Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 2573: effect

The fire star is suddenly stunned, so precious Shen Dan, Yi Tianyun actually has a second!

Originally, she also wanted Yi Tianyun to come back again. At that time, she can quickly recover and fight at any time. But this is just a thought. After all, Shen Dan is so precious, it can be done casually.

Who knows that Yi Tianyun still has a second one. How can it not be shocking?

However, after the Fire Emperor Emperor took it, he did not say much nonsense, and his eyes sparkled with fire. The next moment turned into a huge fire unicorn, and the Tianfeng beast outside the city killed.

Once again, I killed a fire unicorn star emperor, and suddenly it was difficult to look at the opposite face again. How much is sent here, how much is there? Is everything prepared?

The masters of Tianwu City are even more ugly, sending so many star emperors, how many stars will come over.

However, Tianwu City owners did not disappoint: "Send so many Star Emperors, I don't know other areas, will there be any gaps?"

Soon, there was a quick message inside.

"I feel that I am an enemy of the 20th and 21st battlefields!"

"I feel great about the Emperor Luo, and the enemy battle on the 22nd!!"

Quickly, the guards ran from the inside and informed the Luoji Xingdi of the news. In general, there was a large army attack.

"Sure enough, I know that the other side will not only attack one side, the rest of the defense!" Jue Luoji star sneer, not far from his expectations, everything is in his expectation, especially all battlefield distribution It’s reasonable, and it’s not going to fall into disarray. “They thought that we’ve mobilized the Star Emperor?”

I feel that the Emperor Luo is not worried about too many things, and everything is within his prejudgment.

At the same time, Tianwu City continued to storm on this side. He felt that he would continue to exert pressure. Perhaps there was a star emperor pulled away here. After all, other battlefields have started to fight. If the pressure is not enough, will you not share this point?

It is a pity that he was wrong. Under the constant pressure from here, there is no movement at all here, but the counterattack is getting more and more fierce. On the other side of Tianwu City, it was repeatedly hit hard, and successive practitioners were killed.

Continue to do this, fearing that it will really become a polished pole.

"What is going on, the battle should be the beginning, how are these stars, have not yet evacuated?" Tianwu City owners think they are very strange, according to reason, they should return, and then send a two-star emperor to defend.

Now it seems that they are wrong, they have not moved at all, completely ignore the situation of other battlefields, and still resist here!

As the battle continued, more and more practitioners suffered heavy casualties, and this time they lost.

"Damn, prepare to evacuate!" When the Tianwu City Lord saw that the side was being killed, they knew that they had completely lost. If they didn't leave, they would not have time to escape.

"Come on, still want to go?" Ziyun Xingdi, they screamed, and they rushed to catch up, just want to intercept the other party.

"You want to be desperate?" When Tianwu City owners saw them coming over, their faces were gloomy, the momentum was mad, the powerful force, and a sense of crisis emerged from the hearts of the people. "Now let us go, you can make a profit, We recognize this point. If you fight together, whoever lives and who lives will not be sure."

Tianwu City's main face is gloomy and terrible, they have to go, the other party dare to stop!

"Yes, we want to work hard. From the beginning, we have no plans to be all right!" Ziyun Xingdi, their faces are cold, the momentum is frantic, this time is desperate!

Even if someone falls, they must desperately leave one, even several! This time, we must reinvent our opponents and let the entire outer domain know about their upper bounds. It is not so irritating.

"Kill!" Tianwu City owners, their anger is also suppressed to the limit, without saying anything, immediately burst out with the full force of Ziyun Xing, they killed.

The people they brought were killed by seven or eight, and they were already annoyed. When I evacuated, I felt that I was incomparable. Now I dare to stop myself, they will be polite, and the anger that is completely in the heart will burst out.

The Ziyun Star Emperor is also the anger that has been suppressed for a long time, and the same outbreak of full force confrontation, put the life and death outside!

Outside they are madly confronting, the constant explosion, slightly spread to this side, has little impact on the overall. It’s safe for the time being, at least there are no enemies outside, and most of them have been wiped out.

The rest of the foreign domain practitioners, they did not pursue, after all, there are a number of star emperors fighting in front, if they are involved in the battle, then they will be miserable.

Now those foreigner practitioners who have been evacuated have been attacked by the attack of the Emperor, and they have been wiped a little, and they have become ashes. It can be seen that if they catch up, they will be affected.

"Damn!" Tianwu City, they saw Ziyun Xingdi and others, deliberately rushed to the side of the volatility of the battle, the eyes were red.

It’s all about trying to kill all of them, seemingly to resist them, but in reality they are killing them!

But they have no choice, the battle of the Star Emperor is fluctuating, and it is not that they can completely stop it.

In this case, the people in the city are safer, and they don't need to repair the walls. They can take a good rest.

"There is no problem for the time being..." Yi Tianyun looked at the battle in the distance on the wall, and they could only look far away here and could not help.

However, Yi Tianyun has helped enough. It is not that he repaired the city wall, and the city wall has long been damaged. In addition, if you don't provide Shen Dan, then there is no support from the Emperor.

It is for the two emperors to restore their combat power, so that other battlefields will not continue to mobilize the Emperor. Assuming that there is no recovery, other battlefields really need to send people to support, otherwise they will fall.

Correspondingly, if you send it, the other battlefields will be short, and it will fall into the enemy's plan.

Fortunately, everything was destroyed by Yi Tianyun. There is no problem for the time being. Unless the other party sends the Star Emperor again, they can definitely hold it here.

"Tianyun Jiu Zun, this time is really thanks to you, otherwise we really fell here." Longyuan Ten is full of gratitude.

Not only him, but everyone else is very grateful. This time, Yi Tianyun is definitely the biggest.

"This is everyone's credit, but unfortunately can't go up to help..." Yi Tianyun's eyes are complicated, he can only watch here, it is really not very good.

He didn't like to hide behind him, but he couldn't keep up with it, he could only watch it from a distance. However, he felt that after a while, he must be able to have a battle! Watch the new chapter of zui please - mobile address.

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