Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2486: Surrounded

After the opening of the eight-yuan world, Yi Tianyun took the lead and stepped inside. The ancient star did not trigger this trial. He is too low, and if he triggers this beast test, he will definitely be finished.

This means competing with other elders. Other elders will not care if he is a giant orc. As long as they are competitors, they will kill their opponents!

Then there is that he came back with Yi Tianyun. He has already been listed as a traitor. How could he be willing to let him be prestige in the trial of the beast god? This kind of trial will not be triggered unless it is forced.

Once triggered, no matter who you are, you can't hurt it. Unless you enter the place of trials, once you are injured, you will be punished by the rules of the world, but even the nine-star supreme, can not withstand the attack.

The rules set by the eight-year-old ancestors were quite horrible. The strength of the eight-yuan ancestor was terrible. The rules laid down can naturally suppress everything.

Unless it is stronger than the eight-year-old ancestors, if it comes to chaos, it is a dead end.

The rhyme **** made it look outside and didn't go in. When she goes in, it is equal to private school, and she will be besieged by other elders. This is not what she wants to bear.

"I wish you good luck, the inheritor." Hai Yun Shen made a blessing to Yi Tianyun before the gate closed.

This is not a simple matter. If you are not careful, it is a dead end. In this case, you can only choose blessing. She hopes that after a while, I can see Yi Tianyun coming out.

"Thank you for your blessing, just wait for me to come out." Yi Tianyun returned a sentence before the door closed.

After the door was completely closed, Hai Yun Shen made a flight to the side to meditate and wait, the general beast **** trial will not last long, this time she can still wait.

"It’s really young and sturdy... After a while, I’m afraid that the mission is over, and I will pick up another inheritor next time.” Haiyun God made a deep sigh, she felt that this inheritor was even more Fierce, even to challenge the beast **** trial, how to die do not know.

What's more, it is still the pre-repair of the Nine-Star Supreme. Compared with other elders, it is too low to repair.

After Yi Tianyun entered, the giant beasts around him saw him coming in, and they all stopped.

"Want, the mark of the beasts... This, is this a human race practitioner?" The guarded behemoths around were stunned when they saw Yi Tianyun coming in.

They thought that the powerful behemoth came back to participate in the trial of the beast god. After waiting in, they discovered that they are human race practitioners. The key is to have the mark of the beasts!

"The Terran practitioners dared to smother us in the eight-yuan world!" The guards quickly reacted and surrounded them from the side.

"How are you arrogant, do you dare to stop me from participating in the beast test?" Yi Tianyun looked at them with a majestic look and raised his hand to indicate.

"This..." The guards stunned and looked at each other and chose to let go.

They can't stop it, they can't stop it. As long as the trial is started, no one can stop it, or how much it will stop, how much will die!

After Yi Tianyun glanced at them faintly, he flew straight ahead and was too lazy to pay attention to these guarding behemoths. These guarding behemoths can only avoid them, who dares to block them, fearing that they will be smashed into slag!

However, there are still some short-sighted, roaring, waving the long gun in his hand, and stabbing it to Yi Tianyun. It’s just that this attack didn’t hit the body of Yi Tianyun. A **** thunder rushed out from the void, and squatted on the guard, giving it a pile of powder!

As for the attack from the guard, it is directly on a film. This is the protective cover of the eight-yuan world to Yi Tianyun, which can resist all attacks. Unless it is above the eight-year ancestor, the attack has no effect.

"This effect is really good, whoever wants to continue to attack me, even if it comes." Yi Tianyun reached out and hooked his fingers, indicating that they continued to attack themselves. He really wanted to see how many are not afraid of death.

Those guards breathe a stagnation, not that they are afraid of death, but that they are not necessary. This is basically a meaningless thing, and then the attack will only kill more practitioners.

Soon, other elders flew over, and when they saw this scene, their faces were very ugly. One of the elders is an old acquaintance, and that is the tiger elder!

The elders of Hu Han, even the eight-year-old ancestors dared to kill, even if it was a god, it was also an eight-year ancestor.

"The elders of the tigers have really disappeared for a long time. Even the gods of the eight-year-old ancestors are dying, and the courage is quite fat?" Yi Tianyun looked at the tigers and elders and smiled lightly. He is not afraid of the tigers and elders. He is still a tiger. The elders attacked themselves, and when the elders of the tigers were directly killed, it was one less competitor.

"Destroy the gods of the eight-yuan ancestors?" The elders flying over the frowns frowned and looked at the elders of the tigers. This is a matter of bullying the ancestors, and it is extremely unacceptable.

"Jokes, how can I disrespect the eight-year-old ancestors? Do you believe in the words of the practitioners? This kid is completely edited. The last time the treasure house was searched, it is the famous church that this kid made, and the ancient star. Where did he go?!" The elder Tiger will certainly not admit it. If it is admitted, it is his turn to die.

Both Gu Xing and Zalina are hiding in the space of Yi Tianyun's body. I will come back to check the situation. Where can I show up? I am still not killed.

Yi Tianyun is not afraid of being beaten. It does not mean that the ancient stars will not be attacked. As long as the trial is not started, the ancient star will still be attacked.

"You can rest assured that the ancient stars will come out to meet your elders." Yi Tianyun stretched his hand and the ancient star popped out from it, his face stunned.

"Ancient Star, you collude with outsiders, and die to sin!" The tiger elder roared and reached out and grabbed the ancient star.

Gu Xing suddenly shouted and shouted: "I want to participate in the trial of the beast!"

Shouting, a beam of light fell, the representative recognized his will, but correspondingly, he also became one of the trials.

The hand that the tiger hunter wants to attack is hard to stop in the air. Because it has already exerted some strength, it can only be recovered from the body.

With a bang, he was shocked by his own strength and suffered a slight injury in his body.

"Very good! Even if you are doing this, you dare to participate in the trial of the beast god. I hope that you can cross the first test." The tiger elder sneered and his eyes filled with killing.

"Master, what is going on here, I don't want to participate in the trial of the beast god..." The ancient star wants to cry without tears. He just follows the piece and walks around. He wants to participate in the trial of the beast god, to him. This repair is where the qualifications come.

"You have to participate, one piece has no harm to you, only the benefits." Yi Tianyun smiled lightly, he has his own plan, naturally will not kill the ancient star. Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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