Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2557: Powerful strength

Yi Tianyun was not the first time because of Xiao Xiao, and it didn’t matter to this. Anyway, he was interested, but it was only the Emperor. As for the rest, the interest is not great.

Of course, the ten-star supreme still has a little interest. If you can kill it, then the leap-level killing reward he got is still quite rich.

Before the giant eagle was sent, although the giant eagle killed many foreign cultivators, but it can not be counted as his killing, can only be the effect of this treasure.

This effect is too bad, if it is counted as he killed, afraid that the star value will burst directly, so that he can rush to the top ten stars.

Of course, this is impossible. Even if you want to break through to the top ten stars, it is still far from enough to rely on the star energy value, or you need other medicinal herbs to continue to improve.

In the blink of an eye, the gates of Giant Rock City were flattened by them. The escaping people and guards were all killed by the Ten Moons. As for the nine courts that went to the Yuanyuan, they are constantly enchanting some people on the side and continue to go back and kill each other.

The charm of Yuanyuan Jiu Zun is amazing. It can charm a large area at a time, and it can charm a group of people to attack each other. Compared to the general charm, it must be a lot stronger.

Of course, the most special thing is that even other species can be charmed. This is the most powerful.

On the contrary, he can only lie on the side, and the ruined cloud star is attacking next to him, which also serves to protect him. Since there is only one star emperor, there is no need to worry about the flow of the star emperor, they can't deal with it, just relying on the flow of the star emperor alone, it is enough to suppress the other side.

As long as the other party is not enough against the sky, the dynasty can be dealt with.


The martial arts star screamed and screamed out of the imperial city. He was furious. He did not expect that the Tianwu lord had just left, and the warriors in the Tianxing District had killed him, which made him very shocked.

Especially when I feel this power, I suddenly know that it is not just a star emperor!

"Bold and how, today, your giant rock city will die!" The dynasty star emperor's backhand was punched down. When the martial arts star saw the fist coming from the bang, his eyes narrowed and his hand quickly resisted the past.


Wu Xing Xing Emperor was directly bombarded, did not wait for him to continue to fight back, but again and again attacked from a distance. In the distance, the ruined Emperor of the Clouds continued to support the Emperor.

Two big emperors hit one, not beaten?

"Damn, two star emperors!" Wu Xingdi was so scared that he hurried to hide on the side, but another star emperor stormed over here, completely scared him.

Even a star emperor, now is the two star emperors, even scared him to escape quickly. Although Tianwu City is his friend, it is still a bit more important now, especially if this huge rock city is not its own city, then it is not necessary to be so serious.

When the Emperor Wu Xing was retreating, the Emperor of the Earth quickly killed him, and suddenly it was a fist, and the surrounding stars were evacuated! Such a terrible power, let the quanji star emperor shrink.

"It is obviously a practitioner in the Tianxing District. How can the power in this area be used so powerfully?" Wu Xing Xing Emperor will be scared when he carefully examined it.

It’s their privilege to control the stars and fog all the time. Nowadays, the dynasty of the stars is even stronger than the ones they control! In the case of reciprocity, the dynasty star is obviously a big advantage.

This is not the key. The key is that I don’t know where it is from, and there are still many attacks and bombardment, and I can’t tell where it came from.

"Hugh to escape!" The Essence of the Emperor will not let go of a Star Emperor to escape. After all, this is an enemy. One can count one less, and all of them will die.

In particular, the Emperor of the Stars has a strong fighting power, and it is a great achievement to be able to die.

"I want to stop me, it's not that simple!" Wu Xing's star whispered, the force of the starry sky above, quickly condensed, forming a large roulette above the head, which does not seem to be a star law, but a kind of Special strength.

Yi Tianyun saw it, his eyes were slightly condensed, this is the move of the foreign domain practitioners.

The nature controlled by the foreign domain practitioners will not be the star law, but a special kind of star fog force, the effect is different, especially the shape, there is a great difference.

Their power is condensed in the mist of the stars, and after being released, there is a bit of a godlike method. But it is not the star law, named after them on the side of the soul!

After the large roulette was rotated, the surrounding star fog continued to condense and merge into the big roulette, which made his power climb.

However, in the face of the siege of the two great emperors, it is still a poor one.

Just after the outbreak, Wu Xing Xing Emperor was not as embarrassed as before, still able to withstand some.

But at this time, suddenly there was a batch of nine-star supreme, flying over to the arms of Emperor Wuliang, shouting: "Adult, subordinates support you!"

Wu Xing Xing Emperor frowned, but did not say anything, repaired so low, did not help him a little, simply not even cannon fodder.

It’s just that they live and die, and they have nothing to do with themselves. The Emperor Wu is too lazy to take care of them and continue to resist these attacks.

At this time, the nine-star Supreme suddenly shocked and slammed into the side of the Emperor Wu Xing, and the "bang" sounded directly on his side.

The violent explosion, slightly spread to the Emperor of the Emperor, pushed him a little forward. In this case, the flow of the stars to find the flaws, suddenly burst into a storm!

"Give me death!"

The flow of the star is bright, and the punch is a slam dunk, the void is shattered, and a black smear appears!


Wu Xing Xing Emperor was thrown out with a heavy punch, his body became fragmented and he was seriously injured.

In the distance, Yi Tianyun’s eyes glanced at it. This is obviously the handwriting of Yuanyuan’s nine statues. It’s fascinating to some of the nine-star supreme to pretend to help, but in fact it’s directly from the explosion!

If you are slightly negligent, you will be affected, and you will be injured directly. In the injured space, carry out a storm.

The effect is obvious, Wu Xing Xing is injured, and everything is better.

"This battle, we won." Yi Tianyun has foreseen the results, Wu Xing Xing Emperor has no power to fight, continue to do so, Wu Xing Xing Emperor will be beaten by the Essence.

Next to the Remnant Yun Xing Emperor still continually make up the knife and storm, it is impossible to escape. Under the strong combination, this special team won the city, it is not difficult.

It is not a super-sense siege squad. It is not unreasonable to send them over. Everyone has their own abilities, and there is no waste.

Only he himself can only look at it on the side. He has been thinking, do you want to make up the knife in the past? Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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