun to fight the Quartet.

"Don't worry, wait for me to finish the test of the beast god, come back to you." Yi Tianyun reached out and patted his shoulder and comforted.

"Master, then go back and participate in the trial of the beast god? This ... will the difficulty be too high?" Gu Xing special, like the sea rhyme, are worried that Yi Tianyun can not deal with so many elders.

It’s not bad to fix it, but which elders are not old monsters?

"You have no confidence in your own master?" Yi Tianyun gave him a faint look.

"This is not..." Gu Xing special smiled and said: "It is a bit difficult, but when it comes to all the giant elders, it is a bit nervous."

"Okay, then you don't have to talk nonsense, and you are leaving now." Yi Tianyun said to the sea rhyme **** said: "We are leaving now, you can now act with us."

"Okay." Haiyun God did not talk nonsense, just follow a piece.

Immediately, they prepared a little, and after saying goodbye to Hill Blue, they quickly went to the eight-yuan world. With the ancient star special road, it is very easy to come outside the eight yuan world.

Before the ancient star opened the door, this time is different, but need Yi Tianyun to open the door personally.

"I took the life of the eight-year-old ancestors, participated in the trial of the beast god, and became a trial-maker!" Yi Tianyun raised his arm, and the mark of the beasts above suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and the hard-boiled front gave a door to the door. Let him enter!

This time he entered as a trial-tester, representing no one can attack him! This also means that he must participate in the trial of the beast god, but can not retreat!

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