Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2556: break out

Although they have two star emperors on this side, but two to two, obviously can not easily kill each other. Now that there is only one left, it will definitely become very easy.

"No problem, let me take care of it here." Wu Xingdi was a little bit serious: "This must give the Yaozu a statement, otherwise we will die if we die!"

"Yes! I definitely didn't provoke the Yaozu. Whoever has nothing to do, go to provoke the Yaozu? Now it is attacking my city, I can't bear it!" Tianwu Xingdi cold channel: "When I go to the Yaozu During the discussion period, I will ask you here. If you are in the town, the warriors in the Stars District will not dare to come close."

The situation in Juyan City is too bad. I can only ask other stars to help defend the city. If you change to normal times, he will have no problem leaving the city, but he is worried that he will be swayed by the warriors in the Tianxing District, and he is worried that the strongmen of other cities will come in!

For this reason, he can only help his best friend. This is still very reassuring.

"No problem, just hand it over to me. Although the giant rock city is a bit miserable now, but those timid Tianxing district warriors, will they have the courage to attack it?" Wu Xingxing said: "They have always been like shrinking heads." Turtle-like, hiding there and not dare to act, are in a passive guardian state, where will dare to take the initiative to attack?"

There is no chaos in the arms of Emperor Wu, and there is generally no active attack on the upper bounds of the world. They are mainly guards. After all, the foreign domain is too big, and you can't beat each other, you can only choose defense.

Can defend on the line, and do not want to suppress the other side. For this reason, the forces here have not ridiculed the upper bounds.

However, it is also a deep understanding of the fierceness of the upper bounds. As long as you don't touch the defense of the other side, it's basically fine. Once you touch the defense of the other side, it is a desperate fight and you have to fight back.

That kind of enthusiasm, I have seen it, I feel quite shocking.

"It is also said that this time, if the giant eagle attacked it, it would not be squandered by those martial artists and saved everyone. Just one star emperor strolled on the side and sneaked into the chaos. It’s really awkward...” Tianwu City’s main cold voice: “When I deal with this, I must go to crusade and let them know my city, but it’s not so casual!”

After complaining a few words, Tianwu City owner flew away and did not continue to stay here. He still has to go to a discussion, otherwise he is upset.

Yi Tianyun laughed and said, what can the Yaozu say? Certainly nothing is said! Those giant condors are imaginary, not the giant eagle of the demon.

To discuss the argument, the Yaozu must also be a look.

After the Tianwu City Lord left, Wu Xingshi Emperor began to supervise the surrounding guards to repair the hall.

"Hurry up and give me a quick fix. Who dares to be lazy, be careful to be beaten by me!" Wu Xing's eyes glanced coldly, and this is really not a mess. Once it is a little sloppy, it will be He gave the film to death.

After the martial arts emperor was swearing, he turned and left.

Let him keep watching here, it is impossible, it must be returned to the inner hall, while practicing, while waiting for the Tianwu city owner to come back.

Yi Tianyun glanced over there, and even if he continued to explore the past, it seemed to be constantly repairing things on the side, but actually it was exploring the situation around him.

In general, it is certainly best to use the spirit to probe around, but it is easy to find if you explore it at will. This is also the reason why they are extremely embarrassed to explore this side.

Once you have arbitrarily explored it and found it to be spiritual, it is equivalent to exposing yourself. If you can explore it at will, what kind of spy is needed?

Being close is just a quest, and then the storm is not enough. It's so simple. Actually, there is no such thing as natural. Unless you have absolute strength, you dare to kill it with impunity.

After the investigation was clear, Yi Tianyun sneaked out quietly, whether it was coming in or going out, it was quite easy. There are no guards to stop him from going out.

These guards are also not qualified to prevent anyone from going out, including the same day as the Wucheng Lord, and they are not allowed to stop others from going out.

If you stop others from going out, the whole city is not rioting. Who asked Tianwu City to provoke a giant Condor? After the other city owners know it, they will definitely come over to stop the Tianwu city owner.

Other cities are also hoping that many people will join themselves and make their cities stronger. Tianwu City is mainly to prevent its own people from leaving, how can they endure?

After Yi Tianyun came back, he told the details of the inside to the Emperor.

After they knew the situation, they said, they laughed: "I even said that the practitioners in our upper bounds are timid, so let you see who is really timid!"

"The Remnant Cloud Emperor, you are now aiming at the Imperial City to attack, others will come with me! Tianyun Nine, you will stay here, the rest will be handed over to us." Liuji Xingdi did not let Yitian When the cloud entered the battle, he felt that Yi Tianyun’s ability was like this. There is no other thing to help.

After dropping this sentence, the remnant of the cloud star suddenly gathered strength, aiming at the distant Imperial City for a storm!


The powerful attack condenses into a little, turns into a rock, and whizzes away to the giant rock city!

This scene makes Yi Tianyun shine, the general attack, as the distance is farther away, the power is gradually weakened. The attack of the Remnant Cloud Emperor did not weaken at all. After being condensed into one point, even a long-range attack can have great power.


Countless meteorites fell in the Imperial City, and the Imperial City of the Great Rock City was directly blown up. Even with the protection of the shield, the Imperial City could be blown up a lot. The horrible explosion was really scary. Many foreign practitioners who were trying to pack things frightened and ran outside the city gate.

Not to mention those people, even the guards ran away.

But before they ran out, the dynasty star had already killed it, and waving the palm of the hand at the gate was a slam!


The star fog around it was instantly drawn, and it was condensed into a huge palm. The power of terror was stronger than that of the Emperor.

This is the effect of super strong use of star fog, which can greatly enhance the power!

When one by one bursts out of their own power, Yi Tianyun can only look at the side.

"Caughter City... It seems that I was a little stunned, can I just look around?" Yi Tianyun shrugged, but it didn't matter, just he wanted to see how strong this special team has.

(End of this chapter)

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